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Everything posted by Bsktbllplaya

  1. Halo 2 blows away halo 1 so bad. In halo 1, they would start you off with the best weapon in the game. The magnum. You could go mid/long-range with the magnum and a couple of headshots would kill you. Halo 2 has much better maps and weapons. The best part of halo 2 is that its online through xboxlive so its ranked and there are autoupdates. You can get new maps, new weapons, and new playlists when they come out. They also fix certain things in the autoupdate such as reducing the power and accuracy of the magnum, making grenades stronger and some glitches/cheats that affected gameplay. I cant even go back and play halo 1 after I played halo 2.
  2. Yea I remember the days of Pokemon. I would watch the show and play the game all the time. They are pretty good RPG's I have to say. But now I grew out of Pokemon and I just look back and laugh thinking how they were some good times. Now I also laugh whenever I see a new pokemon game come out. I think they should've have just stopped when the pokemon age died out.
  3. I have one trick. If you park your car next to a wall and use your hydraulics, it sends your car flying in the air. I also really liked how you could drive around wherever you wanted so you could learn the streets a little bit better. I was really surprised with all the new cool upgrades you could get for your car. I still don't have all of them yet.
  4. Flight sim is pretty fun in the beggining but after awhile it gets pretty boring cause you just keep doing the same thing over and over again. Its only fun when you start cutting of the gas in mid-air or doing nose dives and some other cool stuff. But I do have to say that I like looking at some of the scenery like cities and bridges.
  5. Halo 2 is alot better also because you can play online. Otherwise, halo 2 would get boring after beating the campaign awhole bunch of times. GTA5 would be alot better if you could play online.
  6. Yea that was one thing in the game I never liked. Everytime you got a nice shot o someone, they would say that you hacked. For instance, I was sniping and this guy was hiding in a tree and I could see him moving around. So I fire a shot and kill him. All I heard after that was "YOU HACKER" and many other things. I hate it when noobs accuse everyone of hacking everytime they get killed.
  7. I was reading about the new systems in my gamepro issue and it said the release date for Xbox2(or whatever name you'd like to call it) is in fall 2005. The release date for the ps3 is going to be sometime in 2006. I also read that nintendo is coming out with some new system but I dont remeber the name of it.
  8. I saw the add on mtv and I dont remember it saying 360 at the end. I remember seeing the green circles but then at the end it just said xbox.
  9. The new maps that came out are awesome. Already people have found ways to get on top and super-jumps etc. Now in a couple days they're gonna come out with new gametypes and they're gonna reset the stats at the same time. I think it's gonna be kinda fun starting over again. Even though it took me awhile to get to my level 16.
  10. The game is pretty fun but I stopped playing because if you died in the beginning of the game then you have to sit through the rest of the game that can take up to some time. A game similar to AA but better (in my opinion) is ghost recon 2.
  11. The greg hasting tournament paintball game is pretty fun but it kinda gets a little boring after awhile and hardly anyone plays it online so its hard to find a game.
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