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Everything posted by kaputnik

  1. Yeah... I'd definately go with Adaware.. I've been using it once a week for the last 3 years and its kept my computer reasonably free of spyware and malware.. Adaware is free adn you can download it here Another tool I use once every now and then is Hackthis... it will give you a list of all your registry entries, show you which ones you're using most, etc.. you'll be able to view every reg. entry to check for any malacious items.. if you're not sure of any entry.. just copy the reg details and search for it on google.. there are a bunch of forums that will provide you info on any type of entry.. any that you don't need.. you can simply select and Hackthis will remove it.. The issue with Hackthis is that I've forgotten where I got it from since I've had it for a while now.. possibly over a p2p network.. anyhow it works right out of a folder and does not install into your system.. so if you want to look into it.. I'll zip it and put it up somewhere for you to be able to access it.. Another handy app. I've been using for a while is BHODemon.. it installs and will audit all BHOs (Browser helper Objects) which may be automatically be added to your Browser.. or locate items that may try and hijack your browser while you install 3rd party apps. Through a GUI it will let you select which objects you wish to keep or delete.. it will also show you which BHOs it considers dangerous... the only BHO i allow is the Google Desktop search... you can get this app here Hope this helped.. R.A.
  2. Hey...... The tag you'll wan to use to do this is called the iFrame tag... with this tag you can place a frame within a page (anywhere within as long as you mention the position and the height and width...) I've used this tag on my site and its contained in the following page... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some of the attributes you can use with iFrames are: align,frameborder, height, longdesc, marginheight, marginwidth, name (very important to name the frame so you can use it in scripts as well as to load pages within the frame... ), scrolling, src ( this will point to the default page that you want to load into the frame) and of course the width... An example of the tags you'll be using is.... <iframe src ="your_page.htm"> </iframe> the best part is that you can position the frame easily within a table so it keeps a well aligned look-&-feel to your site.. Try it out.. R.A.
  3. SWEEEET... you've done a good job so far.. the body definately needs work.. The diaper would follow the waist.. its obviously looking like an oval with hughlights. Then the eyebrows, what you have is cool.. personally I'd have gone with a brown dot which I'd smear... that would shape much better (and babies have thin whispy eyebrows that give them the cute look.. :-) All in all .. this is an excellent effort you've go there.. R.A
  4. This is the second bit of 'no white on black' I've come across.. My Site uses this very scheme.. I started structuring it on a computer with an LCD monitor.. and have been using the same all along.. on an LCD screen, the resolution is very crisp and there is no glare (caused by a tube based screen) so I naturally found the layout very eye catching.. I went down yesterday to a friend's place to see what my site would look like on a regular monitor.. and WHAM.. it hit me.. non - lcd monitors diffuse light, so the white text on black really hurts the eye... I'm starting a complete rework on my site because of this, as of today.. but unfortunately, this is going to take a bit of a while what with me hunting for a job too.. :-) Cheers.. R.A.
  5. Somehow I think that Microsoft is jumping into the antivirus bandwagon, most spicifically to help plug holes in its own Operating systems. Its very likely that MS is looking into having a software that is configured to deal specifically with microsoft problems. Think about it.. a majority of all the damage causing virus/worm/trojan bunch attack gaps in OS and specific microsoft programs. And its pretty usual for these attacks to begin after microsoft has announced a problem. So the antivirus devision will research and develop virus cures with the aim of holding back infections while patches are made for the originating code itself. AND you're going to have to pay for it... :-)R.A.
  6. I used to work with a Document Management Solutions Company called eDocuMAN... we used to use a platform called ZyLAB (Even Microsoft's Legal department uses it since its the primere DMS software out there). Should Google be using a similar software, all the books will be scanned and stored page wise as images. these images when requested over the internet will then be converted to low res, non savable (where copyrighted) images and transmitted to individual browsers. As with all libraries, you have to be a member to use the services, but there is no one to stop you from borrowing a book (copyrighted or not) and reading, taking notes from and even making a photo copy or two (people will still do this online). With an online library, there will be no charges towards maintaining a physical library, a single cpy of a book may be purchased under a library lisence, the book will be scanned and will become searchable and available for viewing, page wise or book wise to multiple users. The cost of the process (as in Google's case) will be supported by relavant advertising places as per searches or keywords. I believe information should be free for the uninhibited progress of the people of the world. This will be an oppurtunity for unified TRIZ. R.A.
  7. Somewhere along the line humans must have had a helping hand. Think about this.. humans are capable of sexual intercourse towards generating offspring at any point in time ( without the females having to be in heat, except the menstural phase). How many other animals are capable of this... :-) !!! There is a specific gene which is responsible for this. (Genetic manupalation??) Even if we allow for natural selection, it is not possible that just one human could have had a mutation where the sex gene mutated to evolve into the present form and this human'oid' replaced the rest of the human'oids' through breeding. (there would have been some remains of a tribe, some strain in dna indicating cross breeding), This is not so, even the monkeys and chimps are around, so if humans evolved there would be a tracable map. GENETIC MODIFICATION??!!?? Also, the brain. The DNA of the human species has an evolved expression that allows our brains to linger int he learning phase far longer than any other animal. This ensures that learning is passed on (at least the essentials for survival). This is a TERRIFIC mutation to occur naturally. And say it occured naturally, even if we allow for a complete elemination of competing species, there would no doubt have been cross breeding to show our complete evolutionary path. GENETIC MODIFICATION?? That;s where we come to the missing link. Sire it is entirely possible that humans have a Chimp linage but an entire population - across the globe must have gone through 'a helping hand' process for us to be where we are today. Makes us think about the next thing.. is there life in outer space? Has any ET intellegence experimented on us humans?? R.A.
  8. Yes I have come across Black holes releasing radio waves ... thats because of the spin.. when an object moves.. spins, rotates, vibrates, ... it releases cirtain ammounts of radio waves.. the larger amounts come from black holes, novas and other imploding stars. Small though they may be, any object rotating with the massive size of a black hole will be letting out a cacophony of radio waves. If there were any possibility of coherence to the frequencies detected then it would mean that the black holes are A)acting as some sort of portal to various parts of the universe or even the multiverse, or acting as a shelter for intellengence (I'm not saying 'life', but intellengence that can cope with the intense pressures of surviving within a black hole. For that matter, it just may be possible that black holes in 'consuming' matter, light etc.. have evolved into mind bogglingly large storehouses of knowlage and computing capacity... lols.. now I'm letting my imagination run wild, so I'll stop here.. R.A.
  9. Stuff I recently saw on the Discovery Channel... During the early centuries, it was customary to drape the dead with a shroud (as still is). For persons held in high esteem, a silver/bronze plate was carved with the likeness of the deceased in relief. Sometimes a second plate was carved in negative (like an inverse carving of a mould. The plate/ s would then be heated and the shroud would be then pressed against this. In pressing the cloth against heated material, a fine layer of the material would be singed giving an outline of the etched plate relief on the shroud. (when two plates are pressed together, this produces a singe on both sides of the material producing a 3D effect). I event found some material on this HERE. I do hope you find it of interest. R. A.
  10. I really don't know about the theory.. but I have a thought.. Visualize this: You're in a craft travelling towards a Black Hole. Most likely you will not be travelling at the speed of light, because of the physical laws of mass, you'll be squished smaller than a peanut if you acclerate to this speed. Now, to maintain a position outside a black hole you would have to begin a slow circuit of the black hole so as to acclerate to a speed fast enough to maintain an orbit at a cirtain distance. Either you'd have to orbit or you'd have to discover a new form of propulsion that will allow you to thrust away from the Black hole's gravity. The gravity of a black hole is strong enough to absorb light and not let it escape. That means that light (a particle of which is already travelling at light speed) will acclerate to faster thatn the speed of light due to the gravity of the Black hole. Since escape velocity from a black hole is going to be faster thatn the speed of light, you will have to be acclerating AND you will have to maintain a speed faster than that of light. If we measure each second (point in time) in relation to the speed of light, it would mean that due to your speed, you'd have reduced the number of points in time to keep in the present (present continous being one second at the speed of light), into a negative figure. Therefore time for you would be either static or ebbing into the past, while on Earth, folks would be percieving time IN REAL TIME. So while you're outside a Black hole time would be static for you or receding for you, while time flows at the normal rate of perception to people on Earth. Percieving time is another factor in itself. People who's minds work faster than average would percieve time as slow compared to someone who is incapable to think quick. Just a thought.. just a thought... :-) Rashid Ahmed.
  11. Well Roman, the first thing you have to do is submit your site to google. This you can do at Submit to Google. It takes time for Google to crawl the site, and for various pages from your site to be ranked. For Example, when you search for your website at present, You'll be led right to this page first. This is because the Xisto forum has a high ranking and is therefore crawled more frequently. You'll find more information on the Search Process Here. Hope this helps.. Rashid Ahmed
  12. Hey Amkint, I can only give you an insight here. Debit cards issued in India do not function for online transactions. While I was in the UK last I tried this with my HSBC issued (Bangalore) Visa Electron on Amazon as well as eBay - Unsuccessfully (my Barcleys Card as well as my India issued Credit card worked though). The reason has not been absolutely clear, but it has something to do with the ATM transaction security acceptability issues in India. Recently though, various banks have associated with PaisaPay (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) to push account transfers. You can accept Credit card transfers through this too. By either linking an account with one of the partner banks (of PaisaPay) or your credit card. To use the PayPal account you will need to link your Credit Card (Not debit). Although I had a PayPal account this was recently closed because they required an American Social Security Number too. Hope this was helpful R
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