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Everything posted by dungsport

  1. Hehe, they are so helpful. Just type about:config at the address bar could let you control all that. BTW, here are the list of prefix about:... that you can play with your address bar. about: shows info on Firefox's version number, copyright, etc.; about:config reveals the Configuration Console, a repository brimming over with scores of customizable settings; about:cache displays a summary of both your memory and file cache, with a link to full file listings; about:buildconfig lists the compiler options that were used to create your version of Firefox (and, since it's open source, anyone can compile a customized version); about:plugins enumerates your installed add-ons, which can be quite numerous since Firefox is designed to be modular and extensible; and about:credits is an "Easter egg" that includes the names of hundreds of developers and testers who worked on the product. I dont really like Firefox and it is not as comfortable as Maxthon (former MyIE2). Many websites aren't displayed properly in Firefox. Maybe their creators are Microsoft lovers or maybe they are suk in Web design (more likely), lol.
  2. So, It is apparently that using tabled-layout is easier. I usually use CSS for fancy things like theme styles... In this case, CSS does much better and much more flexible.In my opinion, for the basic web page structure, tables are more likely compatible with all existing browser. I found my pages are displayed differently from one browser to the other when I use CSS style (positioning, margin,...).Some CSS attributes work in this browser but the others.Have you ever tried to view your web pages in several browsers? Do it and see how good your design skill is. Let's consider M$ Internet Explorer, FireFox, Netscape, Opera, Linux browsers (Konkeror, FireFox, Netscape...)... and even Safari on Mac.I have been struggling with my project just because of these browsers. People in my company are using different platforms and different browsers. LOL, each of them complains to me about my pages very very differently. What a shame!!!The more complex is your page, the more likely that compatibility problems will ariseKeep it simple as long as it works for everyone (even though it is not a good style)
  3. Haha, when I was writing this I thought people would say "Oh, it's not worth for a go". Uhm, people usually tell me that if you dont do it, you dont know what people would think.@Dream, i had that idea in mind (about on screen keyboard) but I would not suggest it if I were you. On screen keyboard, in another way, it works similarly to physical keyboard. So? keyloggers can hook it to the keyboard events. I reckon, it may not be right, :rolleyes:Anyway, it's useful, right? I've never posted this idea anywhere else but Xisto. Just for your special work, Xisto ppl. Keep it up and do the right things,Thanks again,
  4. Hi everyone, I haven't posted on Xisto for a long time. Now thinking of contributing to this forum some good tips and tutorials (not crap posts or non-sense discussion). This is my own tip for you to keep your passwords or secret numbers (like Credit card number) safe from keyloggers or spywares installed on you system, which you may not be aware of them. Some may find this useful, some may think it's crap but I'm sure that it should be helpful for people who dont know much about computer's viruses/spyware... This tip only prevents giving your passwords to keyloggers or spyware that record what you type on the keyboard. It may not work with software that records your screen. You know when you open your email or do internet banking or make online purchases, you need to pass some identification processes like logon with your username and password, or enter your credit card number and expired date, so on... Keyloggers/spyware will record continuously what you type. So, basically people type in their precious information from left to right. Hackers read the logs from left to right too. So, .... you know what would happend. My tip is: when you have to enter your secret information on the net or anywhere else, dont type it in the order that everyone can read and combine using keyboard and mouse. Have a look at following example: Let say your creditcard number is 123456789101112 You may enter 451012 Use the mouse to move the cursor to the beginning of the text and enter 1234 (remember: dont use arrow keys cause they could be recorded, mouse movement can be recorded too but only coordinates, it doesnt tell exactly whereabout it is) Then click the mouse in between 45 and 10 => 45|10, and type in 11 Then click the end of the text and type in 12 You may not believe this tip but you can try. Download one of the keylogger and see the log. The logs will have some thing like 45101212341112, which is useless. You could do the same for your password. In this case you have to remember what and where you typed in cause your password will be all asterisks. To sum up, the more complicated you enter your infor, the harder people could get it. And to reduce the risk of incorrect password input, make a rule for entering your password and use it regularly. I hope you guys understand the idea of doing this.
  5. I have the same thinking as Rainbow. I think there should be a walk around it if you really want to display pdf's content in your flash. So, this could be done with a bit of work. You can use that tool to convert .pdf files to .swf file all at once or on the fly when people need to read it. I reckon you should convert them all into swf file and load them into flash file later (flash file is a reader in this case). Otherwise, you can use server script to convert the required pdf file on the fly then load the result into flash (this way requires more work and server permissions to execute commands) Hope this worked out for you
  6. I have investigated this dialog and found out that in one circumstance, my dialog looks the same as your (Split to volumes field is disable). Solution is: Click on Profiles... button and select Default Profile Try that first and let me know if it works. If you could not find the Default Profile in the list. You can tell Winrar to create one. Open Winrar from Start menu, select menu Options -> Settings... (or press Ctrl+S). Click on tab Compression, you should see a Settings dialog like the following. Then press Create default... button and set up your own favourite one (it will be default).
  7. Check out http://3mp3.ru/. They must have what you're requiring. And the best of it is the language they're using is Russian. Spot on! See more information from a post of mine (I dont wanna post here again) http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82809-topic/?findpost=1064295770
  8. Winrar is a powerful compressing software on the market. I prefer Winrar than Winzip (of course because it supports rar files, lol). If you compress your file(s), you can enter the volume size in "Split to volumes" field in the "archive name and parameters dialog" in general tab to create volumes (multi part archives). By default it is entered in bytes. But if you add a lowercase letter 'k' at the end of the volume size, the entered value will be considered as kilobytes (multiplied by 1024). Use an uppercase 'K' to denote thousand of bytes (multiply by 1000), ' m' means megabytes and 'M' - million of bytes. It is also possible to select the volume size from the list associated with this item. Note that if you are archiving to a removable disk, you may select "Autodetect" from the list and WinRAR will choose the volume size automatically for each new volume. For multiple CD's you can enter for example "700m" for 700MB CD's. WinRAR creates a multi-volume archive (volname.part001.rar, volname.part002.rar, etc. ) The volumes are 700MB and the last volume may be smaller In your case, you should enter 10m or 10000 into "Split to volumes" field then click OK. Then up you go.
  9. Check out http://www.flashkit.com/. They have a lot of tutorials in flash. You won't get disappointed there.
  10. Even though I'm not a fan of it but I love it more than Need for Speed. Initial D is not very flashy designed but realistic. If you are a real Initial D lover, you must be playing on Video Game not on PC or PS2. Go to game club and feel it, challenge it.I have a version on PS2 but dont like it much. Spend more time in game club, lol.
  11. Refer to following articles for more information: http://visualbasic.about.com/od/ http://www.eastcoastgames.com/VBA/Intro.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (very good and comprehensive presentation) http://www.vb-helper.com/index_multimedia.html (animation section) As far as I know, you can create an animated gif image or flash file then embed them into VB form. Here is one of many tutorials on the net http://www.anim-fx.com/flash-tutorials/insertvb6.html
  12. I'm more than happy to give out the flash source code if you or anyone would like. I have "stolen" the animated logo from Xisto site. I think it's ok for me to use it (this is why I was asking if Xisto already had this kind of logo).In flash, I use layers so it's ok for you to spice it up.Tell me if you need the source, otherwise you can get the flash off my site. You're welcome.
  13. Thanks a lot Silent, I have tried your image on my site but It doesn't look all right with my theme. So based on what you design and the logo from Xisto.com, I have created a flash logo. You can have a look on my website (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)Tell me what you think about it.
  14. I'm confused to when reading your post. At least you could give us more information of your site. What files do you have and how the frames look like. To create a website with frames, you should have some ideas. Framed pages are organised differently. In this case your index.html is where information of frames should be stored. There are a separated html file for each frame you have defined in index.html. Let's say you have 2 frames (top and bottom) in you website. The top frame you want to put banner and menus... and the content will be displayed in the bottom one. So, at least you should have 3 html file: - index.html - banner.html - content1.html, content2.html... so on... Each menu item in the banner.html will point to relevant content in contentx.html. I've just tried to give you some ideas before you can move on. However, tutorials of how to create websites with frames could be found anywhere. Following are some of them: http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=ripplestorm&e=com http://www.hypergurl.com/frames.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Here, another way if you'd like to use javascript on your page. They are just a simple one, you could find a lot more on the net through Google. This matter could also be done in Flash which is flashier but not really easy to do. Tutorial of how to do it can be found through search engines too. Check out http://www.flashkit.com/ if you are serious to Flash.
  16. if you have a big collection of nice pictures, want to show off and receive feedback for each of them, why dont you try http://www.deviantart.com/. Just go there, create an account and post your pics onto it. They will stay there forever and you can also make a link to it anytime. On deviantart, you also have your own space like personal gallery which is the best to present to your friend. Your gallery could be <yourname>.deviantart.com like mine http://dungsport.deviantart.com/ and the similar one http://dungsport.zidean.com/. Tell the world who you are!!!
  17. Are you sure spickid? I went to angelfire.com and couldnt find anything but hosting advertisement from Lycos.com. I love downloading music too. Please tell us somewhere like 3mp3.ru or even better. Dont joke!!!
  18. Have you guys tried Survival Project? It's so cool and much better than Gunbound (if you're Gunbound lover). Try it here: http://www.survival.com.my/
  19. Thanks vizsky, szupie has done a greate job but these banners are not what I'm after. @Silent Soul X, could you please make them in this height or smaller is better: I think those are okie but I also need one for Xisto. PNG format with transparency would be the best choice since people can edit it or put on different background or up to their creativity. Their dimensions should not go over 50 pixels in height and 700 pixel in width. Once I have the set of three, I could create a flash banner then let you see. Thanks in advance.
  20. LOL, what a space waste!!!I dont wanna make this post but please read the original post before answer it.
  21. Dear Xisto managers,I have been using your free hosting service for just a week but I really appreciate such a good service that you bring us. In order to acknowlege this, I'd like to put a link to Xisto as well as your other services on my website. I couldn't find any logo of Xisto, except Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting.I have used some free hosting services but they all are the same type. Some were very good at the beginning (no ads at all) but over the time they will introduce annoying banners and popups. I did suggest this idea to my previous host but they dont accept it.Hosting Credits is a good thing to promote people sharing knowledge and helping others in order to get such a free web service in return. I'm not a real expert but willing to help people in computing stuff (also in my real life). I reckon this is the right place for me.So let me know if you find this idea is ok.Regards,PS: is it possible for hosted members to obtain hosting credits by this way?
  22. I've never heard of shutmail. Are they new and worth to trust? Have you ever used up 1Gb mail box. Since Yahoo mail upgraded my account to 250, I think it's more than enough. Their term for getting a free domain is so strict. I'm living in Australia but they count 7 views as 4, wth??? I'd better use http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en. Just use yourname.tk, it's so short and somehow meaningful.
  23. Thanks Xeon, StreamRipper sounds itself a good one. I will try it and hope it does a good job. @redsox58, I remember the program, it's HiDownload Pro at http://www.hidownload.com/. Some people may not like it but why dont you give it a go. Who knows you will like it.
  24. As szupie said, are you looking for a website that you can download music for free of course? I know one and have downloaded a lot from there. They have two different services there, one is free and the other is not. With only 5$ a month, you can download as much as you hard drive can store, lol. Or you can create a free account and download 1 song everyday. Oh, shhh......, this is my trick. I have created about 10 accounts on their server and can download 10 songs everyday, lol. But it's not that easy because they log your ip address too. You can only download 1 song with 1 account on 1 ip address. So? I use public proxy servers each time logon, hehe. This website is worth for you to do so. They have a huge collection of music and cheap subscription that I have never seen anywhere else. List of free public proxy servers can get here: http://www.publicproxyservers.com/proxy/list1.html http://www.proxy4free.com/ Here the link to that website: http://3mp3.ru/eng/ (remember /eng for english, otherwise you got all in Russian).
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