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Everything posted by enterthematrix

  1. NOOOOOOO!!! DO NOT GET THIS GAME!!! In my personal experience. Animal Crossing is the lamest, worst, most time consuming, horrendous, terrible game in existance! What's the point of a game that you have to be on at EXACTLY 11:00pm on Christmas night to get a hat from "Santa"? IT'S HORRIBLE!
  2. I'm listening to THE CSI THEME! I have it looping. Over and over and over and over and over...yeah. There's a story behind that song and why I constantly listen to it-a sad story at that. But this is not the place for me to complain about girl troubles. *Who are you? Who, who? Who, who?*
  3. I am a "Maddenite." I've been playing Madden since 1994. It's simply unmatched. While 2k5 may have some interesting features. Madden offers the best overall gameplay and realism. I recently purchased Madden 2005 (waited at the door of the local video game store the night it came out, actually) and it just get's better. Madden trumps 2k5 anyday. W007!
  4. To what? This site? Aren't you already logged in?
  5. Yes. That's right. The PSP will be a TON more useful than the Ds. WiFI! MP3. It will even play DVD's when Sony starts making them in that size. It's going to be great. But we DO have to wait until March 13.
  6. Again shal, Riiiiight...
  7. So I can just put these straight into the code and they'll work?
  8. Heh. Glad you brought that up. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. True. But the PSP is supposed to use a wireless pad. How cool will that be? Portable DDR. WHEN WE GO TO MATH CONTESTS...DDR. At school...DDR. Anywhere. DDR=the reason for life.
  10. Programming is actually pretty easy. All the languages feed from one another really. BASIC is just dumbed down C. JAVA is similar to HTML. It's all the same. All goes to binary eventually.
  11. But the screen gets messed up in a few days of use! It has horrible graphics compared to the PSP and is going to be obsolete in a year! The PSP is going to rock! AND THE PSP WILL HAVE DDR!!!
  12. GAH! Java is sooo much easier to use. PHP could take years. And I know some Java.
  13. Yeah. Just look at the source. I even documented something! Rare occurance. But hey! It's a start. You're whole game could be done in Java.
  14. Why not? Most of them are fairly long. And you know I rarely make long posts. They're hard on the eyes. Here's the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. True shal. Politics is a messy business. I would never consider it. But Kerry would be better than Bush. He's already shown he can make poor decisions (Cough*Iraq!*Cough)
  16. Exactly. I mean, we're going to have to lose a few lives before we can save a lot of them. Right? Stem cell isn't flawless yet though.
  17. I did. I think I have a good number of posts. Did you like the Java test?
  18. Have you tried ZoneAlarm? I've found it to be pretty good.http://www.zonealarm.com/
  19. He should. I've tried a similar connection in the past. I had no troubles.
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