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Everything posted by darul0r

  1. ok.. my old system runs on 70°C and if it was busy cpu was at 90°C one time i had 105°C! ok i used a cooler, just to let you know after 2 years the cpu was burned! ok now i have a new system! 2500+ athlonXP with boxed cooler and fanadapter.. silence =) it runs on 40°C and busy 57°C
  2. thx a lot!ok i think, the problem is that i hav used iframes! have you an idea how i can publish the stuff in another way? nearly every website have iframes!
  3. now i think everything is quite correct. the first page is index.htm , there are all metatags on, index,follot means that the robot follows every link! on index.htm is also a link to the mainpage without the flashintro, so it would be possible to get on the mainpage!
  4. THX! some of these i knew before but they are very useful to know! developement goes faster without clicking every second :Pthx good idea to put the shortcuts in here :)greetz darul0r
  5. i think like you JaredLeto! i made a little game with it and i think its not soooo great! i like more to write programs and games on my own.. ok they are not sooo great as they woiuld be, if i had made them with gamemaker, but they are totally mine
  6. hey! i have a problem! im trying to be also find through google! my website is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ! if im trying to find its through google with the keywords: Roman Konrad or "Roman Konrad" or RomanKonrad, it is nor listed!! why?? its the page of myself!! and thats my name! so why it is not found??? i have all metatags and evereything! there are so many sites but not mine!! who can help?
  7. i think a light blue is good =) its not soo hard and it looks freindly
  8. hey @ all! you have many topics abouut many musicans! but there isnt moby! i think mobys musik is sooo cool! what do you think??
  9. you can put sound in your site by using for example javascript! many browser can understand javascript and you can use it everywhere on your website! for example by clicking on a link or directly strat a sound by opening the site. but i think you shouldnt put musik or something on you page! its annoying.. and if you really want, you should put on a button with the value "mute!" greetz darul0r
  10. hi @ all!i have a website with many partypics.. and now i want to have a counter! if anybody clicks on a pic, the counter which is placed under everypic should notice this! so for every pic i want a counter, which shows how often it was clicked and shown! with which scrpting language should i make it?which is the best for this quest?thx for help!greetz darul0r
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