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l337 Nurse Pedestrian

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Posts posted by l337 Nurse Pedestrian

  1. Eh? Wicca is a bunch of Hoo-hah (at least in my opinon). Fairy tale stuff. I've yet to see a real witch or any documentation on them. All of them you see on TV, or on the internet is just stories, and I'm tired of people on some other crappy message boards posting topics like " I'm a witch, I made a potion yesterday ". As far as I know, Wicca has nothing to do with potions and things like that. These 'witches' are just normal average everday people, just like you and me.Normal meaning without supernatural abilities.

  2. As you may or may not know, Terri Schiavo had her feeding tube taken away from her, and after a bunch of contreversy, and going to court, it looks like she won't get the tube put back in. If you don't know what all this is about: http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/03/18/schiavo.brain-damaged/ . Well what do you think about this? Should the tube be placed back in (that's what her parents want), or should it be left out, and slowly let her die (like her husband wanted).

    I say, keep the tube out. Micheal has to live to, and he can't keep caring for her. I honestly see no reason for her to live, she has no conscience, she's just there (even though she goes through sleep and wake, and she wails). Plus, she can't feel any pain while she's starving to death. All the more reason to let her die. I think it will remove alot of legal and emotional strain when she dies. The end.

    What do you think about this current event that's everywhere in the news?

  3. Gmail, it's top notch, and it's sort of an IM service. It's good, new, different, and invite only! And besides, you can't go wrong with 1gig of space, that'll last you for atleast 5 years (for that casual emailer at leasr). Good job G-mail. Now if Google could make a browser...

  4. the order of how good a console is(as far as I know):XboxGamecubeDreamCastPs2Not by opinons, but by How powerful they are, graphics capabilities, e.t.c.The Ps2 has outdated hardware, and I don't even consider it a Nex-gen console. The graphics aren't even right, it's all jagged-edged and pixel-like, even on games like Grand Tourismo. Sony should really update.Their controller is comfy, though.Xbox on the other hand, is pretty good. It has alot of memory and you don't need a memory card. I hate Xbox's controller, it seems like it's built for a yeti. The graphics are far superior towards the Ps2, it's more powerful, it can do alot more things, enough said.Games however, are a different story...

  5. No, I didn't use Html builder, I was just being lazy and didn't add anything.The second part will be moved, I was going to retype it al later. But I guess now is a good time too, I think I will put some links down.Also, the only problem I had viewing in Internet Explorer, was the grey head lines were really big. then I went on another computer, it was fine, so really that shouldn't be there at all, but I will change it.Not quite sure what posessed me to to use <div> in the footer, oh well.Thanks for your comments, :D .

  6. Yeah it is the same. But Chronic was all 'not right' and everyone was making cocaine references. Anywho, I did add some mroe things, and since the name change, my site's popularity rocketed. Well it is a weird name. One of the first games I made was called Emoticon Rampage, so that's why I named it that, my other two games I made before that sounded retarded as a site name. Anyway, what I mean by security is like protecting against fraud, and ID thefts and things like that.

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