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Everything posted by chris1234

  1. well actually the only stupid question is the one you dont ask, so my questions is after just activating my webhosting account, and transferring the fies by ftp i now goto my address but am always be on the same original page as follows (not my website) This site is currently Hosted at Xisto.com If you are seeing this message then it means that your site is up and your account is functioning properly. Please see to it that you do the following steps before you continue :- 1. Login to your cpanel by typing, http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel. 2. Enter the userID and Password. 3. Change the Email address in your Cpanel. (used to recover your password incase you lose it) 4. Change the Password in your Cpanel. as far as i know i did all these instructions, maybe i have uploaded my website to the wrong part of the server? Should I load it into a directory? or just anywhere? thanks. chris p..s my site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. has anyone any experience of repaiting a laptop battery?mine was only one month old when it broke, im sure there is like one dead cell or something, as it is just not powerful enough to power the laptop, but shows a charge and stuff.i Was thinking of taking it apart as i like doing things like that, and thought perhaps someone has some experience or a website link that could be helpful to me,.thanks in advancechris
  3. good work, kinda spooky, especially those portraits. are they real people? do you use 3dsmax at all? have you looked here? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 3D Artists - Art Gallery
  4. i use majorgeeks.com has a big list of free and shareware, great range and reviewschris
  5. I think aol is for middle aged housewives,'sorry if that is insulting but it is not meant to beIt has that kind of brand image,the features are sold like being in a club membership, but all the features have always been available elsewhere to those who know how to get them.I find the whole interface and experience from advetising to product extremely annoying and patronising.sorry, just my opinion!!chris
  6. thankyou for those, i just tried a couple of them and they are very useful, i had never heard of bugmenot or stumbleupon and theyre goodchris
  7. i didnt have any of the problems you mentioned. i think firefox looks a bit nicer, the ONLY complaint is that it takes a while to load the program at first (maybe 3x as long as IE)chris
  8. mamma meta search seems to get beter results for more specifice things than google, so use that when i need somethin rare
  9. i followed all the steps and waisted 2 hours on it and it doesnt work, keeps coming back with an error message.the help is a robot who writes the same message telling you it is ok and must be a glitch in the internet!chris
  10. 1 das boot2 the english patient3 empire strikes back4 mean streets5 le copcant think of the other 5 right now
  11. thankyou for moving my post, sorry for puting it in the worng place.I dont really fing search engnes that useful they come up with all ads and stuff all the time and not much of use. Anyway a simple page is ok, but when you want to tart adding photos and little boxes and stuff it get s bit complicated.Some of the web design packages are sold on being so easy to use and for something basic they are (perhaps?) but if you want to do a little more they are not so good.I will maybe see if i can try page 2000 out for a bit and see if i fair better.thanks for yourhelpchris
  12. tried making my website so hard for me it was. Ftp and webhosting is a doddle compared to the making.Well first i used word, and that was quite easy, but just didnt look to good,so i tried netfusion, whii have a 30 day trial, and after spending 1 week i gave up.it was so cmplicated for me (who is not particulary talented). the program seemed to constantly change things and it would never look the same, the amount of times i restarted from scratch....well i have given up now after developing some RSI in my right arm, and found photoshop to make my sight in about 5mins (once i had established what was written).the only problem is i had to generate the text as a jpeg, so it doesnt look too sharp.well if i get to 10 posts i might be able to show you so you can all laugh ;)chris
  13. you can get a plug in called threadedger, or thread holder or something like thatthen its easier than drawing, just take a digi picture of something and let the computer draw
  14. photo shop can make you a very quick and easy gallery that looks good, the images are only upto 450pix i think, anyway takes about 5 mins thats all.chris
  15. Hello, i just got here by searching for some free space to put my site up on.because im not working i wanted somewhere free to host maybe 2-3mb of webpages for my photo business.I have tried several others, and they all seem to have their downsides, mainly after making my site they then put ads inside the frames, obscuring 40% of the pictures, making them no good. (tripod and angelcities)Well i understand they need ads, but it is a bit false economy, i think cos who clicks on them when there is the whole internet to search anyway? and if i get to a website with ads i will leave asap! (ads often lead to malware) I dont really understand why you want people to post so much? Is the idea to have a forum first and a host second? Well this seems a good forum and site and stuff but asking 10 posts from someone like me is asking a bit much as i am no expert in anything really, and can add little of value to tecnical questions. So i wanted a good name and was trying the http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en website out, doesnt seem to work to well though but you are supposed to get a free domain (.tk) so now i am here, but i think i will have to go because 10 post is too many,but i might return if i find nowhere else and post some more.thants all for nowchris
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