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Everything posted by rkage

  1. Am I the only one who detests marquees? They are really annoying. They dont move smoothly and its annoying when people have large amounts of text, you miss the first few words and you have to wait 1 minute before it comes round again.
  2. Just me being sarcastic. Hardly any of my friends would email me, they'd phone me for a chat, text me to tell me something or call down to do something. The only person I email is my uncle in Australia because it is cheaper and easier than phoning. But we dont have that much to talk about.So all I find so much space for is emailing files to my mates or putting important files into emails and sending them to myself to store the files.But if they gave you a free friend... Id have someone to email! I can imagine the advertising campaign. "Sign up now and recieve unlimited space for email and, for a limited time only, you can get your own friend. He likes rock music, strawberry ice cream, and midnight strolls on the beach!"
  3. Maybe they should give you a friend each time you sign up to help you fill up the space. Last year I had a hotmail account and couldn't keep no more than two emails basically. Next I got a 1gb email which I haven't been even close to filling up, now I am getting a thereotical infinity account? Google could do hosting with all the space. GHost...no wait that spells a word. Well anyway, they are slowly taking over the internet don't you think. Advert Schemes, Email and of course the search engine...all for free. All they need to do is release an instant messenger, hosting account and an internet browser and we've got a new Microsoft. Well hopefully not as bad as Microsoft as at least Google listens to its customers to some extent.
  4. No its more like asking which of these is the best; Oxygen Water Television Legs Eyeballs Marmalade Kebab Shop Black hole Britney Spears HTML is the best language because without it you don't have a website at all. Even XML has to be transformed to HTML before it makes any sense. I suppose you could argue that you could send a webpage as a txt file but that wouldnt be very exciting...
  5. I always Google because it searches forums as well which will almost always have information that people have researched and put into a friendly way. And generally when you are really stuck on something, you have no background knowledge on the subject. If you knew were to start then you could look up pieces easily. Like for example, if I wanted to build a webpage and wanted to know how to use the definition tags, would posting here do me any good? Not when I can find the answer by Googling in 10 seconds, where the answer is much more accurate. But say I didn't know how to build a web page. Would asking on a forum do any good. Not really because they would assume you had some background knowledge, they don't know your understanding level. And how many people are going to post a step by step guide everytime someone asks a question like that when the answer is out there put in a thousand different ways. So Googling can be better than posting in a forum. However, I do agree with you in that posting "Google it" is pointless. What should be done is post a link to the website that you find easy to understand and useful. But I do recommend to search google for anything like that before posting. There are websites out there that will help. What I do is click on page nine or ten of Google, less known sites are there but they tend to have better information.
  6. So I was, and still am, thinking about creating a much more GUI based layout to my site were the Photoshop layout meets CSS type thing. But since I am not the best artist in Photoshop, I decided to use already generated images. No, not even Google ones, far closer to home than that... The Layout What I've tried to do here is combine tags and useful things from the XHTML and CSS with as small, and limited number of, pictures as possible. I've yet to add a few things on but it is really good to have something to aspire to create a 100% layout of so that you know that you can do it. If i was creating it from memory, it wouldnt be so good. So, for laughs, I want ideas for the layout. How can it be improved other than adding the Start menu thingymabobs. I was thinking of making it a "free site" where users on this board submit links to free programs so that other users can find them. Also we could put our sites on the desktop as links. Obviously i cant release the layout as MS will probably sue me or something but it would be fun to have. Whattya think?
  7. I was going to buy a cool nickname at the shop but I slept in that morning and when I got there the queue was way big so I went a bought a burger. After I ate that, I went and joined the now small queue. This was the only name they had...Normally I go by SNAKEKILLER because when I was on a camping weekend a snake bit my friend so I grabbed the snake and stuck its head over a rock. Then I got a nickname Poor snake, I'm sorry.But that always took to long to type. And my second name (which I'm not revealing ) is too boring so I looked up history on my surname and out popped that it meant "cage". I thought it was cool but it would sound better with a K.
  8. Thanks very much NilsC. I Got it working! Now I can Shut down the computer from my room. Class!
  9. I got this code a while a go which compresses the CSS script before you send it which means even faster processing. Normally, this wouldn't be advised but since you are using PHP in the code anyway, it might be worth it. Note: I am not sure if Xisto's PHP version supports this to test it and if it works let me know! <?php ob_start ("ob_gzhandler");header("Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8");header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");$offset = 60 * 60;$ExpStr = "Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",time() + $offset) . " GMT";header($ExpStr);?> My advice would be as mastercomputers suggested. Make one CSS file with the common attributes. Then change the colours in the XHTML file. It will save loads of time and space. style.css Body{font-weight: bold;}div#banner{border-bottom: 1 px solid white;}div#banner h1{margin:0;padding: .3em 0 .3em .5em;font-size: 2.2em;}div#navigation{float:left;width:200px;padding-left: 1em;padding-top: 2em;padding-bottom: 1em;}div#content{margin-left: 225;margin-top: 15;font-size: 1em;}div#content h1{font-size: 2em;} Then the PHP at the top of the HTML would read; <html><head><title>Changing With The Days</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /><!--Begin PHP Style determination--><?setlocale(LC_TIME, "C");$tod = strftime ("%H%M");if ($tod > 500 && $tod <= 1159){?><style>Body {background: yellow;color: blue;}a, ul {color:lightgreen;}a:active {color:white;}div#banner{background-color: lightblue;}div#navigation {background-color: green;}div#content{color: red;}</style><?}elseif ($tod > 1159 && $tod <= 1900){?><style>Body {background: blue;color: #00FFFF;}a, ul {color:#FFFF3D;}a:active {color:blue;}div#banner {background-color: 000033;}div#navigation {background-color: #0080FF;}div#content {color: white;}</style><?}elseif ($tod > 1900 || $tod <= 500){?><style>Body {background-color: 0000000;}a {color:FF0000;}a:active {color:white;}ul { color:FF0000; }div#banner {color: FF9900;background-color: FF3300;}div#navigation {background-color: yellow;}div#content {color: red;}</style><!--End PHP--></head>
  10. Some ways for calculating pi are sequences and so you need to get a computer program to run through the sequence until it arrives to the value you want.Szupie calculated pi correct to thirty decimal places. That is probably accurate enough to correctly measure the circumference of a circle the size of America to the nearest centimeter. Given that we can calculate the lowst bound and highest bound, we could get a value halfway in between those so the circle would be accurate to 5mm. Which for our purposes is probably accurate enough. But for scientists who are dealing with atomic structures, their going to need a higher accuracy. But still, doing a calculation on our home computer to get such a complex value is pretty impressive.Tecnically if we could put infinity into that equation we would get pi. But since infinity/2 is still infinity (arguably) then we can't. Still, the bigger the number, the more accurate decimal places. Just compare the tan and sin values up to the point where they differ.
  11. There are a few "simpler" ways of calculating Pi. My favourite way of calculating Pi is putting a value of n into the following formula;n x sin(360/2n) < pi < n x tan(360/2n)I got that formula myself from school and is accurate if you use big values of n. n=6, will give ;3 < pi < 3.464101615Yet if we use 60,000 then we get;3.141592652 < pi < 3.141592656The reason I like this one is you can explain it to a 14 year old kid who knows trigonometry and they can see where the formula comes from. I'd post the actual derivitive we used to get it but it would look way too messy.
  12. Sorry, I thought I'd specified, but I hadnt.I have Win XP Pro on my laptop and XP Home on my deskop Anyway I downloaded the realVNC server and viewer and have installed the server on my computer and the viewer on my laptop. But it doesn't appear to have any options for network, it seems like only internet. But then again what do I know, and I dont have a baldy what a bach file is
  13. Yeh see I have used the workgroup computers before but it only lets me remotely connect if the user at the computer clicks OK. Now, when it's later in the night, there wouldn't be anyone at the computer and since my brother, sister, father and mother all have different accouts on it, I couldn't keep access over it forever. What I want shut down for is because the only time I can usely get on the computer is late at night. So when I come in I go on the internet but time is limited because my parents dont want it on all night (a friend of ours was involved in a house fire caused by an over heating computer so they have some right to be wary). So is there something, maybe an attachment to download to go with Remote Desktop that allows me to select the computer from my laptop's network places , right click it and click on Shut Down without having to allow remote access on my other computer?Thanks for the help NilsC
  14. OK I am still completely baffled. Yes both computers are using Windows XP, and the login name of the administrator is the same for both computers. The network cards are Belkin if it helps.I'll try and break the problem down more. The only thing i use the "network" for is to connect to the internet - I dont share files, settings or anything else. When I got the network it was just too confusing to set up so I just settled when I got the internet working. Once, I was able to gain access to the desktop files from my laptop but then it stopped working and I haven't tried to reconfigure it to work again. I wish I was more knowledgeable in the field so I could get the maximum use out of the network but it just confuses mee.Thanks for the help so far guys.
  15. I've been googling around with no apparent answer so I decided to post it here, maybe you all can help. I've got a home network, and when I say a home network I mean my laptop and desktop computer have wireless adaptors and basically I only use it to connect to the internet on my laptop via the desktop PC. I would like to create more interaction with the computers but WinXP nor the software I got allow me to do this.One thing I'd like is to be able to shut down the desktop from my laptop? Is there any free software (and I need free because splashing out on wireless networking wasn't cheap ) that I could use to achieve this? I'd like other small things like maybe integrated chat or a way I can communicate with the PC. Is this at all achievable? Or am I being stupid again?
  16. The <?php include('thispage.php'); ?> is all I need!iFrames are the most annoying things. For a user who wants to increase the font-size or chage the colours to suit their needs have to do it a different which obviously takes twice the time, keyboard shortcuts don't work properly, websites can't be printed out properly, URL can't be seen etc...You probably know by now how much of an accessiblilty freak I am, but I believe very strongly in it so that everyone has the chance to see your website perfectly. I have worked with people who are physically challenged in some form or another and they knew how to surf the web without a mouse as quick as I could with one and that really inspired me, to know that they can still enjoy things we take for granted. Then to see them casually exit out of a site before it even loads simply because they knew they physically couldn't browse it was dissappointing. So I'll never change how people code but Im only giving advice from my experiences.Aside from that. They are poor programming. If you've never heard of iFrames, look into them and see if you NEED them, but don't use them if you've got this far without them just for the heck of it.
  17. Did you try the mail on it's own without any IF statements. I know there are some functions that won't work when nested in an if statement. I really can't see what is wrong. If this is a premade script it should be working... Just to verify, and it may be stating the obvious, but you are sure your host allows the mail command and that you are checking your inbox, including any junkmail filters?
  18. I wouldn't forcefully put on Ads, it will turn away users. Average Joe Bloggs doesn't want to hear that any banners are put on his site period. That being said, I was put off by many hosts who required forum posting, because going somewhere and being forced to post was kind of annoying. But once you realise that it is your only hope of getting good free hosting then you just go for it. And this community is great, people get along, it's a structured environment. No complaints.But as someone said, the optional link thing sounds good. You could have the idea that Daniel said whereby each link is directed to a special page which has the ID of that user. We could have wee competitions to see who gets the most clicks, who has the best banner etc etc. And maybe give out an extra MB of space for each click, nothing to big, just something a little extra. I know I wouldn't mind telling my visitors to come to this site. Maybe, if the plan works and revenue gain permits it, at the end of each month you could give the user who got the most unique hits from their banner a domain name. That would really push people.It would work like the i-Pod scheme they have running. If each person now linked five people to this site from their website, and lets say we have 50 people on here that actively want to help the site, thats 250 new comers. Each of whom are encouraged to post to win the domain name and they all get 5 new people, thats 1250 people more! Then the community really starts going on fire and posting here is even more fun. So maybe I don't know alot and the above idea wouldn't work as expected but just imagine the growth. I hover about alot of Web Designing boards and the best hosts those boards recommend have 10mb space with no MySQL support or no Mail() function allowed...if word of Xisto got around even more it would rocket. But the users now need to recommend it. When people see "Must post in forums" they get turned off. If our users now tell them that the community is fun, you get a laugh and get loads of help, thered be nothing stopping them.I mean - no banners, CPanel, MySQL, Mail, 5gb BW, 50Mb space!!! For free!!!
  19. Just a few questions to help me see whats wrong; Are you sure your host allows the mail function (if not using Xisto)? When you say return false, do you mean it shows the "Contact admin" self made error or it displays a PHP error? Also try doing just this; mail("$email", "Login information", $msg, $from) See if that returns a PHP error when you try to send it. I'm not sure which part of the mail script isn't working but why is there quotes round the email but not the msg and from? I'll try helping you once you reply, it's hard for me to test scripts that rely on databases since if the database isn't functioning a code properly, it will return an error and hence the rest will not work and return an error.
  20. The console one wouldn't be that hard to implement. Just find the [console], replace them with a <div style='console'> and then style the span in the css.As for custom ones I have implemented before; the abbreviation tag was very useful. But got annoying after a while, so instead I searched my text for the abbreviation and replaced it with the relative text. So then if I kept using loads of abbreviations in my text, I wouldn't have to keep defining them. I have also used one similar to the note tag you all got here now, only mine was called MOD, and it only replaced the tag if the user was an admin or moderator, else it just stripped the tags.What I've been trying to do now is allow the actual tags and not just the BBCode. So I can use <b>,<strong>,<i>,<em>,<u> etc without having to remember to put square brackets in. It can be dangerous to do this because there is the obvious flaw that users can type in <b style='font-size: 500px;'> and it would allow that. But I made it so that the system replaces the tags I allow with the BBCode and then strip all HTML tags and then put them back in.
  21. Rudy,I didn't know that fast replying done that! Sorry about that.BabyTux,Thanks for the links, I'd came across the first and second one before but not the second which turned out to be the more useful one. Thanks!
  22. But a laptop can function as a desktop computer which I have done many times. I had an old monitor in the house after my family upgraded to flatscreen so I took the old monitor plugged it in to my laptop ad used a keyboard and mouse whilst my laptop fitted perfectly into the small space for my PS2. It wasn't as powerful but it still functioned perfectly for my needs and was a less compact desktop PC. Can you turn a desktop into a laptop? And desktops don't have batteries so using that as a downside to not buying a laptop doesn't make sense. It is a downside to laptops in general because the technology employed for all rechargable batteries isn't good but they are getting better. I think a laptop is good because you can take it on holiday for checking photos or movies as you take them. Watch DVD's in the car on the way there. A multi functional entertainment system. But buying one for hi graphic games would be pointless unless you are going to splash out quite alot of money. And about the laptop messing around with fertility - if you ever feel the heat that come off the bottom of some laptops, its hotter than radiators! Put that against your mojo jojo and your gonna boil something. I'd recommend always putting a pillow under it. Laptops - good for watching DVDs in the car, viewing photographs, programming when you are bored, a radiator and a contraception all in one.
  23. Well I like a laptop because my current bedroom is really really small and using a Desktop PC would take up so much room, whereas with a laptop, I can slide it out of view when not in use. I've also got a wireless network with my family computer so I can sit out in the garden whilst on the internet. In otherwords I've got no cables to cart around or worry about.On the downside, you miss mouses when you are trying to use the touch sensitive pad on a laptop to edit a picture in PhotoShop and although you can obviously install a mouse on a laptop, most times I would forget to bring it with me. It just depends on how much power you need and how flexible you want the transport of the computer to be. A PC with the same specifications as a laptop can be half the price for obvious reasons, and there is more room in a Desktop PC for expansion. But you can't carry a PC into your garden easily and you cant set it on your knee whilst in bed!
  24. I'm coming here not because I expect anyone to post a step by step of what it is but because hopefully someone here has links to a website that explains it really well or maybe knows of a script that uses it in a clear example. Any links would be greatly appreciated. I just need to understand it to see if using it could save me some time and effort. ThanksKage Notice from microscopic^earthling: This topic deals with General Programming Concept. So I guess it should be in Programming > General. Topic moved. Oopsadaisies. I should have mentioned that I want to learn the use of OOP in PHP, such as using Classes and Objects. I can't find a suitable tutorial or any reliable explanantions.*******************************Please use your edit option instead of adding a reply to add more content to your original post.Rudy
  25. I'll give you some constructive critiscism - don't hate me afterwards <meta name="description" content="PUT DESCRIPTION HERE"><meta name="keywords" content="PUT, KEYWORDS, HERE"> Did you use an HTML Builder to build the page? Well I'd put a description of your website and some keywords to gain traffic from Googlers. Description would be like - "Specialising in GameMaker examples and Pivot Stick animations" and just put loads a keywords in "Gamemaker, pivot, stick, games, animations, figures" I'd leave this line out completely. There are still an extremely significant percentage of internet surfers who use I.E. and calling them lazy isn't recommended. Maybe instead say that you are currently trying to make your site more I.E. friendly and then link to FireFox, Netscape, Opera or Safari and ask them to download it. You'd be lazy if you didn't try to make your site cater for half of your users. And finally I want to know what the hell this thing is doing here; <marquee> Visit the blog </marquee></a><marquee> </marquee> Just please don't use MARQUEE's at all. They are standard XHTML and even so, many, many users hate them. They were a ghastly tag added by that annoying internet browser you are recommending them not to use? I did see some positive signs though. Using <strong> instead of <b> made me happy . I was confused as to why you put the footer in a div, but put the rest of the layout in a table. Use <div>s for your whole content and the problems of viewing in IE should decrease. Anyway, It's a nice site with a simple,clean layout. Well Done.
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