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Posts posted by rhodesian.dragon

  1. I agree. I like the Ver. 2 (brightened) because in the Ver. 1 it is kind of hard to see the images in the background but in Ver. 2 it is much easier to see the images. Also Ver. 1 is kind of "hard on the eyes" (or at least for mine it is) while Ver. 2 is much easier on the eyes. But I would remove the white glow around the text and just make the text a solid black. I would also like to say that if you did this banner in half hour I would have to say that you did a really nice job. I know many Graphic Designers who would never be able to do that kind of work in a half hour. So again good job.

  2. I have tried Avast and I must say that it is really good. In fact I would have to say that it is the best that I have used. I really like how this program is free for home users and how it is not crapy because it is free. I think that if you cannot afford to pay for an anti-virus program I say get Avast Home Edition.

    If you are thinking about spyware... Get SpywareBlaster and Microsoft AntiSpyware

  3. What I think omegalphafaia is trying to say is that the Yahoo! Bulk feature sometimes has a hard time telling the difference between what is spam and what is not spam. This problem happens to me all of the time when I get email that is not spam sometimes gets marked as spam (and gets sent to the bulk mail folder) and most of the email that is spam does not get marked as spam (thus not getting sent to the bulk mail folder). But this is what I think omegalphafaia is trying to say.?

  4. Well if you look at it that way then no free service is free. They all want something for their service, whether it is an email address (so that they can sell it to spamers or email you ads), put ads on your site, or even force you to participate in surveys. Thankfully Xisto does not do any of that. Sure they want their members to post in their forum in exchange for free hosting, but I don't mind. I would rather do that then have ads forced onto my site, or emailed to me, or even pay money that I do not have.


    However, warbird is right...


    Why you don't just check a dictionary for it? Check the word free and you'll find this:


    Free: something you don't pay any money for


    So at least the dictionary says Xisto is free.... personaly I don't care what you think, I just like Xisto like it is.




    So therefore Xisto is a free service.

  5. I have heard of it and I have joined. The thing about the "$25" is that it is "online money" which means you can only spend it through the stores that are partners and accept GreenZap as a payment (which right now [06-24-2005] they have none) Another thing is that if you use this as a way to receive payments form others GreenZap charges you $1 per transaction (which I think is limited to about $10) to transfer the money to your bank account and charges $2 for a check to be mailed to you (which has a limit of about $25 I think?) So I do not think that it is worth it at all. Stick with PayPal (which is linked to a lot of fraud) or find something else.

  6. at the moment I don't have a package(I only have .33 credits so far :lol:  :D  :lol: ) I was thinking about waiting a while and just getting a lot of credits( like 100 crd.) so that I can ensure that I will always have enough credits for the month.  :lol:


    Just to give you a little warning, if you wait to get hosting (like building up to 100 crds.) your credits will be changed to 2 days even if you have more then the amount needed. So if I where you I would get the hosting when you have the 30 and not wait till you have 100 because you will waste a lot of time geting to 100 when all it will do is change to 2 after you get the hosting.

  7. I am also a HUGE Linkin Park but I think that their second Album (reanimation) was not that good. My favorite songs are


    2.One Step Closer

    3.Somewhere I Belong

    4.My December


    I am a huge Linkin Park Fan but their latest album Colision Course has me down in the dumps.


    I agree with you I think that their new album is not good. I do not know why they decided to go in that direction anyways... :lol:

  8. I think that I have found a solution to this problem. I do not know if this will work for everyone but it worked for me... I was playing around with different settings in windows and one thing I did was disabled the firewall. After I disabled the firewall the FTP worked fine... I was able to upload and download files from the server using FTP. The problem was gone. So I guess that every time I want to use my FTP account I will then have to disable my firewall. I think that this solution is a little odd?

  9. the put and get commadns weren't working?




    No the put and get commands did not work for some odd reason I even tried to use the mput and mget but again they did not work.


    I don't know if you have uploaded before with Flash but if you haven't try another FTP-program. If you have then it's maybe because the server has some problems today, like M^E already said in shoutbox.


    Try using these different FTP clients.





    Both very good programs. You can at least try them


    I did try mulitple FTP programes and they all give me the same problem and messages like:


    "An error occurred opening that folder on the FTP Server. Make sure you have permission to access that folder. The operation timed out."


    "! Socket Error: operation timed out or aborted

    ~ Could not retrieve directory listing for "/"

    ~ Disconnected"


    so on and so on... I do not think that the FTP program is the problem. This problem has been on going from 04-18-2005

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