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About Josh_Jpn
Newbie [Level 1]
I baptized catholic at a child, and brought up as a catholic, but I found as I got older that Catholism was far too polticalized. So I changed to the United Church, which I found to suit my religous views and intperations of the bible better. I admit though I am not the strongest of believers, and my agruements for the extisence god are rather weak. When it comes down to it though proving the existence or non-existence of a creator, event, holy bodies, planes of existences and so forth is nearly impossible.
I think James Bond for N64 was an awesome game but once it crossed over to the playstation it slowly got crappy. I think the went to far away from the multiplayer mode, which was possible the best part of James Bond for the N64 . I am hoping that someday they will create a bond equal to the old n64 game.
I tend to prefer laptops, they really do provide a much more convenient set of features, most importantly mobility. If you're worried about the heat put of by your laptop, I have seen recently heat plates with built-in fans to keep it cool. On the downside of laptops, they are even sometimes too big, I find that when riding the subways it nearly impossible to whip the old laptop out. Altough given that this is Tokyo and the ability to move a centimeter or two is sometimes impossible. I found that myself more often then not using my plam pilot must of time, as I can use it even when standing up.
What's Ur Favourite Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy
Josh_Jpn replied to <FF>Summoner's topic in Computer Gaming
Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy III(Usa). I think final fantasy was the best final fantasy becuase of the story line and game play. The side quest were extremely fun to play, which for great reply value. Final Fantasy III has it's merit though as it pushed what the snes could do to it's very max. It's storyline is a very close second to that of Final Fantasy III.Final Fantasy + Dragon Quest is an extremely fun, as it brings two very good games together. -
Creating a button that senses the mouse and then expands.Requirement:Flash MXStep 1:Open a new document.In the actions for frame 1 of layer name layer 1 type:menutriggerdist=150;menumaxscale=300;menumultiplier=1.5;This control how and when the mouse interacts with button. Once you have completed all the steps, change them around and see how each one changes the effect.Step 2:Cntl+f8 (Insert --> New Symbol)Click on new movie click, call it Ibutton.In the frist frame create your image or whatever you want the mouse to interact with , to make it easy you can just type some text in the center of the frame.Step 3:Go back to the scene 1Press f11(Window --> library) to bring up your library and then drag Ibutton movie clip onto your pageStep 4:Click on Ibutton and then in the actions for Ibutton type the following:on (press) { // Gives your movie a button functions getUrl("http://forums.xisto.com/;);}on (rollOver) { this._alpha=100;}on (rollOut) { this._alpha=25; }//sets event to mousemove or your button won't operate properly.onClipEvent (mouseMove) {//calculates distance from mouse to movie clipdist=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(_xmouse),2)+Math.pow(Math.abs(_ymouse), 2));// if within a certain distance, triggerdistance, then start changing the clips scale if (dist<=_root.menutriggerdist) { currscale=(1-(dist/(_root.menumultiplier*_root.menutriggerdist)))*(_root.menumaxscale-100); this._xscale = currscale; this._yscale = currscale; // if outside of triggerdistance, then make the scale equal to 100 } else { this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; }}Step 5:Test your new button
Economics: Free Market Or Otherwise?
Josh_Jpn replied to MajesticTreeFrog's topic in General Discussion
Where is survival of the fittest or true capitalism reflected in any societies behaviours? Is it survival of fittest for governments to engage in protectionist trade policies? When a country raises a trade tariff or subsidies a company(through cash grants or tax breaks or laws) it is acting directly against the theory of survival of the fittest. I highly doubt that there will be any "Capitalist" country that isn't engaging in some sort of protectionism. Wouldn't you also say a large majority of people in any given country, have strong feelings of national pride and therefore convey some feelings of nationalism as part of thier human nature? Perhaps also these feelings of nationalism would influence peoples choices on the products they purchase. You should only buy X countries products if you are a true x-ian is a very common idea. This form of purchasing goes against survival of fittest, as a person would choice his countries products, instead of the products made in the more fit company.Capitalism as with Communism fail becuase they both go against basic human wants. Communism fails becuase it doesn't deal peoples want for power(Greed, Corruption). Capitalism fails becuase it doesn't deal with peoples want for belonging (Nationalism and Protectionism). Instead I think a system needs to be made that directly rewards people for thier economic contributions, as their contributions pretain to the betterment of the social good. Thus the less you work the less worth you have but also those who soley make money and no social benefit would also be have less worth. I think the elimanation of family inhertence would be a great start to changing things, as any money passed down doesn't accurately show the receivers social worth. -
Quick and Easy Webcam ChatroomRequired:Flash Communication Server 1.5FlashStep 1:Create a new folder called webchat in the c:\(Where ever you put your server files)\flash communication server mx\applications folder.Step 2:Open notepad file. Type: load( "components.asc" );Save file as "main.asc" in the webchat folder.Step 3:Open Flash and save file as "webchat" in the webchat folderFrom the Communications Components side bar: 3.1 Drag a SimpleConnect onto your flash page 3.2 Drag a SetBandwidth onto your flash page, in the properties box change the compenent name to band_mc 3.3 Drag a PeopleList onto your flash page, in the properties box change the compenent name to plist_mc 3.4 Drag a Chat onto your flash page, in the properties box change the compenent name to chat_mc 3.5 Drag an AVPresence onto your flash page, in the properties box change the compenent name to avp1_mc 3.6 Drag an AVPresence onto your flash page, in the properties box change the compenent name to avp2_mc 3.7 Drag a ConnectionLight onto your flash page, in the properties box change the compenent name to light_mcStep 4:Save your fileIn the properties box of the SimpleConnect in your flash page, click communication connections. 4.1 Click the + sign six times in the values pop up menu, creating slots from 0-5 4.2 In Slot 0 type band_mc 4.3 In Slot 1 type plist_mc 4.4 In Slot 2 type chat_mc 4.5 In Slot 3 type avp1_mc 4.6 In Slot 4 type avp2_mc 4.7 In Slot 5 type light_mcSave your fileStep 5:In the properties box of the SimpleConnect in your flash page, change the Application Directory to rtm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ webchatSave your fileStep 6:From the flash UI components, drag a push button onto your flash page.In it's properties box change the label to "Clear Chat", change the Click Handler to clearHistory.Step 7:In the actions for frame 1 of layer name layer 1Add: function clearHistory() { this.chat_mc.clearHistory();}Save your fileStep:Publish your work and test.
Wto And Its Effect WTO-World Trade Organization
Josh_Jpn replied to illusion's topic in General Discussion
>>>capital cost is 100 times more then that of well established countries.This may be true if the poorer country had to produce it's machinery from the basics. In most cases though I would imagine that a company would purchase it's equipment from it's own country or another country and ship it to the poorer country. So the cost of Machinery would only be higher by the amount of transportation costs to ship the Machinery. A good example of this is automobile and computer manufactoring. In the case of a automobile, Mamelodi, South Africa would be a good example of this.As for >>>Rich countres can easily ruined poor countries.. and thee countries will bcome parasites...Rich countries are already doing this to the poorer countries and because there is a lack of international organizations to deal with this. Many of thier stories go unheard and the poorer countries are without a voice. In WTO aleast they would be able to call a tribunal and bring some attention to their stories.Which brings up the biggest of WTO's flaws, even if a tribunal finds in favour of a poor country. Rich countries have the ablility to disregard WTO's ruling if they feel the Judgement is unfair, whereas; the cost to a poorer country for disobeying a WTO ruling could have serious economic effects on the country. An example of a country disgarding a WTO ruling is the USA in USA vs Canada: Canadian Softwood Subsidies. So unless the WTO can find a way to insure one of it's ruling is followed, there is no real point of WTO, as in this manor it could be used as an economic weapon against poorer countries. -
Wto And Its Effect WTO-World Trade Organization
Josh_Jpn replied to illusion's topic in General Discussion
I disagree, I think it would have the oppisite effect. The economic gaints would the ones disadvantaged by the WTO. Given that both the costs of labor and the costs of capital assets(Land and buildings) are much lower in poorer economies. It would be in the best interest of a company to move there production facilities to the poorer economies, costing the richer economies many lower paying jobs. At frist they might have to pay high costs for middle-management to be brought to the poorer economy. Eventually though the companies would train local people for middle-management positions, rising up the salaries and education of local people. Costing the richer economies middle-management and technology jobs. Eventually the richer economies and poorer economies would come to some sort of parity where their costs would be equal. Of course in the end those who own the companies would have become extremely rich. Two economies that are good examples of this are China and India. -
Add Favicon To Your Site Creating, Converting to icon, Setup
Josh_Jpn replied to iGuest's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I found a plug-in for adobe photoshop that works really good for making icons http://www.telegraphics.com.au/sw/ -
How do you define what is wrong and what is right? Do you follow the bible, believe in moral relativism, agree with Kant, or something else?
I wondering what the average monitor sizes is? Also does anyone know how to code your html, so that it causes a website to grow or shrink to fit into the screen? Thanks ------------------------- This isn't a tutorial acticle at all - and on top of that posted in: Free Web Hosting > Computers & Tech > How-To's and Tutorials > Programming > HTML, XML and other Markup Languages ??? May I know how these two are related ?? Anyways, moved to Hardware section.. m^e
I use dreamweaver and find it very useful, especial when it colour codes your php code. Which makes it much easy to find simple mistakes in your php code.
How do you create the small icon that goes at the beggining of the web address bar?
Funniest signs I have seen was:In a hotel in Sapporo; A sign said "Please take advantage of our maids"In a hair salon in Vancouver: Celebrate Canada Day, have your beaver shaved for free.