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Posts posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. Hey guys,

    I'm getting into some trouble on my newly compiled kernel. I had no issues compiling a kernel before but I'm getting booting issues. I guess it could be some type of SATA support issue since this is the first time I had a SATA drive. However, I'm very sure that I compiled SATA support right into the kernel instead of it being a module.

    This is my filesystem config:

    ## File systems
    # CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set
    # CONFIG_REISERFS_CHECK is not set
    # CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG is not set
    # CONFIG_XFS_DEBUG is not set
    # CONFIG_GFS2_FS is not set
    # CONFIG_OCFS2_FS is not set

    and this is the boot error:

    VFS: Cannot open root device "sda2" or unknown-block (0,0)Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
    Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)

    My OpenSUSE kernel works just fine, i don't understand why mine doesn't.


  2. I think just shoving a discrete graphics unit in laptops work fine just as they do now. The external units aren't really required unless you don't want to build a desktop too, but gaming is still mainly on desktop.Laptops will never fully replace desktops because desktops are a lot friendlier for gaming than laptops due to the ease of upgrading them.xboxrulz

  3. Ok, I had to scrap it since my professor highly discouraged using diff because it's too specific and too sensitive to differences.

    He told me to use
    for file in $(ls -a $1)
    if (! -d $1/$file)
    to check the differences of the directories

    So I ended up with scripting this.

    #This code is GPL v3for file in $(ls -a $1)   do		if [ ! -e $2/$file ]			then				ls -ld $1/$file		fi   done   for file in $(ls -a $2)    do		if [ ! -e $1/$file ]			then				ls -ld $2/$file		fi   done
    and this script works flawlessly.

    Thanks for the pointers guys, really helped,

  4. Find out the difference between the file listing in two directories? Or it should even list out the difference between each files in the two directories?


    If it is the difference between the file listing, it can be done easily than the other requirement. Here is what I can think top of my mind:


    1. Ensure you are not in the directories that needs to be compared


    cd [path-to-some-temporary-location]


    2. Get the single line file listing of both directories into temporary files


    dir -1 [path/first-directory] > dirlist1

    dir -1 [path./second-directory] > dirlist2


    3. Do a compare between these two:


    diff dirlist1 dirlist2 > difference.txt


    If you want th differences to be printed on scree - ofcourse, remove the redirection to difference.txt


    4. Clean up! ;)


    rm dirlist1 dirlist2


    The difference.txt or the output (if you removed redirection) would list the files which are in the first directory and not in second, and vise versa. Put all these commands in a .bsh with a shebhang at top, change permissions to let appropriate people execute the script, and you are good to go.


    Now, ofcourse, there might be possibility of stuffing all these into one command using pipes and tees (I am lazy to figure out exactly how it can be done).

    Does the $* variable allow the the user to enter "/home/user/path" as one variable or will it split it to home, user and path separately per $. Like home being $1, user being $2 and path being $3?


    First point.

    For honesty purposes, just tell me something. Is this something you want to do for a friend, or is this a homework your teacher asked you to perform ?

    Because if it's a homework, your teacher "at order 0" wants you to think by yourself, an you have to do the job quite alone.

    Of course, if your teacher is smart, "at order 1" he wants to see if you are able to do some googling.

    And "at order 2" he wants to know if you have some help on forums.

    "At order 3" the guys on the forum can do mistakes and you must fix my bugs.


    Second point. Here we are at in the "open" world. That means that if you ask two people the same question, you will have two different answers. And both of them well be righ.

    My first idea was exactly what vyoma says, two lists and a "diff" to see the difference. seeing that, my second thought is "OK, I will do it differently.

    Here is my script, I wold like you to test it.

    # Let us suppose that we want to see if the files in folder1 are also in folder2.

    cd folder1

    for i in `ls`


    if [ if ../folder2/$i]


    #do nothing because I want to know the non-existing files



    echo "folder2/"$i file is missing

    ls -l $i >> /tmp/size_of_the_impacted_files


    # end of job

    # This shell_script is copywrited, only Yordan friends may use it


    And remember, using my shell-scripts costs 15% of the money you earn with my scripts.



    It is for homework, thing is I didn't quite get how to approach this. Obviously I'm not going to copy code, that's just plain wrong. I just want ideas and adapt them.


    lol, and i don't think anyone is gonna really make any money out of using a directory comparison script, but i never know lol.


    Based on what xboxrules actually wants, that is, if his answer to my second question was yes:

    Then I think yordan's solution is more elegant. All it needs next, are two things:

    1. List of files in folder2 and not in folder1 - implementation will be exactly same as what yordan wrote

    2. Find out the difference bettween files which are present in both folders - To implement this, in one of the loops, when you deduce that the files are present in both directories, run a 'diff folder1/$i folder2/$i'

    It only lists out the files that are for example in folder 1 but not 2 and vice versa but the list view must be like what ls -l would list so dircmp won't cut it unfortunately...


    Like this:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 xboxrulz staff 16 Oct 27 23:57 differences.txt

    -rw-r--r-- 1 xboxrulz staff 19 Oct 27 23:57 dirlist1

    -rw-r--r-- 1 xboxrulz staff 9 Oct 27 23:57 dirlist2

    drwxr-xr-x 2 xboxrulz staff 152 Oct 27 21:16 folder1

    drwxr-xr-x 2 xboxrulz staff 110 Oct 27 21:17 folder2

    ... but showing the different files.


    Thanks for the pointers guys, that just gave me some clue to this confusing work.




    {EDIT} P.S: I think Vyoma's idea is easier to code, let me try that out first ...

  5. Hey guys, my brother's machine is screwing up.It blue screened at least 3 times today. The first two times it came with a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error. Alright, so I went to do a chkdsk /f /r. Once that was complete, the system rebooted into Windows again.Then when I login, it gives me a STOP 0x00000024 bluescreen and then I'm like O.o?!?What should I do?Is it a corrupt filesystem? It was just working while my bro was just on Firefox so highly unlikely or is it a problematic hardware?He has a Samsung 160GB HDD ... could it be the motherboard causing faulty data?Thanks,xboxrulz

  6. Welcome galexcd,Let me introduce myself, I'm xboxrulz, have been on the moderator team since 2007. Have been on board the (now known as) Xisto Network since 2004. (Xisto never existed back then nor did Xisto). I moved over to Xisto because I'm a techie myself and I couldn't post quality content on Xisto than i could on Asta.Now here I am, a moderator and claim numbero uno on the top poster list xD.Once again, welcome and enjoy your stay!xboxrulz

  7. date is correct since the date is drawn from my Linux host. I'm using VirtualBox and I guess it set the date/time for me already.


    I think the quote below something of interest from phpinfo().


    date/time support enabled

    Timezone Database Version 2005.18

    Timezone Database internal

    Default timezone UTC


    Directive Local Value Master Value

    date.default_latitude 31.7667 31.7667

    date.default_longitude 35.2333 35.2333

    date.sunrise_zenith 90.583333 90.583333

    date.sunset_zenith 90.583333 90.583333

    date.timezone no value no value

    Edit: I'm searching for my php.ini ... it's not in /usr/local ....



  8. strtotime() [function.strtotime]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We had to select 'UTC' because your platform doesn't provide functionality for the guessing algorithm

    PHPINFO gives me this error:

    Warning: phpinfo() [function.phpinfo]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We had to select 'UTC' because your platform doesn't provide functionality for the guessing algorithm in /var/www/info.php on line 3


  9. well, even though I'm a Mac fan, their previous Macbook design was filled with flaws, I had to had them replace my keyboard because it cracked by itself, keyboard keys click whenever I get a replacement. All in all, the aluminium unibody plus its glass surface should mean sturdier and less cleaning to do. The current glossy screens are a pain to clean.xboxrulz

  10. Hey guys,


    I'm trying to set up a dummy server on a virtual machine. PHP, HTML, MySQL are all working. However, I ran into a slight PHP error as shown below:


    Posted Image


    Nexenta Core 1.0.1 (OpenSolaris 20080311, b85)

    PHP 5.1.2

    MySQL 5.0.22

    Quicksilver Forums 1.4.2


    Any help will be appreciated.



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