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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. Oddly enough, all of my personally embarassing stories have eluded me at the moment. I do have one that happened to a friend.My brother and my friend Tim got in to a wedgie fight a few weeks ago at school. They went back and forth with the wedgies for a good ten minutes or so, and then finally called a truce. Tim came over by his locker to talk to me with a bit of his boxers still poking out and started to get his stuff together to leave. I then saw my brother rush up behind him and give him one final, major wedgie.I heard a rip. They both got the craziest expressions on their faces, eyes wide and frozen for half a second.Then my brother bolted down the hallway. Tim ran goose-legged after him. Too damn funny.

  2. Right at the beginning of the game I set the difficulty to -100, killed a guy, and stole his Daedric Dai-Katana. Put the difficulty back up to normal, then proceeded to pwn the game.Killed Vivec for kicks a few times, too. I was all excited to get to see the Gods, and then Almalexia and Vivec ended up just being ... disappointing. The cut-scenes later in the game are kind of all right, I suppose.I was wondering something. When you complete the main quest, you know how you have to escape before the volcanic area caves in? Well, I teleported out of there and apparently screwed up my game. I went back to the volcano, and now it's stuck rumbling forever with the final boss just sort of... standing there.I can't help but think I missed something there. Hahaa.Anyways. Oblivion is to be XBox Live compatible, is it not? When is it due out? I have not been keeping up with it at all. I am dying to play it! The graphics look positively scrumptious.

  3. I am so positively addicted to Myspace. Seventy-seven friends haha, most of whom I know from all the schools I have been to. Man, they all added me. I've only pressed that 'add to friends' button like five times. I feel so loved.

    I really enjoy it for the bands. I have been able to find some rad new music on there. I usually have rotating music videos on my front page as well. Right now it's Tenacious D ahaha. I just wish Firefox supported coloured scroll bars. My page looks so much better on IE, but IE sucks so oh well.

    So yes. Add me if you'd like. I'm not too terribly interesting, but friends are sure nice.

    Here's my Myspace link.

  4. I have to admit that I was very, very skeptical of WW. I had originally seen the amazing graphics Nintendo displayed at E3 that year, with the clip of Link fighting Ganon against a backdrop of what I assumed was Ganon's tower and the Triforce of Power.Then they showed WW. I was very disappointed, and had not originally planned on buying it. I ended up getting it as a gift during the summer. Popped the game in... and proceeded to then not sleep for about three weeks. Played it absolutely nonstop. I love exploring in real life, and that carries over on to games. WW was so absolutely expansive, the music and characters were charming, and though decieving at first, I ended up loving the graphics. Puppet Ganon was so absolutely enormous haha.Only thing I did not like was how long it took to get anywhere. I could just put something on my controller to hold down the button for the ship, go make a sandwhich, read a book, paint a picture, take a nap, come back and I'd be only halfway to where I was heading haha.I'm really looking forward to the new Zelda, but Wind Waker was certainly memorable.
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