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Posts posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. Im sure everyone here is having a hard time getting people to go to their site, so would anyone like to link sites? If so add me coconut_ddd@hotmail.com and ill let you kno when my site is up.! :)


    If you want to trade links with me go to my site's link page and fill out the form http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Coconut, you might want to have your site up first, then get partners to share links. It is hard for anyone to know if they want to swap links if they can't see your site first to see if it is something they want to have their site listed on.


    I just have my personal stuff on my site, plus my forum. You might not like linking to me.


    Post again when you have that site up. Quite a few people here who would like to take a peek at it, including me.


    I agree maybe put a link to your site for everyone to look at to see if they will want to trade links with you or not.

  2. why do people complain about something when they are not going to do anything to change it... if your life sucks get off your butt and do something to change it, if your computer sucks then do something to change it, if you are not going to do anything to change it then stop complaining....from the look of your topic post you hate the internet... but then you say that you hate your PCm Xisto, and neopets... how is that the entire internet?

  3. I know that the gods of webdesigning revere dreamweaver as the best wysiwyg editor, but till now i've been using fp. when i heard dreamweaver was nice and tried it out - it freaked me out for the first time. agreed, it's powerful, but macromedia could've made the interface more simpler, like they have in photoshop. so out of your personal experience, which do you feel is the best? i'd go for fp.


    First off Macromedia had nothing to do with photoshop that was Adobe. I agree Dreamwaver is powerful but it's only downfall is that there are a lot of features that are hidden and the navagation is a little bad. However now that Adobe bought Macromedia you can expect the navagation to look a lot like photoshop with a lot of intergration with it too...



    for more on Adobe buying Macromedia go to my post by clicking here

  4. Turn on your computer for a convenient time automatically

    Go to your Computer Setup (press Del when your PC is loading).

    Go to âPower Management Setupâ and enable â PWron/Resume by alarmâ and  set date alarm and time alarm and then press F10 to  save your change and turn off  your pc.

    On specified date and time, your pc will turn on


    For those of you using a mac, there is a similar way to turn on your computer. Hey, we all need a wake up call now and again, right?


    Go to the little blue Apple in the upper left hand corner and choose System Preferences. Go to Hardware-->Energy Saver and select it. Take a look at your choices under "Schedule" and you see where you can have your mac boot up and shut down.


    Under "Options" make sure you select "restart automatically after a power failure" just in case.


    ChicGhic, see! I told you that you'd learn something new here.


    soleimanian, thanks for starting this thread. Many don't use the features that come with their computers. I don't use the wake up feature myself, but maybe I should try it out.


    Thanks for the tips...


    I have both a PC and mac now I can have either turn one automatically when I need them to...

  5. I have the same problem with cPanel but it's becuse:


    We set Quota for the BW we alot a percentage for every service. We usually set low for Cpanel and other service as the server usually experiences lot of load. Instead we concentrate more on the services of HTTP, FTP, SSH etx.


    Usually Cpanel is not used soo much, except for creating database, setting mails.. etx. But the services like browsing the database are assigned seperate ports. So they work without any problems.


    Notice from Trekkie101:

  6. It all depends on how you design your website... Personally I like white or even shades of grey like rkage suggest...


    #f9f9f9 (the light grey)

    #444444 (the dark grey)

    #ddee55 (the bold colour)

    #c1cfd7 (the shade)


    But the main thing to remember is when you chose a background colour make sure the other colors do not bend in with it. The thing I hate about a lot of websites is that they sometimes chose font colours that blend into there backgrounds which makes it really hard to read. So when you do chose a background colour make sure that the other colours do not blend into it.

  7. Personally I like Macs over Windows... I never used Linux so I have no opinion on that OS.


    I guess every OS has its positiveve and negativeve aspects.




    I think WindowsXP is the best OS for a newbie,novice.



    I agree every OS has it's problems... and windows are for newbies...


    Windows XP: is the most used OS in the world so it is easy to hack and infect with spyware/adware.


    Mac OS X: for the most part there really is not much customization that you can do with a Mac.

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