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Everything posted by remy

  1. Yeah, Java is pretty good with programming games. Be warned, Java can be a pain...because it requires a lot of actual code, but once you get the hang of it, its more or less a breeze.
  2. Just wondering, what are some of your favorite brushes, and where can i find some good free brushes/filters.
  3. how effective is it? comments and ciritism would be appreciated.
  4. myspace i think...there are so many more people on myspace, either that or its easier to network.
  5. one neat shutter trick is setting the shutter delay to about 3 seconds, and jerking the camera [while still having the object of focus in focus] before the second picture takes. if you do it right it comes out really cool.
  6. If you are knew to programming in general and dont know a lot of code, I know macromedia fireworks does this for you, with almost no effort at all...and I'm pretty sure photoshop does too...can anyone confirm that photoshop does this? I dont use it much, sorry. But if you are new to coding, I would advice you to take the fireworks or photoshop rout. Its 10x easier, and the menus look pretty good.
  7. like i said, its not an exploit. and although i agree security assumes nobody has physical access to the machine...and exploit usually DOES assume you have access to the box.
  8. I just sent you an invitation to redifmail. Also, anyone that still doesnt have gmail and would like it PM me and I'll get to you ASAP.
  9. one really addicting mmorpg game is runescape. You can waste a lot of time on that game. Some people love it, some find it annoying...I love it.
  10. I doubt this can even qualify as an exploit, but here is a way to obtain admin access for windows xp in less than 5 minutes.1. Restart the computer in safe mode2. When the computer boots up you will be at the user's screen. All users will be displayed here, and one extra should appear at the top of the screen 'Admin'.3. Use the Admin user, it doesnt require a password. Here you can do anything you can normally do as admin, change user restrictions, create users...the works.Almost everyone here probably know this, but for those who dont...have fun. Notice from m^e: Topic title edited to reflect nature of post content in a better way.
  11. you could always set up a phpbb board, which arent too hard. its more or less a fourm like this. it requires a bit of coding though. that would be a round about way though. sorry i couldnt be more help. phpbb
  12. The guy above me already described wordpress [sorry, i didnt see your name]. I prefer wordpress or blogger. Blogger is about the opposite of wordpress. Its pretty much simplistic. Its good to use if you're new to blogging softwares and editing css and templates.
  13. If youre worried about the installation process of a linux os on a laptop, and dont mind working with a Debian based os you should check out ubuntu. Its a 'breadth' of Debian that automatically checks your hardware and stuff, i use it on my laptop. Its a brease to install and is great if youre worried about messing up your hardware by accidentally setting something wrong. Ubuntu // Linux
  14. thats what i do on my desktop computer, i run slackware. its perfect if you have the ram to spare. in my opinion, it beats the hell out of wine.
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