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Posts posted by chris1234

  1. i am using your sister/brother site computer-hosts as well as here, and have a strange problem! as far as know nothing has changed, but today i cannot access either my website or computer-hosts and get the following message with both.

    Any ideas? everythiing else on the internet works except my website and computer hosts page. Bit strange really. Is it the Avast virus checker?

    any ideas?? remedies????







    The page cannot be displayed

    There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.


    Please try the following:


    * Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

    * Open the Web site home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

    * If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please contact the Web site administrator by using the e-mail address or phone number listed on the Web site home page.


    HTTP 504 - Gateway timeout

    avast! Web Proxy


    When the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, contacted the upstream content server, it did not receive a timely response.


    GET http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    ----------Sorry, I changed your topic title to be more descriptive of your post. You should make the title's tell what your post is about. Tell me if you can think of a better topic title and I will change it for you.---------- szupie


    ok chris dont worry,

    the site is broken, but the techs are on their way now to fix the computers

    Great problem solved soon.

  2. hello peoples,I want to make my website using the soho software given to me by mr fantastico on the cpanel, but want to keep my current website during the build.How do i install it elsewhere on my space? and where (directory)? and how?I tried installing it but it took over my current website, so had to delete it.Answers in simpleton terms for a simpleton, thanks and please.chris

  3. Well I downloaded the demo, and well it was all greek to me really, and me learning Dm2oo4 would be like learning Chinese. I dont even know what all the programs do, I got a guide book from the library and fireworks and other stuff too!
    I think I will give up and pay someone else to do it!
    thanks for your suggestions, but i think you are all at a different level to me!


  4. thanks master computers for your help on favicons, it was an excellent article, and in only 30 mins i had mine made and on the website, although i think it needs some improving, but i will think about that.
    I can add that IRFANVIEW can save .ICO files and also that this is an excellent fast viewer to have (free as well).
    Now hows about an article on adding metaddata and stuff for dummies?


  5. hello,
    I put my site up the other day (2nd attempt) , i would appreciate any comments, and let me know if it loads ok on any 56k modems please. Also if there are any compatibility problems with webbrowers etc.

    I want to get rid of the banana at the beginning, cos it is slowing things up i think, does anyone know what i should modify to do this?


  6. thanks everybodies,i ended up using godaddy, its quite hard to get a .com with a name that is any good now, it is amazing how many are grabbed and later sold by greedy people with no interest in the name other than the $$$.anyway i figure a com is best cos when i move abroad it can follow, but the .co.uk , and .us are really just countrilised.a 5year name cost $35 not bad, and half the price of a 10 year one!chris

  7. hello, I hope it is ok to post this here because the problem is actually with a new account i just opened with your computer host company (which is a great deal at $10 bucks), but the support and knowledge here is unsurpassed!S0 i have just created an email account in Cpanel , intending to use Outlook Express and or thunderbird to collect the mail, but the auto config doesnt work.I am not sure of all the smpt settings and stuff to use, actually i dont even know what smpt is, (just that it doesnt work). This might sound silly but I am not even sure of the mail address to use because i always get errors back (there seem to be 3 email accounts, one which i created, another which was automatically given, and another which is just mail@ my site. I dont really know how to explain it better, can anyone pont me in the right direction?thankschris

  8. i am guessing but he probably made it by simply sticking the digital sensors together and moved them further back makng a much larger patch (like the old box cameras).the clearness is all todo with the sensors large light gathering capabilities, and of course exposing correctly.chris

  9. ummmm, not sure if this post should go under this section, but here it is anyway.well actually the title was the question really, but i have a couple of other questions to addWhat are you actually buying when you register a domain name?Where is the name kept if it is not hosted?why do the prices differ so much? who gets the money?why does the name only last 1 year? how do they dissappear if they are hosted?I realise these questions might be too easy for some people, but not for me!thankschris(Chris I moved it here since it's not a tutorial) ;)Nils

  10. My question is not really that, actually what i am trying to ask is that it obviously costs money to have all the servers, bandwidth, software and staff (maybe if they get paid, i dont know?), who pays for it al?? why do they want to ? I think its great that they do cos we can have a forum, free help, hosting and stuff, but i wouldnt want to be the ones providing the service!!Imagine all the questions and problems you get!! Do the few small ads on this site pay for it all?Is the profit in the long run through advertising when you have 10s of thousands of visitors? there was some mention of each hosted site costing $30 per year, that is quite a bit, an actuary would value that $30 per year at a 5% net compund making its revenue stream $600.chris

  11. Hello Nils, thanks for taking the time to help me ;)i tried that link you suggested and got this replyNot FoundThe requested URL /newfile.html was not found on this server.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.Apache/1.3.33 Server at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Port 80Im not sure if my files were in the right directory, but i can see them on there,so i uploaded them again (this time to the public html directory, but still get the mesage Welcome to your Hosting Account! This site is currently Hosted at Xisto.comIf you are seeing this message then it means that your site is up and your account is functioning properly.when i go to the web address.Have you any ideas for me? am i missing something maybe? thankschris

  12. What happens in England? yippee we get warmer? uhh no if enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and the melting glaciers of Greenland flows into the northern Atlantic, it will shut down the Gulf Stream, which keeps Europe and northeastern North America warm. The worst-case scenario would be a full-blown return of the last ice age - in a period as short as 2 to 3 years from its onset - and the mid-case scenario would be a period like the "little ice age" of a few centuries ago that disrupted worldwide weather patterns leading to extremely harsh winters, droughts, worldwide desertification, crop failures, and wars around the world.that was from a news article, but summs up wots going down!chris

  13. there seem to be soo many options available on this cpanel business. For anyone who is not particularly clued up it is rather too much i find.I was imagingin i upload and thats it and then suddenly here is a box with 100 different options, I need a simpleton version! is there such a thing (just need a mailbox and the website whih will not be change very often), (and if it is hanges i do it by ftp).thanks chris

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