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Everything posted by vietpost

  1. Does anyone think of freeing up some memory when you run Windows ? The programs we run will take up much memory of our computer. When we quit a program, the memory cannot or has not returned to its innitial state. The program we use is to do something like "refresh' the memory, and give computer the best use of it memory resource.I don't remember exactly the name of the software, does anyone know what software is the best to do this ?
  2. I tend to minimize the use of images as much as possible but your guide is pretty good to me. We cin indeed create a nice site with photoshop but if we "abuse" it too much, there will be a counter-effect. Someone may not be patient enough to wait, wait and wait for your website to load and at last it turns out to be a gingerbread !
  3. You get tons of skin in the two sites I gave above. Be careful when you change skins for phpBB ! If you have hacked some mods for the board, make sure that your skin folder have the correspondent .tpl file for that mod, and modified .tpl file should be updated to the upcoming skin folder.
  4. If U have some Php script knowledge, it's ok, but You can even hack most of the features supported by PhpBB without any knowledge about PHP. I've hacked most of features for my board such as: photo gallary add-on, quick-reply, link-exchange, phpBB portal, etc even if I don't know a bit about PHP. All that you can remember in hacking phpBB is backup, carefulness and following instructions. Backup: Save all original file (going to be edited) to other places other than the server in case your hacked file have problems and you cannot restore. Carefulness: Be aware of your error. Test the hack steps by steps to see what is your errors ( If you don't check, you will not know on what section your script is erroneous. Be patient !!! Sometimes I spent fewdays to hack a mod related to many files and database. Following instructions: Try to read hack instructions carefully before doing the editing. If you want some hacks for your phpBB board, go to https://www.phpbb.com/ or http://www.phphacks.com/ to download and try some out.
  5. I've tried WS_FTP before I switched to LeapFTP. Franky, I don't like WS_FTP because it is so big in size (take time to download) and often disconnects from the server (I dunno why).
  6. It sounds reasonable b/c yahoo compound many search engines into one, if you are looking in yahoo searching, you are concurrently working with altavista, msn, infospace and yahoo. This sounds more effective but I'd rather use google.com as it has been with me for many years.
  7. Great site. I've registered one for myself, but dunnot have the host to add to this domain.
  8. I always use leapftp (http://www.leapware.com/) because it is free to download and easy to use.
  9. You CAN automatically create thumbnail images in 4images Admin CP provided that your server supports GD Library. If you would like to do so, log in to your CP, go to Settings -> Conversion tool for thumbnails, choose ImageMagic or GD Bibliothk (depending on your server) and save the procedure. If you want to creat thumbnails for your uploaded images, choose Auto-thumbnailer , the program will find the images and create the thumbnails for you.
  10. I like Photo Impact (http://www.videostudiopro.com/en/?utm_source=ulead&utm_medium=redirect&utm_term=/&utm_campaign=ulead) b/c it is easy to use and professional.
  11. Yes, that's it. It is worth considering if you just need to sit down for couple of minutes to have a cool and professional banner for your website
  12. I know some free-hoster can extract the zip file online. At http://www.asphost.com/, when U register a free accout, you can upload a zip file by broser, the server can extract it and turn out a folder containng extracted files.
  13. I have heard of Gmail for a long time but I don't know how to sign up one for myself. Can you guys tell me how to register ? I am currently using my 1mg mail at http://www.walla.co.il/ . This mail is really great, but I don't know if it can compete with Gmail .
  14. Download free-trial Photo Impact Version 8 at http://www.videostudiopro.com/en/?utm_source=ulead&utm_medium=redirect&utm_term=/pi/runme.htm&utm_campaign=ulead, or buy it with the price at 89.95$
  15. Hi dude, do you have any experience with Photo Impact (Ulead), a program that helps you create your graphics quickly based on the templates and incredible effects. I was fastinated with this solfware b/c I don't need to invest much time learning to use (as compared with Photoshops).Some cool features of this solfware are:- Editing pictures (almost like Photoshop) and add picture effects quickly by the built-in templates (i.e. you can add frames to picture.)- Great text effects: Make your own text effects by apply the template (i.e. making text like icing, firing, neon, etc.)- Banner and Icons design: Great for web designers with banners ready-made, the only thing can do is to change some text, color to suit our interest.- Web templates: Ability to create a whole website using graphic effects (you just export the graphic pages to HTML page, and everythng done !!!)there are many more features that I haven't found out from this solfware. If you guys have more things to do than me, plz tell me more !!
  16. Can I use a ftp progam (like LeapFPT) and create a no-name folder on the server? If I can do so, how can I point to the no-name directory where I store my files in?
  17. In fact, we use html code in almost all of php-based web application. The role of php is undeniable but it must exist side by side with his html buddy
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