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l337 Nurse Pedestrian

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Posts posted by l337 Nurse Pedestrian

  1. I recently got Half-Life2, and despite all the trouble of the wretched Steam, it's fun (even though I'm runnin on dial-up). Anywho, I've played it a bit, and now I'm stuck. It's after the area where you go inside the house, and you get the rocket to destroy the incoming ship. Then you take the go kart-looking thing around the beach, then there's this one place where it's like a small town above and there's aliens on the beach. You go up the ramp and you shoot the guys. It's the place where the crane is. I don't know what to do there. Can anyone help?

  2. I use dreamweaver. I think it's pretty handy and expensive. Well at least Dreamweaver MX, I've had some problem with Dreamweaver 4. I use it fine, no problems really. I mean as long as I can create pages, I'm fine. I don't need any Mega-Ultra Webpage designing super program. It contains pretty much anything you want as far as designing web pages, and the results are great. I make my site in Dreamweaver.

  3. I know alot of people who are chubby or are carrying unneeded weight around. Well here's some ways you can get rid of that, and it's not something stupid like "Take Mega-Pill and the fat just burns off,".What you will need:A fruit basketA TVHobbieslegsexpensive equipment----------------------What you won't need:Zantrex 3LeptoprinRelacoreany other fat loss pilla scale Ok first of all, don't kid yourself, don't say "Yeah I can do this" and expect the flab to just come off, it requires work. This is a few ways you can lose weight. First if you have a Ps2 or Xbox, get Dance Dance Revolution. It's a very good game and an excersize machine. Too many people spend money on something like a Bow-flex, and after a week, they are too lazy to use it. DDR is cheap, the games is about 40 bucks and the Dance Mat is about 15 dollars. Also you'll need a TV to play DDR. Next you'll need hobbies, anything will do, except eating. Having a hobby is an alternative to over eating. Next is the fruit basket, that's more of a symbol. What I mean is, pick out some foods that are low in fat. Some people will look at the back of the food box and it says X amount of calories, then you think "that's not alot, I'll eat the whole box", but what you also need to realise is the 'amount per serving' label. That's another thing that's tricky. You can still have snacks, like ice cream and cookies, just limit yourself. You also should listen to the FDA's food pyramid, and eat the right amount of food from each group. Basically, you can still eat what you want, just limit yourself. Also avoid getting expensive equipment, like mentioned above. The most you'd probably want to buy is some bar bells. 5 out of 7 days, you should play DDR, I personally think you should do 3 sets of songs (9 songs total), and work at your own level. Also you should eat only Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and one snack. You should also have plenty of water. Things you won't need. Fat loss pills, what a waste of your time taking these. You'd most likely get a drug overdose before losing any weight. There's no proof it works, and even if it did, everyone would be skinny. Plus you'd be being cheap, you didn't take a pill to get fat did you? Also you won't need a scale. Usually that'd just drive you crazy or ruin your determination. You may even step on a scale and notice a weight gain. That's ok though, because there's also muscles that make up weight. I'm talking about just fat. You should be able to tell how you are doing just by looking at yourself, the way you feel and how well your clothes fit.So hopefully, these tips help. Of course this only applies if you want to lose weight, doesn't mean you are fat. It's not fool-proof, but it can work.

  4. Firstly, if you don't know what Game Maker is, it's a very cool tool made by Mark Overmars, you can create your own video games and applications. you can download it here https://www.yoyogames.com/


    When you download it, I'd suggest you take a look at the sidebar (in advanced mode).


    The Sidebar has a empty folders for Sprites, Sounds, Backgrounds, Paths, Scripts, data Files, Time Lines, Objects and Rooms.


    I will not go over Scripts and Timelines, which are advacned features.


    First of all, GameMaker can create any type of game, including 3D First Person Shooters, but before you start, you need to know what you are making. Too many games fail because of people not planning their games.


    What makes a good game, and what things should you consider?


    A Nice Story?

    What type of game would it be?

    What music would you use?

    Is this idea cliche'd, and has it been done before?

    Think, can I make this game? Don't bother making a game, if you know you can't. Don't kid yourself, you'll only waste your time. I know from experience.


    While there is a sprite editor in GM, I'd suggest you use another program. What am I getting at? I'd suggest you gather all your resources before putting them in the game. Gather all your sprites and all your music. You'll need music, SFX, Backgrounds, and sprites.


    If you don't want to rip sprites, you can always make 'em with the gm sprite editor



    magnifying glass= makes things look bigger

    The puzzle peice thing= switches the first colors to the second colors

    pencil=default drawing tool


    baster=color replacer

    paintcan= fill

    line=line tool

    square= square tool

    circle=circle tool

    and the Text button


    That's your tools to create one subimage.

    When you are done, you can use the image, transform, and animation to alter your image/




    Sounds are pretty straight foward. You import sounds and music. Pay attenton to the picture beside each music. USUALLY, Wavs can't play with wavs, and midis can't play with midis at the same time, e.t.c.



    Just import a background




    Objects are what your whole game is made from. Objects, objects, objects. When you create an object, you can assign a sprite to it. That's what sprites are for. Sprites and Objects co-exist with eachother. However you can make a game without sprites, that's advanced.


    Here's the objects window.

    Posted Image


    I hope that explains.


    I'll explain codes later.



    paths: This kinda fallss into objects. You assign a route for an object to move with. There's an object action for these too.


    Data Files: Extra information or files, like DLLs


    rooms: Rooms, place objects in these, you can also code the rooms.




    Codes are like actions, except slightly more advanced. There's a whole dictionary of codes, some where. I"m not explaning all codes. BUt if you want to know, Pm me, or download examples


    Here's an example of a code

    if not(place_free(x,y+1)) then   {   gravity = 0;   }else   {   gravity = 0.4;   }gravity_direction = 270;if (hspeed > 0) then{    hspeed -= 0.1;    }if (hspeed < 0) then{    hspeed += 0.1;    }

    It's just a jump code.


    Before using codes, I'd suggest you take a look at the actions, Drag And Drop, or OOP as I showed above.


    Ok, and the menus:


    Start menu


    File: everything here is pretty much self explanitory, except for two things you might wanna know


    Create Executable- instead of a .gmd file, it changes your file into .exe so everyone can play.


    Merge Game- Merge two or more .gmd's together


    Prefrences- Work space options, like coding colors and stuff


    Edit/Add/Scripts: This is if you are too lazy to use the folders to create your game


    Run: Test play your game


    Windoow: who cares


    Help: This shows legal information, contents, forums, legal info, and registration (that's right, Game Maker isn't free, of course you can always get a cut down version)



    I guess, that's it, GameMaker in a Nutshell. Anythinh I should explain.


    I typed this up right here in this add reply page, so there might be some spelling errors

  5. Well, as you may or may not know. I'm not very good at sprites. So I decided to get Graphics Gale, and take a few tutorials. I made a few sprites. Tell me what you think of them;


    Posted Image

    That's a gingerbread man, I did the shading all by myself, I didn't use gradients or anything.


    Also there's this robot/mech that I made.

    What do you think of this one?


    It's not as good as the gingerbread man, in my opinon.


    This here's some marble with eyes and a mouth. I was just being random when I made this, it's yellow too.

    Posted Image



    And lastly, I made a rock.

    Posted Image

    Once again, I did the shading myself. I didn't use a gradient tool.




    Oh, and here's just some computer art I did:




    click it.



    C&C is appreciated, since I'm new with spriting.

  6. Hey, I was wondering; for my website, i'm using <Marquee></marquee> Tags for like headlines, and things like that. I did notice it only goes from right to left. Is there away to reverse that? Meaning it goes from left to right? Is it a seperate tag? What about up and down? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  7. Awesome, thanks. Yeah I do think it's got a different 'style'. I will admit that it's not the best quality, but to be frank I couldn't care less how it looked. If this was hygene, i'd be one sad man....


    If you are starting a comic, try KeenSpace or Drunk-Duck, they are pretty good, and good luck...


    Any other comments?



  8. I think it will be eithereverything gets too advanced that you'd rather go outside and playoreverything gets too advanced and they can't advance anymore so it's like the big crash with Atari's games. THere will be so many of the same game, that it will crash the market. So then we have to start over with 32 bit games.

  9. http://chronic.atspace.com/

    That's my site that just opened. It's basically a gamemaker site, and a pivot site (it ahs some other stuff thrown in). Check it out, and please leave a comment. I try to update it as much as possible, I post my games there, also some works in progress. Soon I'll add some Vb6 editables. Tell me what you think. Maybe leave a comment or if you feel generous, vote at the gmgtopsites (ths smiley).

    Don't worry, my Xisto site is coming. I'm just dealing with some browser compatibility issues.

  10. We'll then come to the part where we'd ask ourselves, does cannibalism, to be taken as unusual and abominable behaviour, have to be performed by intellegent beings. We'd fall into a quandry where classifying an intellegent being would be in question. Would early man, with enough knowhow to make tools and arms be considered 'gross' if he/she were to cannibalize a fellow human? Would 'untouched by CIVILIZATION' pigmy tribes of untill mid last centuary, that routinely fought other pigmy tribes and then cannibalized them be considered sub-human.





    It is an unusuall and abominale behaivor. It's just morally and legally wrong. (Cannibalism is actually wrong and against the law, because you have assaulted and/or killed the person you were gonna eat. If cannibalism was fine and dandy, it wouldn't be on the news. This is just for america.. I don't know about other countries)

  11. I've got a question. I find eating people VERY disturbing, I want to know: Why do people do that? Like a little while ago, I heard on the news, that some guy I ate this one girl or something. What do you think makes someone want to eat people? It just creeps me out, that of all the food in the whole world, you have to eat your neighbor. What do you think about cannibalism? (I'm talking about today's world)

    here's somethin' I found on cannibal http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3254074.stm

    and this http://www.rotten.com/library/death/cannibalism/

  12. I highly reccomend Game maker. You can do pretty much anything now. Even things that like aren't available, you can extend it using DLLs. GM is so cool, and i'm working on a few games my self, if you need help, just ask.Also my site is partly dedicated to gm.;

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