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Everything posted by Joaquin_Phoenix_Obsessed

  1. United States of AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Sorry, lil hyper.Im from Kentucky, born and raised and still living here. It's often known as the hick state but living here all my life thankfully I live in a town where most of the 'countryness' has wore off of anyone who was born or raised in the country. I wasnt. But i do own a farm. But enough of my babbling.
  2. Spiderman ONE for me. I liked two, it was alright. But The first is always the best.
  3. Mine used to be the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Its still up there though.Now its Ladder 49 Saw it 6 times in theater, own a large poster of it directly across my bed and also have downloaded the movie.
  4. Saw it 6 Times. Fantastic Fantastic FanTASTIC movie. Joaquin Phoenix is my biggest obsession.
  5. The last movie I saw was the Grudge last Tuesday. It sucked major butt crack.Tomorrow Ill be seeing Saw.
  6. This is my forum. Its Called RolePlay INN or RP Inn. Either one; It's pretty inactive right now, and kind of new. I have 26 members at the moment. Only about...3 of them post, which is bull honkey because I really love to RP and every time I visit the site nobody is on. Check it out. http://rpinn.proboards28.com/
  7. I like Every kind of music. I've enjoyed every genre ever since I was a kid. If I had to choose a specific one it would be probably rock or metal. Im a pretty big fan of Ozzy as well. These days it seems more and more actors/actresses are getting into the singing business, I like that
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