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Posts posted by Yamato

  1. Dreams have always fascinated me. I am the kind of person who tends to oversleep - not out of laziness, but out of curiousity as to what my subconcious mind would reveal to me next. I will wake up from a vivid dream and then fight to fall quickly back asleep so I can hopefully tumble right back in to my dream world.


    It is amazing to me the things people can come up with in their dreams. Some people can control how their dreams turn out, others can be paralyzed with fear by perfectly normal things in theirs. Sometimes you will get a paralyzation dream in which you have to absolutely force yourself awake, as if your very body is fighting against you. Other times you'll wake up grasping at whisps of a beautiful dream floating away from you...


    What are some dreams that have had a profound effect on you? Ones that you wake up from crying, heaving, or just staring in awe at your room around you for a few minutes?


    I am a very forgetful person, so I find that if I do not write my dreams down, I will likely forget them. If that is the case with you and you want to remember them better, work at writing them down right after you wake up. It will help you remember later, and will train you to recall them more easily, I have found.


    I will recount some of mine after I have read some of yours. My dreams are close to my heart, so I am a bit wary of just throwing them out there. Rather than go in to detail via text (as I find they tend to lose their impact when typed out.. haha), here is a thumbnail of a paintchat painting I whipped out as soon as I woke up from this scene in a dream. It was so beautiful I just had to draw it. Of course, my painting does no justice to my mind, but oh well. I very specifically recall the cat-tails and mushrooms made a lovely little tinkling noise, and the water seemed to whisper.


    --Watcher Dream--


    Alright. Now tell me all about yours =]



    -----Doesn't belong in the What's New section. Moving this to The Lobby.-----szupie

  2. I am thinking of selling some of my spare artwork to buy one. I will probably wait until around Christmas though. Hopefully the prices will have dropped by then.


    I have a few questions about it. Is it backwards compatible? Someone told me that it has the ability to play PS2 and PS1 games, but I cannot seem to find that much information about it online.


    And how about DVDs? Music CDs? Mp3s? How is the memory? I heard that it has 32mb default memory somewhere. I wonder if that can be upgraded?


    If it really does play pictures, movies, music, PS1/2 games ... I might just have to do some odd jobs and get one. My brother blew up my PS2 a while back and refuses to replace it, so all I have as far as consoles go is ... N64. He also ruined my CD player and refuses to replace that. All in all the boy has cost me a few hundred dollars, so I think I may deserve this one indulgence. =D

  3. I could write a huge, long thing about the ups and downs of all my top favourite anime shows ...


    ...Or I could simply tell you all that you must watch Last Exile. If you have only one anime that you are ever allowed to see again, let it be LE. I cannot express how much that show got to me haha. It was on Anime Unleashed at midnight for a month or so, and I can assure you that I did not get enough sleep at ALL that month. My sleeping habits were entirely screwed up by that show.


    Then I ended up watching the entire season in a single day marathon. Oh man. That was one of the best days ever haha.


    Man, that sounds really lame now. But oh well! Murata's designs, a dub that actually does not suck, beautiful animation, memorable characters ... I am in love.


    Haha. Other than that, I really do not like watching anime all that much. I prefer to read manga.


    Manga: Angel Sanctuary, Under the Glass Moon, Seimaden, Utena, FAKE, Graviation, Boy's Next Door, D.N. Angel, Hellsing, Yami no Matsuei, Fushigi Yuugi, Naruto, and a number of others.


    Anime: Last Exile, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Last Exile, Yami no Matsuei, Angel Sanctuary, Slayers TRY, Last Exile, Nightwalker, Houshin Engi


    Movies: Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Mononoke Hime, Spirited Away


    I could go on for awhile. I have never been to an anime convention, but if I could sew I would be going and cosplaying all the time.


    Mmm. Super nerdage. :P

  4. I personally absolutely abhor the idea of consuming the flesh of another human being, but I think the reason for that is I imagine my own body being eaten - marrow being sucked out, muscle stripped from bone, roasted over a fire. Ugh.


    But that is all mental. I think killing and eating another human is wrong. Actually, it is really not so much the 'eating' part that is wrong to me as it is the 'killing' part. If I was starving and stumbled across a dead body, you can be sure as heck that I would do what I would have to do to survive, but I certainly would not kill the person to begin with.

  5. I have played so many. Goodness..


    As far as interactivity and sheer depth goes, I would probably have to say Morrowind. You could rush through the main plot line in a day, or spend months and months finding every little nook and cranny through the expansive worlds. I believe my journal tops a few hundred pages in that game at this moment. I have not completed all of the quests yet though. Hahaa.


    Nostalgically, I would have to say FFVII hands down. It was the first RPG I really, REALLY got in to, and to this day the crappy translation and blocky sprites still amuse me to absolutely no end.


    I also love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was my first official RPG, and a hell of a lot of fun. I thought Link was a girl for quite some time, though. I am not quite sure why, but oh well haha.


    I am starting to get a little bored with all the new games out. I can only hope the new Morrowind and Zelda are absolutely awesome and not just visual candy. :P

  6. https://myspace.com/browser


    There is mine. My page is not all that great at the moment, and I tend to go on there when I have nothing else to amuse me. But feel free to add away. Most of the people on my friends list are people from school, and they all bore me. I need variety!




    This is a pretty nifty little site with some simple code. There was also a very good forum (not the official Myspace forums - a different place) to help people out with their layouts, but for the life of me I cannot find it. =[

  7. All of you seem to be talking as if you are superior beings that have overcome the 'absurdity' of religion and pity the poor mortal fools who cannot help but honestly feel the hand of their God - whomever he/she/it/they may be - in their lives. It seems as if you hold the sentiment of 'Silly children; if it makes them feel better, let them persist.'


    Some of you also speak of religion as a crutch. Well, I can truly say that I would rather be supported by my crutch through life and find out at the very end that I could have walked on my own, rather than limp through life without it and find out that I truly needed it. Basically, I'd rather believe in God and be wrong than not believe and be wrong.


    I was raised Atheist. Since coming to God, I have noticed profound changes in my life. I am not pessimistic like I used to be, I am more accepting of people, I am much happier. That is not to say that God has blessed me with flowers and sunshine, but rather that I am taking the bad days a lot less harshly than I would have before.


    Perhaps that is not God working in me. Perhaps I have convinced myself that God has improved my life when really it is just a belief in self that has sprouted from it. Maybe He is not real at all, and it's just my mind improving on it's own and thinking it is God in my life.


    Or maybe He really is up there.


    The fact of the matter is, none of you were present at Creation. None of you can go back in time and say "This is exactly how it happened. I saw it with my very eyes."


    I cannot prove my beliefs just as you all cannot prove yours. It is really a silly thing to debate. I personally quite like my crutch, and I'd rather believe it is real than believe it is not. At least if I'm wrong, it's not as bad as it would be if I was wrong coming from the other side of the tracks.


    Woah. Rambling. I probably lost the point of the conversation somewhere up there, but oh well...

  8. I don't know what your goal is with the page, but in all honesty, it looks very, very generic. It doesn't hold my interest in the least bit.


    I am no know-all for coding or design or anything at all, and I'm going out on a limb here to assume the same of you. If I'm right and this is your best design and not just a placeholder for now, I'd suggest building a slightly less bland page using Yahoo Geocities pagebuilder and then just copy the coding from it, and replace Geocities URLs with your personal Xisto ones.


    Unless you just want a place to have game commands available to whomever just randomly stumbles across it. :P


    Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but in turn you may bash me to pieces whenever I finally get my page up. :P

  9. I think it is more inhumane to keep someone who is brain-dead alive for a long period of time than it is to let them finally die peacefully. If I was ever in that situation and showed no signs of improvement after five years, I'd rather die than be a burden to my family.

  10. I personally like each of them individually, but FFVII will always be the best to me. It was the first one I ever played, I loved the music and storyline, and the crappy translation and blocky sprites were just plain amusing. The bloody scene at Shinra HQ in the first disc had me shaking, and every time I heard Sephiroth's theme I got scared. That sounds lame, but hey, I was only about nine years old. I am looking forward to Advent Children an immense amount.I think FFIX has been greatly underappreciated, whereas FFVIII was greatly overrated. FFX was fun, but way way too easy. FFX-2 had the same problem. They seem to keep declining in quality. Like to make up for the money they lost in their movie flop, Square has to focus on pumping out games to sell rather than quality games. The cash-in on the success of FFVII has been pissing me off. Dirge of Cerberus, Core Crisis, Before Crisis... ugh. They're milking my favourite game for all it's worth.

  11. After I've gotten a little bit done on one half of the face, I apply a meshsmooth modifier to it and just copy one half of the face as an instance and mirror it. I weld the two halves together vertex by vertex down the middle after it looks how I want it to.


    I enjoy being tedious. :P

  12. I have not played through it on the normal campaign yet, but I very much enjoy playing it on XBox Live with my friends. Betraying your teammates is fun, especially when you sneak around behind them and punch them hahaa.

  13. That's pretty darn awesome. It's happened far too often that I eagerly whip out a bag of cheese only to find it expired and moldy. Ugh.Not to mention that would make working as a store stocker easier. I worked as one a few years ago, and checking the expiration dates of every single item every single morning was such a hassle. Now, just look for the warning colours =D.

  14. Wow, those are very nice!!! You're either learning very fast, or your instructor's really great. Or both. The hair's really realistic. Did you use multiple maps for the first two?


    The lighting's a bit too much though... Too much light reflecting on the face makes it blinding and unseeable, unless you want that effect...


    My instructor has no idea at all what he is doing haha. For the first two, I used only a basic material for the hair with a very high Noise map - no personalized maps textured in an image editing program at all. The bottom one I textured the hair and eyes for, and at this point in time have only used one map for each. Top layers of the hair will have their own map.


    I was going for the blinding effect. I enjoy forcing people to focus on the key areas of a face - eyes, lips, how the hair falls around and frames it. Here's one without the lighting:


    Posted Image


    At that point in time I had not attached the two halves of the head, which is why there's a nice bulky line right down the center of the face haha.

  15. I recall watching a special on the Discovery Channel when I was about eight years old that speculated on the disasterous results an asteroid impact could have on Earth.I also recall the show mentioning a possible collision in 2030, and do not remember sleeping at all that night from fear.So this is messing with my mind a little bit.Where do I plan to be around the time of this sighting? Either dead or Mars. I'm not a risk taker :)

  16. I am a high-school student that has been using 3ds Max 5 for the past six months or so. I have a lot to learn as far as modeling goes, but I have some links that you may find useful.


    --Go here for a 3ds Max 7 trial

    --A very awesome 3ds Max texturing/modeling tutorial.

    --3d Total


    Those will be good to get you started. I highly recommend using 3ds max. You can learn a lot during those 30 trial days, and if your trial runs out, you could always scrounge up a 3ds Max 5 or 6 tutorial somewhere.


    I have some images of models I've made. I do environments/furniture/so on in school, but I find them boring. Character modeling is where it's at.


    I'm first year and my instructor has absolutely no clue what he is doing, so bear with me. I still have a very long way to go.


    The one on the bottom is far from done. Very far. Haha. The top two were done within my first month or so of learning to use the program.


    Posted ImagePosted Image

    Posted Image


    So yes. :) Modeling is fun. I very much hope to go to college for it.

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