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Space Orangutan #2

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Everything posted by Space Orangutan #2

  1. I just used W3Schools cause it tells you all the tags, or at least most, and then lets you try them out. Using code to change font color and such in your html document is somewhat similar to coding in your css doc so you should wamr up to it quickly.
  2. I can't do such programming such as C very well without some help but in Web Design I cam much better cause it's simpler and more fun when you work with graphics.
  3. If I were you I'd plan out my site on paper on how I want the elements organized and what I want to incorporate in my site. Only after that then I would code or create the images. I've gone into many sites with just a thought in my head and they all turned out really bad.
  4. I've always used Photoshop cause it's just the best in features that I've found. Everything is layed out in an organized way.I love The Gimp but it lacks the one main reason why I like Photoshop, everything being contained in one window. There are too many windows in The Gimp. There is a plugin to make it look like Photoshop but I don't trust it.
  5. These accounts would probably be useless if they didn't allow a large attachment size. If it is true that it can be up to 50MB then it wouls be an ok deal. One could cut up their files less than one using a 5MB limit.
  6. But this only works if your host lets you upload .htaccess files. Many free sites restrict you from this upload. [Does Xisto let you?] Using the .htaccess file is the only way, right?
  7. I don't think one should need a disposable email cause what if after signing up for a reputable site your email address gets lifted from a bot? That's happened a few times with me. I'd use a disposable email address but then I'd have to look for that one good email amidst one huge load of spam.
  8. Cool, thanks mate. Can it run off a floppy or does it have to be installed? All my old systems that could run it have messed up HDDs.
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