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Posts posted by Jeigh1405241495

  1. I would like to add that people thinking about over clocking should research it and be careful. It's possible to void warranties, damage hardware, etc if you over clock too intensely without taking precautions. Further it should be noted that over clocking will almost always raise the temperature of your system so if you want to keep a case silent without fans whirring up or already have a hot case, extra care should be taken in regards to increased temperatures.

  2. Well obviously if you don't care about any visuals that don't add to functionality a lot of aero stuff would be useless (although some of the things like the alt-tab upgrades and whatnot do, to me, add some useful functionality) but to people that enjoy both function and style, or to feel comfortable using a system, etc then these types of visual enhancements can be a welcome addition. I know even in my windows xp install I like to toy with the 'look and feel' from time to time just to try to make things a touch closer to what feels perfect for me.

  3. Haha that's pretty awesome. I personally wouldn't care that much for actually using it, but I love seeing Microsoft's "huge advances in user interface technology" get recreated in another OS without a huge amount of effort, along with giving the user a ton of other customization choices in the process. Good times ;)If I ever finally upgrade and get a videocard that agrees better with the compiz linux stuff I'll have to try all that out just to say I did lol.

  4. First Ethergeek - Comparing any game to Duke Nukem FOrever is just cruel haha. GTA4 got delayed once or twice, but there has been constant updates, screens, interviews, etc to explain why the delays happened and how they are taking advantage of the situation and extra time. Sure it might get delayed again (probably not from the look of things though) but I can't imagine it not coming out in 2008.As far as the game goes I'm psyched. I think it'll be the game I buy a new console for haha. Just looking at info about it last week got me playing through the 3 series again and I cant wait for 4. The police modifications are sounding awesome, I love the database of all the criminals in the world being accessible from police car laptops, and just alot of the new features seems awesome. It's going to look good, assuredly play good... I cant wait. I've been wanting another GTA since San Andreas. I've loved all the games in the series I've played, and when they switched it up in 3 I knew only great things would be in the future of the franchise. Cant wait WOO

  5. Important I have to say yes, its not only a significant development advancement but also a solid investment as xbox said as well it CAN be utilized already with proper applications. Whether or not its a necessity is another question entirely. I think it's obvious its not a necessity as I'm running an old single core processor and can still manage to play the new games comming out (not well, but my vid card also sucks haha). Other applications all also still run so the necessity angle is obviously not a factor. However to see speed boosts the core idea is the only way they have to continue expanding processor speeds at the rates consumers demand at this time so I assume we'll see more and more cores as time goes on, unless they figure out a new material or process to use in the processor construction.

  6. The GUI related points they make are all ones that are very significant to me... not because I feel they are the most powerful by any means, but they are hitting windows where it hurts haha. Windows claims to be more user friendly then linux but linux is the one with the open and customizable interface setup that allows you to heavily modify it to your liking until it just feels comfortable. Seems like something windows would be trying to catch up on more...The new version that runs faster then the old is personally my favorite point haha. It really says alot that linux usually adds flashier things that run as smoothly or more smoothly while windows only looks better if it becomes even more of a resource hog.

  7. The value is a good point, I've recently started looking at even sale prices of photo printing paper and ink and the prices rarely will allow it to be more cheaply printed at home. Further the quality is suspect if your printer isn't of a proper quality level so at least with Walmart you get consistent results in a relatively fast manner as you said.

  8. While I'm normally the last person to defend Walmart, I have to in this case. While I agree it sucks that it happened to you, and I hope you get a response soon, your blame seems a little harsh. I mean, a technological error caused your code to be wasted after it was listed as 'used' which is understand, poorly designed maybe but understandable that it could hypothetically happen if the connection died at the worst possible time. Furthermore this is only a tiny aspect of the photo center or the store as a whole, so calling them down because of it is a little much ;) Hopefully you get your free pics but I've used walmart for photo printing lots of times and have yet to have any problems.

  9. Ajax is one of the few web based tech's I haven't had the chance to try my hand at yet, but luckily I'm in a course now that will be hitting on ajax a bit near the end so that should be a nice treat. I know it seems like a fairly powerful step forward for dynamic webpage generation so I'm excited to see what its capable of once I dig into it a bit. I always enjoy the new technologies they put out on web platforms so this should be entertaining as well.

  10. I'm glad to see those go down lol. I had used so many horrible 'free' web hosts in the past prior to making asta my home that frankly I was disheartened greatly by the state of things. Asta is a breath of fresh air but really as long as the others are around alot of people wont know what possibilities are out there. Hopefully more of the horrible examples of free hosting follow suit and disappear allowing the much more rare professional quality ones to take over and maybe even one day become the norm.

  11. Be patient. The admins have to review a lot of requests and have other things going on in their lives ^_^ Based on the fact that they want to ensure all new members are productive members of the asta community they review each persons posts to ensure quality posts and contributions are being made. This in turn means it takes time for them to get around to new hosting applications so it might not be a super speedy response. However, if you are patient soon enough you'll have your request reviewed and if hosting is granted you'll have the best free hosting available on the net. It's well worth the wait.

  12. I must be getting up on... 8 years maybe? I didn't really do any programming until high school, and even that was just QBasic haha. I knew HTML and a bit of scripting stuff before that but I didn't really get into programming until university so about 5 years ago. That was when I learned java and since then it's been java, C, C++, php, VB6, VB .Net, etc. I think the most unusual language I've taken a turn with would have to be Prolog simply because it is a declarative language which was quite different from what I was used to. Interesting stuff though.

  13. I'm too lazy to figure out what exactly that code (that you stole *cough*) is supposed to do, but I'm sure its nothing too intense. Games are best made, especially small ones, if its creative and original by the author. I'd suggest anyone that saw this and got excited about making a game take a basic board game like checkers or something and try to recreate it. Thats a good start to programming games ^_^

  14. Haha wow, for once I'm glad something got a random reply after a long time lol. This entertains me greatly that someone thought to do a movie like this. I've seen a bunch of images or short animations done with ascii recreations but to see an entire movie recreated like this is intense. Although I hurt for the guys who did this since they obviously have a large excess of free time on their hands, but otherwise kudos to them! I only watched the first few minutes but assuming the whole movie is there as claimed that an impressive feat.

  15. A big reason you should consider a mac is the simple change and experience of trying what there is offered out there. I personally have not owned a mac, mostly because I'm poor, but if I had the surplus of cash I would heavily consider getting one. Not only are they loved by many, so obviously not a bad choice, but they will give you a modified perspective on home computing. Seeing a different way that things are done might take some adjusting in your head but in the end you might find you like it much more. If you think about it, you're only used to windows from being forced to use windows for so long, not necessarily because you like it ^_^But yea, your above questions have been answered and on top of it macs seem just to be an appealing breath of fresh air. If you are interested I say give it a shot.

  16. I love when games are hard. Too many games you can rip through in a few sittings in 10-20 hours without dieing more then a handful of times. I prefer games that make me have to try different things, get better, swear at the screen a few times, and really work for the win. Sure some games over do it and make them nearly impossible, but finding a balance where some effort is required makes the final experience much more rewarding.

  17. They couldn't do that promotion without a loophole or else everyone that lived where it was nearly impossible to get their pizza to them in 30 minutes would order a ton and always get them for free. I see your side to it too, but it makes sense for them to cover their asses to make it easy if people found a way to exploit the promotional deal. Really I don't see this as a marketing scam so much as an attempt to not get scammed themselves.

  18. I'm really interested in this game now. I had honestly never actually heard of this one up until this point but upon reading your notes and looking at a couple reviews it looks like it could be fun. Unfortunately I don't have a Wii but hopefully one of my friends that have one will grab it up so I get a chance to try it out. I've always liked the idea of an FPS resident evil game, but the only ones out previously were the survivor series for psx/ps2 and never got pushed hard here because they were a shoddy product apparently.Either way I'm glad to see they are using the Wii with some very established non-Nintendo only series. Should be interesting to see how it goes.

  19. How could it not be real? I mean you can argue semantics, like saying its only superstition... but its not saying its a LEGITIMATE fear of the #13 but only that those afflicted are in fact afraid of the #13. Therefor regardless of the logic the person has for being afraid it would still be a phobia that 'exists'. I'm not saying I can comprehend how you could be afraid of 13 but I couldn't argue that the phobie doesn't exist.

  20. I think the currently theorized about methods are, potentially, 'impossible' meaning those exact methodologies are not ones that would work. Personally I haven't tried to theorize why they would or would not work, but with an oil-centric society as we currently live in I imagine if an unending power source was possible someone would make it. Sure they would still sell it but they would be able to market it cheap and as a 'green' solution and would become a super-rich man/woman in no time.That said, I don't really believe an infinite power source would be impossible I just cant fathom it. I doubt 'free' energy will ever be the case because, really, I assume whoever makes the devices that can generate the power will in fact charge regardless of how cheap it is for them.I remember reading about how much energy is absorbed from the sun by the surface of the earth and how it could easily power the planet if it was harnessed properly. That concept has always been one to interest me, as well as perpetual motion machines that manage to work a turbine or whatever similar concept device to generate power.

  21. Yea the majority of viruses written are to basically be an advanced version of a prank, or two cause mayhem solely to show off coding or technological related ability. While some of us would look for a legitimate way to show off what skills we may have those who write viruses think that is the best way to get their name out there. Its a messed up mentality to say the least... like pulling a bank job hoping to get a job with a security firm. Sure its possible (eg: Kevin Mitnick) but more often then not it'll just land you in prison serving too short of a sentence ^_^ I'm glad they caught this guy and hope they catch anyone else writing malicious code out there. The internet would be a great place if we didn't need to be security concious 24/7.

  22. So many things factor into these browser releases as has been already mentioned. To me personally, microsoft's attempts to secure IE after all the problems that were exposed in earlier versions just feels like them trying to catch up in my mind. Personally even if they make it more secure I've become accustomed to not using IE so they will need a HUGELY original or powerful inclusion in order to draw back my attention and loyalty.At least they are moving in the right direction for the mass computer populace that uses the default windows browser. By getting the average joe using a more secure browser hopefully it'll limit the ability for hazardous net infections to spread without care.

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