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Everything posted by pixelsmack

  1. Linux is a kernal, unix is a type of OS. Unix is a registered name so Linux cannot be described as a Unix OS however you will here linux described as a Unix like system. One thing to bear in mind is that Linux is NOT an OS it is just the kernal the GNU (recursive acronym for GNU's Not Unix) is what people often confuse as being 'Linux' this is however the command line and tools that interact with the Linux Kernal. A Linux OS is called a distrobution and will include both the Linux Kernal and The GNU tools as well. Interesting Links: https://www.kernel.org/ http://www.gnu.org/
  2. Well there are several spelling errors on the page such as "mobil" instead of "mobile and "wapinks" instead of what i assume should be "wap links". Generally the interface is nice looks comfotable and is quick to load, not to overblown with pictures etc. however the interface does look a little pixelated, however this may have something to do with my really crap machine that i am using here.
  3. I was aware that google use a combination of popularity of a certain site, for instance if http://www.randomsite.com/ gets most hits from searches from a group of keywords it will be ranked highest for keywords searched from that group, this is then used in conjunction with results from other groups of keywords to get the best matching site. It also means that new sites on the directorty dealing with an old topic will have difficulty ranking highly as traffic from google will undoutabley be lower.
  4. I have used firefox continualy since about version 0.4, i love it it is simple lightwight and all these problems people report have been completley mythical in my experiance. That doesn't mean to say they don't exist on some systems but i am using windows XP with firefox with great success infact i have even taken the libety of migrating my dads PC for him and he hasn't complained yet.On a side note after the vunerabilities of IE6 with SP2 that have been exposed today, i think i will be sticking to firefox for the forseeable future.
  5. A Blog is a webspace where people write there feeelings etc, kind of an online diary. Its never really been something that i have seen a huge point to. I suggest going to some of these websites and reading some of them.... mostly boring . On a side note MSN also provides a blogging service at MSN Spaces its still in beta though but i guess it will be intergrated with MSN 7.0 when that is released.
  6. i have had this game pretty much since release and, i am actually yet to install it.... hmmm will have to get it out again lol. what a waste of money £35 on something that i havn't yet played...
  7. an interesting news article apeared on slashdot.org today about windows spyware testers such as spybot and ad-aware, suprisingly the one that came out on top in this particular test was the new microsoft "windows Anti-Spyware", if anyone is interested in the article it is here : Slashdot. I personally use spybot for my checking needs i might however have to give this new M$ one ago.
  8. For an old computer one of the BDS OS' would be best probably however they can be difficult to set up if you have never used a *nix terminal before however they are secure and allow quite alot of freedom with little use of system recources.another option would be a linux box of pretty much any distrobution as all the big ones contain the ability to run a decent fileserver.If you want to be really lazy you could do it with windows, if you do want to do that i would use windows 2000 this would achieve it reasonably but if you don't have a copy it is expensive and its not very secure, especially since its age.
  9. it all depends on the system, who is running it and how secure i feel it will be. I have several passwords that i rotate around each account that are not very secure then i also have far more secure ones for important information and things i fear loseing. for instance Ebay account password etc is not a simple dictionary word.
  10. One question that needs to be asked is will the benafits outweigh the negatives. As can be anticipated at the moment the technology that could come from extensive stem cell research is of far greater good to humanity than bad. There are negatives to the research not just economicaly for the short term but as well as moral issues and issues that will test peoples faith. even though there is a long term prospect of very good things in medicine messing with the foundations of life will cause some people to be morally outraged, wheather we feel this is right or wrong faith is still something that must be respected. However to the same degree people with a faith must respect the need for development and the benafits that could be given by stem cell reseach. The latest stats suggest that about 6000 people a day die from aids in africa, if this can be slowed cheaply via this research then it is something that is very important to look into.
  11. There is an offline mode for single player play however i don't know about the time required to authenticiate the first time of play on dial-up as this would still be required.
  12. If someone is learning to program with *nix then i think they will probably be ok installing the required JAVA packages
  13. Does it really matter which is learnt first, and is there really a need to learn both. I guess an advantage of knowing both is that JAVA gives you a good guide to using OO prgramming where as C doesn't do this and instead introduces you to different methods and logic patterns.As a programmer i feel that people tend to find a language that they feel comfortable with fairley quickly and raley leave that language when working on projects, someone who has learnt JAVA can do anything that someone working in C can do to a similar extent for most projects. this devalues the need to learn multipul languages very greatley as being very adept in one language is conciderabley better and more productive than being good in several that acomplish similar objectives.Learning a language to satisfy a need is a good thing to do, for instance driver programming would be very very difficult (if at all possible) in JAVA where as a C programmer will find it far easier therefore a JAVA programmer who has a good understanding of programming methods should not find it to chalenging to shift to C and covering the project in the other language. This is how i learnt, working with a new language as a need arose. Not just picking up the 'JAVA for dummies' book and reading it from cover to cover.
  14. Seriously, i prefer windows. Having used most OS types extensivley (with the exception of Mac OS) Linux and BSD both have there place however with the exception of the mac OS alterations to BSD this is more a server OS than a desktop so that makes it dificult to use for everyday taks. Linux is an excellent platform for desktops at work and by computer literate people however for the basic user it is far to complex. Linux also has the disadvantage of configuration being made fairley difficult as well as being filled with far to much OSS on a default install, how many Shells and web browsers does one user really need?
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