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  1. I like the killers, I dont think they are awesome, except live, they are incredible live. I dont see a problem with mainstream, I just see it as I can now dance drunk with my friends at rock clubs as everyone knows it hehe.it is nice to say you knew bands before they were famous, like Bloc Party, the drummer went out with a friend of a friend so we knew them from a while before their rise to fame and I saw them in a local music shop which was cool.... and although I didnt know of them before they went big, Kasabian played in that shop aswell and my sisters best friend pulled the lead singer haha!
  2. You talking about the original wolfenstein??? as in about 10 years old or something... man i loved that game :)played when I was about 8 or something haha!I found loads of secrets (including some real freaky ones like running around a maze being attacked by some kind of blob) but I cant recall that one >.<
  3. Ill say that before I get slated, I wasnt sure which forum to post this in, and healthcare to me seemed most logical as tattoos are body mod and a way of altering your image to make yourself happier. I just wanted to know if anyone here has any tattoos? I have the following and I personally really enjoy my tattoos, most people take a disliking for the barcode and frankly im tired of people asking if ive scanned myself in, I got it because its not something you see everyday, im not all 'society has us under control so ill barcode myself' free radical kind of thing, I just thought it would be a neat 1st tattoo. My second was just something I thought would look kool and appeal to other in my 'circle' I was warned how much it would hurt and they strongly recommended not doing it as a 1st major tattoo (little ones hardly hurt) and I will admit that although sometimes I could hardly feel it there were parts which were damn painful, although nothing to put me off, and I also now have the macho element of saying I endured it hehe. But yes to the main point of the topic, who has tattoos? If so it would be nice to see em, but dont feel pressured, I appreciate that people get the for personal satisfaction not to flash them around like me hehe Also what style do people like if any?? I love tribals, but not traditional tribals... I want something a bit different. I like them because they are easy to make out.. people with full sleeves of stuff I find it hard to tell the difference from one to another without taking a good hard look. But each to their own eh I look forward to hearing what other people have to say about them. Tattoo's are becoming alot more common place especially amost young kids and are no longer just for well 'ard biker gangs and 'working class commoners' and I would like to hear what other people think.
  4. Ok here is my opinion.First of all your sexual agenda is not your own choice, I couldnt choose to be gay tomorrow, I just dont find men attractive, why do you think it takes alot of men a while to come to terms with homosexuality, sure if your in an environment which welcomes it then you wont have much problem in accepting that you just dont get turned on by women but men instead. However many middle aged married men who dont find women attractive anymore and turn to men become very embaressed about it and depressed, and alot go to 'male whores' to get sexual gratification because they just cant do it openly because it was be such a drastic change in their life, and that scenario is alot more common than you'd know.I personally think that most men do have some attraction men, ill admit that I find some guys attractive at times, I dont think it sleep with any men but you never know. As to whether they admit this depends on the culture. In modern day culture your either gay or straight, there are very few bi sexual men, and the straight guys hang out with all the other straight guys and the gay people hang out with gals and gals and guys who are comfortable with them. But if you look at ancient Greece most men were bi sexual, men were considered the better choice for sexual partners over women and so most men were either gay or bi, so it was acceptable, if not promoted to flirt with the same sex.Thats men, but women is completely different, most girls I know have experimented with homosexuality, and I know very few girls who arent either bi sexual or at least bi curious.Anyway, ill leave with a brilliant bit from layer cake!!'Crazy Larry was gay''He was never gay, Larry used to say'*shot goes to larry*'F**cking females is for puffs'
  5. I play CS:S now and to be honest I really miss the oil rig I loved that map! To be honest I miss all the old maps, but still CS:S is ace and my fav maps are the 2 dusts. They are pretty sweet, I think dust2 takes the crown though.What about fave weapon? I have no real preference, I try to use as many as I can, but AK, Colt, Deagle or the dual pistols are my personal favs
  6. Personally I dont like straightedge kids, not because they dont drink or do drugs or what the stand for.But the fact that all the ones I know at least try and force what they believe on you. Fair enough if you dont want to drink and do drugs thats your choice but dont force it on others, its just annoying.Personally I dont think hardcore music is healthy though, from what Ive heard its angry and depressing, not the stuff you should listen to. I think to be happy you should listen to happy music, yea the occasionaly sad song aint so bad, but if thats all you listen to I think it puts you in a bad state of mind.Also I dont think drink, drugs and casual sex is that bad, true if you binge its not going to be good at all. But in moderation drinking makes you socialable, gets you friends makes you feel happy, weed makes you relax and smile. As long as you dont go OTT you'll be a perfectly round individual. Many of the great thinkers loved to drink, do drugs. And im not talking this century, Socrates was a lover of drink and young men, dont forget though that in ancient greece men were considered superior lovers to women and gay sex was common place.Noone can deny that this was a great society but casual sex, drugs and drink were everwhere!Also casual sex, again in moderation, isnt a bad thing. Us guys get depressed and low if we dont get some, and for some people, me included getting a girlfriend isnt a good option (I personnaly wouldnt go out with anyone I know as I have issues and I just dont think anyone is worth it).Also its a good way to experiment, become a better lover, and so when you do settle down you will have a good relationship.There is more than just physical health, mental health counts for a great deal, and in this highly strung society we live in I dont see anything wrong with using drink, drugs and casual sex as a way of relaxing and coping with stress. Plus I find it a little bit insulting that you are 'more healthy' than the rest of us. I work out and do run and im very healthy, my friends skate and play basketball, I also rock climb and play drums (which does require considerable stamina for some parts). I also drink, I smoke weed with friends and have casual sex whenever an oppourtunity arrives with someone who I would do. I dont go overboard, I dont smoke weed everyday, once every couple of months maybe, sometimes more like when I went to amsterdam. I drink more than I smoke, when my friends go out I join then, I drink, I dont go overboard, yea sometimes I get a lil too drunk, but I havent passed out for a long time as I know how to control my drinking now. I use protection most of the time when having sex, if I dont its because im too randy to go fetch one and trust them not to give me something.Im still a very healthy, socially adept, popular person, im looking at an A in my maths A level and a good grade in my physics one, my biology lacks true but to be honest its not a concern of mine.]Dont get me wrong, im not insulting what you believe, like I said I respect what other people believe (as much as id like to change some beliefs). People can loose their way with drink drugs and sex, so straightedge is a safe way, if you know you have an obsessive personality or cant control yourself then it could well be a good way of avoiding future problems.Also about vegetarianism, I personally love meat, although I still eat some vege food too (I do like vege sausages from time to time) and I dont see anything wrong with it. My mother did try vegetarianism, I cant remember what she said, I can remember pro's and cons of whats she experienced. I think she said she felt healthier, but she felt tired. I personally blame her diet, as I know she's not the best of cooks bless her. My sister is vege too which is why I eat vege food sometimes. I see it as a choice, I dont see any gain apart from maybe personal feelings. Maybe its some kind of placebo, I dont know. But I have no strong view either way, I think vegan's do go a little OTT. But they arent really hurting anyone or themselves (provided they have a proper diet) so I dont see anything wrong with it.Please feel free to criticise what I have jotted down. Its a lil messy I think. Im always open to new ideas so dont think ill immediatly reject anything you say
  7. A.I really to me means the ability to learn, and I dont see that as a bad thing in machines.For example 'the house of tomorrow' run by A.I, it does your washing / cooking / cleaning all for you during the day your at work. It starts off you program it to do what you want but after a while it starts to know how you like you cloths done, which are your clothes, how you like the house to be, are you a neat freak, or if you find it theraputic to do some yourself, so it will leave it. Also how do you like your food cook, what foods do you like, and when you have guests what to cook for them. So eventually you could just go 'Jeeves' im having a get to get together, blah blah and blah will be here aswell as a new girl, she's a veggie I think, get us some top notch grub kay? And your A.I will check out sainsburies.com and order you some of the finest food and drink you can afford (dont forget it does your finance too) and then get it delievered to the door.Imagine if it kept an eye on you, to keep you healthy, giving you the occasionaly reminder to excercise and if you wanted to get it to only order health food, but possibly keep some tasty treat locked away which you only got when you did a full work out.A.I. doest mean its a person in computer form, sure it may seem it after a while when you could have an intelligent conversation with your house's A.I but unless you taught it how to fly a space ship or calculate Pi to the nearest 1.0x10 - 1000000000 it wouldnt know any better. The difference between A.I would be the initial programming. And im sure that by the time it got to this stage the resources used up would be minimal so dont worry about this.And just because A.I exists doesnt mean it will always be used, im sure that if it were more effective / economic then a simple 'logic machine' would be used instead, for example in doing mathematic calculations, it doesnt need to learn how you like it present really, so logic calculations would be fine.
  8. You make it sound like its a cause for most cases, in actual fact it only accounts for a slim portion of morbidly obese people. Most people who are mobidly obese are that way purely because of their lifestyle. This modern age of parents feed their kids Mc Donalds and fast food, and its a scary idea but alot of the new generation of kids (those who are under 13 now) are expected to die before the parents due to poor diet and lack of excercise. Technology makes life easy for us, watching TV is more appealing than going for a walk, all this makes life a struggle to stay slim. No offence to americans but your lifestyle (in general) is rather appauling, true us brits dont know for sure but with people like Bill Bryson writing books about rediculous he found america when he returned from his travels, how people drive to the neighbours... drive to the gym 100 yards down the road, and drive across the street to another shop. So it doesnt suprise me that people are morbidly obese, and to be honest its not a great concern of mine, my sympathy goes to those unlucky few who do have the virus and cant control it, but its a small minority, the rest of them I have no opinion, its their life and they can do what they please, although I do find it annoying when I see people in wheel chairs leeching off the NHS (health service) because they cant take control of their own life, and use my money to pay for their lack of self control.
  9. Its a good game ill admit, I wouldnt say better than Halo :rolleyes:But penny for penny as its free!! hahaIt is very fun, although I got bored of it and dont play anymore
  10. Well raising your general mood is a tricky thing to do.I remember when I was about 13-16 I was a real loser, yea I hung out with the cool people but I was the lil kid who got ripped most of the time.But I drifted apart from them, got a bit depressed, fell out with my current closest friends, went through some medical operations (as I have a dodgy leg). No girls would look twice at me and it was damn frustrating.Now if you look at me you wouldnt think I was that person, true im a small guy around 5' 6/7 but I walk around with my head high, people look down at me, and I have a scary following of girls at college. Complete opposite of before.To be happy you need to think highly of yourself. Everyone has a talent, find it, love it, know how good you are, no need to boast to other people, just know your good. It doesnt matter what it is, games, painting, music... anything.If your happy people notice! And respond in kind.Listen to happy music, music does affect your mood! Dont listen to Radiohead and depressing emo music! I dont know what music you like but say you like rock music, check out some bands which are happy, like The Hives, listening to people like them sweat their asses off on stage fills you with so much energy. Listen to some dance music to make you happy and get yourself in the mood. Relaxing music for those time where you want to sit back and unwind. Jazz is great stuff, listen to energy in the drums and feel happy!Sit back and think about things, slap on some relaxing music or a funny TV show and smile. Smiling makes you feel happy, you cant help it, just smile and think of all the great things in your life, your friends, anything which makes you happy. Think of ways to improve your life, getting a job, a girl who makes you smile, think of the perfect girl and what you want her to do to you :rolleyes:As for girls, looks seriously arent a must for hot laydees my friend, 100% no bs, they help yes! But they give you an ego and make you a **** with no real friends and then you'll be a loser in later life :)The way things work is just like when we were cavemen, men try and make as many babies as they can with as many women, the ones who would make the best children were the top choice. Women choose someone who they can raise the kids and someone who is socially accepted.If you act like your top dog in the social pecking order you WILL get the girls. Yea its hard to get there, and takes some practise. Just start by talking to an average girl, make friends, and do it alot. Make lots of friends, get a girl who is your friend but the sort of girl you'd go for to take you shopping for clothes, and dont be afraid to look different, I stand there wearing bright yellow hoody's, and a tee which shows my pants and belly and is blue with white and orange stripes from a 2nd hand store! (its the one in my pic) And the girls love it, because its different and edgy and 'f**cking hot'.Once you have good clothes act nice, but not too nice, im actually a bit of a bastard when it comes to gals, ill take the piss a bit, but in a jokey way, and once ive got them in a good frame of mind. Act like you have an ego and your a God but never say it, saying it people will just click and think bigheaded *bottom*. Also be nice, offer them little things and hug em, girls love hugs fact.Just get up your confidence, dont be afraid to speak out, aslong as you have something good to say it wont fail, and remember other people have nerves too! And dont be afraid if bad stuff happens, I was with a girl who I really like.. we were eating on some steps in town, and a bird landed one right on my head / arm. It was embaressing but hilarious. And she defended me and told me it was good luck and so I took her back to mine to change my top haha! So dont be afraid :)Also dont forget to be a well rounded person! Life rules because you never know whats gona happen next, and its damn fun thinking about what could, even if it doesnt haha.But girls arent everything I dont have a girlfriend and I dont 'play the field' im happy though, to be honest I prefer just flirting hehe, makes me feel good :)And its good to hear your not suicidal That would be bad!Life is a great thing, its all we have, as im not a religious person thats what I believe. You should experience as much as you can, and remember even if you end up living in squalar, you can still be happy, I would love it to be poor, say screw this, and life in a shack on a beach in barbados haha!Life only goes wrong if you let it Take control and be happy, after all it is your life, use it!In summary...all you need is confidence and an optimistic view and the ability to sit back, and know everything is all peachy.Sit back, think, and take action, its a lot easier than you'd think!I use too many smilies >.< apologies >.<
  11. I play WoW, its great, EQ2 though is a bag of crud SOE are people you should stay away from, they ruined everquest and SWG was just abismal.WoW is very promising and there are tonnes more like Dark and Light which could take stage soon!
  12. I have strong opinions on this!Halo was an amazing game by anyones standards and still is, it had by far the best single player and coop in any game to date in my opinion (im not a single player fan) and Halo's multiplayer was awesome, although it does lag on system link sometimes.Halo 2 is too an awesome game, however I have to say the single player is pathetic, its good dont get me wrong, but its not a scratch on Halo.Halo 2 like everyone else has said though is leagues ahead in multiplayer, the only thing its missing is bots really to be truely awesome, but even so I do enjoy 1 on 1 with friends etc and Xbox Live makes it amazing, although I dislike the system they use for finding games.So it depends on your preference, Single player.. Halo... Multiplayer Halo 2.And as im a multiplayer man Halo 2 wins it, although I miss Hang em High
  13. Adwodon


    I have an Acer Ferrari laptop, its very swish ill tell you!It was a replacement for my old laptop so I dont know what it cost but its 64 bit and has a cool ferrari look. And I doubt its that expensive, as it was a replacement for a 2 year old Acer which cost around £1300 about 2 years ago.
  14. My computer is from an ebay store called Select Computers, they are in the UK but not only is my computer top notch, the have excellent customer services, I blew the power supply and they took it back and fixed for it, and refunded me for PnP :rolleyes:They do basic computers but you can add upgrades to make whatever you want.My Specs:3.6ghz P4256 ATI X800 Pro2Gb DDR RAM200Gb HDFor about £1100 I think. And it has a nice case which glows blue :)Which of course add the sheer awesomeness hehe
  15. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/04/11/ms_mtv_xbox2_launch/ thats the place. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thats also some basic info on Xbox 2. Enjoy!
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