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Posts posted by Jeigh1405241495

  1. I really like the idea. Technically I imagine it could work fine with the same technological reasoning as the flashlights that have been mentioned by you/others. The main concern would be the size I imagine. Personally I don't know the mechanics behind such a thing but it would depend on if the miniature setup could produce enough power to be useable as the battery of the size its imitating. Since it'd be to replace AA or AAA batteries you'd need to keep to a very precise form factor when developing it so you could not simply make it a bit bigger if you needed a touch more room.Still though, I really like the idea. Just would need someone with more mechanical engineering know-how to give a yay or nay on it.

  2. I can promise you that if I ever goto a website that requires I spend one HUNDRED DOLLARS in order to start enjoying it, its a website I'll never return to, recommend, or even not bash. Websites exist that have entertained me for years without charging me a cent and they make all their money via ad revenue. I'm not saying some services should not require a charge but a site like habbo charging money is ludicrous.Habbo is an abomination. QED.

  3. I moved your topic to the proper forum, in case you are wondering :blink:Also, if you have object oriented programming experience I'd say learn C. If not, learn C++. This way you get the widest variety of programming experience while still learning many of the same skills. C and C++ are very similar obviously since C++ is built off C so it could also be easier to learn C first then just add in the C++ skills since all the C things will still work in C, but not vice versa.Really either is a good language to know as they both are used in different ways, so either choice is a fine one.

  4. dserban makes quite a valid point. Prolog, for example, springs to my mind. It is in fact a full featured logic based programming language but it is fully interpreted if I'm not mistaken. I know all the work I've done with it I used it as a live interpreter and never even came across a way to make a pre-compiled application type scenario.I still say php is barely a programming language though haha, people use it for scripting 99% of the time so to me it'll always be a scripting language that has the ability to be used for more :blink:

  5. Sten, stop showing your youth in regards to the boards :blink: moonwitch is old school Xisto staff hehe. Show her the respect she deserves.Oh and thanks to whoever complimented the staff here :D I forget who it was and am too lazy to check back a page now haha.In regards to Ronel, keeping the staff and specifically the admin list tight means a consistent and strong leadership of the boards. Creating an excess of mods and admins leads to troubles as there will be disagreements, opposing ways of handling situations, etc. Keeping a concise and specifically chosen staff has many benefits.I can honestly say a lot of people wouldn't make good mods anyways. Not due to lack of effort really, it just takes awhile to get to a place where you can actually be a useful mod and not screw up your hosting like moon mentioned. I know some probably don't have any trouble with this, and I don't currently, but during this past university year had I not had a huge surplus of credits from last summer I would have lost my hosting haha.In short, being a mod takes work and a certain type of person and personality. People who fall into the category usually stand out and are noticed by us (the mods) and the admins and eventually someone suggests adding them to the team and then it goes from there.

  6. Becoming a mod is cool, you're just sitting there, minding your own business one day. You goto sleep and then in the darkness of night these ninjas break into your room and abduct you. When you come to, lo and behold, you are a mod.But yea, as moon said, mod/admin stuff you have no control over, but asking about it is probably the worst way to actually become a possible candidate haha.

  7. I already knew it had the ability to make standalone software when I said I still don't think of it as a true coding language. The vast majority of people use php solely for scripting and will never create a stand alone php application and in the context that the discussion started I was making a reference to someone who WOULD only be using it for scripting as he had just discovered it and was using it in the backend of his website.I'm sure others have opinions, but personally I feel it's a mix but still is rarely if ever used for stand alone apps. It shines as script.

  8. Holy crap bonzi buddy haha, forgot about that little *expletive*. There was some other one too that got installed with SO much software back in the day but I forget what now, I think it was something to store your passwords and unames for you? (ironic haha).As far as the threat to your social life, my friends already do that whenever they come over so really I wouldn't consider that a threat as it hasn't bothered my life much yet haha.I have seen computers taken down completely by spyware though, as in unable to boot excluding in safe mode. While usually recoverable it is still capable of impacting your day and if the system was required for something integral to, for example, a business it could be a critical event (although I doubt a business rig would be downed by spyware).

  9. I won't even rate this piece of garbage :P Frankly habbo epitomizes what annoys me about alot of websites haha. They take a very basic concept (chatrooms) and add ridiculously limited features (wow... avatars that move) and make it pixel art to draw in people that for whatever reason think thats cool and voila, you have habbo, where you can go to have tons of random avatars go "omg wtf liek asl?"I know people like and even love habbo, I've tried to give it a chance on more then one occasion, it's never so much as convinced me that there is anything of worth behind it. If you want to meet random people there are very successful normal chat rooms out there, if you want to live in a virtual world hit the sims online, if you want to talk to friends there are IM client that won't leave you being harassed by little pre-teens trying to "cyber" anything that claims to be female.So yes, it gets a 0 from me.

  10. I almost bought an external terabyte drive the other day, but only because it was on sale for $300 which I figured was a pretty good price. I didn't end up getting it but mostly just because I forgot about it until the sale passed haha. Basically I think having one might be nice but I'm not huge into video editing or anything of that nature so having a massive hard drive just isn't necessary for me. As long as I'm willing to backup stuff I accumulate once in awhile I don't have any problems with drive space with the 200 or so gigs I have now.I'm probably going to be getting a new computer within the next year so I wouldn't be surprised, however, if I put a raptor type high speed drive and a mega secondary drive in it, such as a terabyte which will likely be well review and stress tested by then.

  11. As is the consensus I assume this isn't someone's everyday PC. Also, based on the title of the article frankly I expected way worse haha. I've seen computers about 50%+ this bad just in my year on a tech support type help desk. If a computer ran a couple years on the worst sites, installed tons of ad-supported software, etc, it'd easily outdo that computer within a year probably, assuming it survived a year. Remember, there is nothing that spyware cant do :P :P

  12. Is this a surprise though? I mean, the entire purpose of aptitude is to be a new more user friendly version of apt-get. If it didn't handle the issues listed in this article no one would even know about it since it would jsut be a knock off of an already strong apt-get (regardless of the things whined about aboce :P )Personally I use whichever comes into my mind first when I have to do something, although it is a very well thought out article but he should have tried to keep his tone a little less biased sounding, I get annoyed when people are gushing over one thing vs another haha, makes me want to care about the hard facts they present less.

  13. Nice find haha, although personally I still think it should only be allowed to have an account at one or the other, but luckily for the people wanting both I don't make those decisions :PI think the problem was it was believed up until that point by most people to be not allowed, I wouldn't be surprised it there are topics where we all assumed that and just didn't have someone higher up show up to set us straight haha.Yay for being allowed to dual-account

  14. Sten you just made me cry inside :P Calling linux unreliable and windows reliable... ouch...I love live cds, they are an insanely cool concept. While I don't personally use them in a lot of functional situations they are pretty awesome. I'm loving how a lot of distros are making their install cds live cds now, so you can boot into the distro before installing all off one media.As for Slax I haven't tried it but if it is based off slackware it's gotta be solid. Slackware has always been a nice distro so Slax is probably well put together since its based off that code. I can't imagine it frying any hard drives (unless you do something like format your drive to an unusual file system and don't know how to change it back... *ahem*)

  15. Haha did you just give a game a review on its gameplay based off a video you watched? smooth :PBut no, it's really nothing like diablo/diablo 2 at all excluding the dark-fantasy setting. It's third person action, not a top down point and click hack and slash, and D/D2 you controlled just you or your party, where as here you order the minions around and the AI controls them, rather then direct control. That's the main reason I like the game, not because itsoverly amazing, but its something slightly original.

  16. I don't know about you guys, but I had never heard of the game Overlord. Luckily, a friend loaned me it and I must say something about it is really enjoyable to me.Quick basics of the game - You are the Overlord - the latest lord of evil in a fantasy realm. Basically it is your job to rebuild your fortress of evil and reign terror down on unsuspecting fools in the process. It's a fairly basic concept executed in an interesting method. At first glance it appears to be a 3rd person action game, which it is in essence, since you control your main character directly at all times and can fight, do magic, etc with him. However, they add another level of depth with the addition of minions. Basically your character has a disposable army at all times with him that grows throughout the course of the game that you control in an interesting RTS-esque manner (nothing top down, point and click orders are done intuitively with no menus or grids). Not only do they fight for you, move objects for you, etc but their conversations and antics are hilarious at times.The game could easily be improved with an M rating instead of T so that they could play up the 'evil' angle more, but from what I've seen so far the game is quite interesting and fun. Won't be winning any awards for best game of the year, but it takes some solid concepts, puts them together in interesting ways into a world full of character. Sure the 'jester' minion in your tower is annoying as hell, but most other creatures in game add to the character of the game world.Overlord is a fun time, I'd recommend at least checking out some reviews to see if you'd like checking it out.

  17. Well, the main reason I didn't use AJAX was because I haven't used it before :P Not that I'd be against learning, but basically I have these reports created in microsoft report services (*shudder*) that I need to give them access to, and my boss told me to use what I'm using, so I am haha. Thanks for the link and ideas though, I'll get that working when I goto work on tuesday :P (woo long weekends haha)

  18. Right, how? haha. I mean I already knew that's the theory behind it, I just don't know how to manipulate the scroll bar, since there is no top level scroll bar property or anything. I'm sure it's something extremely simple I just am missing the specifics and don't feel like hunting through google results for a single word or something that will trigger my memory.

  19. This is horribly off topic, but I have to comment: Saying a genre is boring because you do the same thing over and over, but saying you like mmorpg's is hypocritical to an insane degree :P How many fetch quests can you do before its repetative? hahaBut I still agree, the best of these builder sim games are the ones that are super intricate so it at least takes a lot of time to get used to everything and to explore all aspects of the game and how everything interacts, etc.

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