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Everything posted by rmdort

  1. i didnt really use paintshop.. But i do use photoshop.. used to CS..
  2. I am scrared of the name Economics.. really mate.. U remind me of my skool days when i had to memorize those civil laws, GDP, NDP money.. those kinda stuff for econ Paper........ .... Its of no use..... hah
  3. only we members can make this a great community to hangout for discussion and views. Mutual trust is very important here. Removing the post count wouldnt increase contribution coz who will care to post if he gets hosting for free. I think the post count for hosting in Xisto is decent.
  4. Wanna try out GT3 first coz i havnt played it.. Gr8 to hear that GT4 will b launched.... But still i will b sticking on NFS udergrnd 2..
  5. rmdort

    Php Nuke 7.6 Out

    PHP nuke is a content management system.. It doesnt need any prior knowledge of php.. Jus install and use it.. But u should need some knowledge of php to secure u r nuke site...
  6. to remove any activeX spywares such as 35mb.com applets use Hijackthis http://www.spychecker.com/program/hijackthis.html
  7. he doesnt have any problems mate.. He is jus excited to hear of those free Dbases.....
  8. i cant WTF are the IE experts doing....... More n more holes .. more n more patches to download.... i m feeling dizzy with this Windows..... I should have chosen linux on my COM
  9. wow thts the only thing u dun like in Firefox ........ strange........ I hate everything in FF
  10. if i knew i would have replied mate.... Wait for experts to reply....
  11. havent heard of the game animail crossing lol
  12. yeh.. alrite....... George bush really sucks..... He kills ppl and proclaims himself as a democratic ........ he is a blood sucker lol
  13. JAP uses a single static address which is shared by many JAP users. That way neither the visited website, nor an eavesdropper can determine which user visited which website. How it works Instead of connecting directly to a webserver, users take a detour, connecting with encryption through several intermediaries, so-called mixes. Info: JAP uses a predetermined sequence for the mixes. Such a sequence of linked mixes is called a mix cascade. Users can choose between different mix cascades. - more... Since many users use these intermediaries at the same time, the internet connection of any one single user is hidden among the connections of all the other users. No one, not anyone from outside, not any of the other users, not even the provider of the intermediary service can determine which connection belongs to which user. Info: A relationship between a connection and its user could only be determined if all intermediaries worked together to sabotage the anonymization. - a detailed description of mixing principles... The intermediaries (mix providers) are generally provided by independent institutions which officially declare, that they do not keep connection log files or exchange such data with other mix providers. It is also planned, that independent watchdogs, who work in the name of the JAP users, will insure that the mix providers hold to their official declarations. Its free fro download at http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html enjoy....
  14. username: rmdort email : rmdort@GMAIL.COM domain hosting with Xisto.com : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Can u change the domain to : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks for u support.
  15. it can solved by ADMIN/MOD only so wait for him to see this thread
  16. yeh its back. thks for the reply CHronicLoser..
  17. I cant access my account , cpanel and my ftp.. DOes anyone have the same problem.??
  18. Can u tell me where do u add domain name.?? ISSIT UNDER PARKED DOMAIN?? I added the nameservers alady.. I installed phpnuke in my page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but when i click it the url in the IE address tab changes to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.. How can i resolve this problem..
  19. thnks all for u replies,.... i successfully did a reset after i got the backdoor passwords from http://labmice.techtarget.com/articles/BIOS_hack.htm tks all
  20. wow thts so cool.. I always wanted to have more HD space.. 320 GB is like having thousands of apps and movies in it.. Probably Swordfish is a one among those online file sharers i wan more HD space .. will be buying a 40 GB hitachi hard disk soon coz they r cheaper.. I hear that Iomega is gonna reease a TERABYTE HArd DISK? Issit true??
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ its a flash zoomquilt.. i found it posted in of my forums........ its really amazing i cant believe someone spend so much of his time designing and drawing out this quilt.. I give two thumbs UP...
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