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Everything posted by linkinpark

  1. I had a smilar problem like that but with the start menu what you do is go into safe mode and reinstall XP
  2. Well usually when you boot a windows if it doesn't come up use F8 then it will show you the boot manual.
  3. I dunno but i use my Windows more than my mac [more compatible with games on windows]
  4. Well it depends on what isp you want i got Rogers Hispeed in Canada and they accept linux
  5. Well i just love Windows XP there's nuthin really wrong with it other than the updates other than that it's colourful and it just looks cool if you want you can use the classic type of windows xp also.
  6. Well yo get rid of pop-ups are easy just get a popup blocker and when you got problems like those you reinstall your OS.
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