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About wedjarl

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  1. Opera is faster and its a true cross platform browser. It worked perfectly fine in every OS. Firefox on the other hand is quite buggy especially in older versions of windows, specifically on windows98. The Firefox icon doesnt show up, update icon doesnt show up, and often Firefox shuts down without consent. I know 98 is obselete but a good browser for me should work well on every type of browser. Firefox is a source hog. It eats a little bit resources more than Opera do. Anyway, Firefox is free..no ads, thats the best part of it. But if youre willing to spend cash on a reliable browser (no ads) Opera is the best choice!
  2. Opera is the best browser for me. cross platform, the layout is perfect for me!
  3. Bryce is a very ideal 3d modeling program for beginners. You could create and edit 3d landscapes terrains and artworks here in a breeze. Bryce though isnt actually a figure or modelling software.
  4. Phpbb is the best free forum board for me. with exceptions to those commercial ones. Most will probably raise their eyebrows on phpbb because its "unsecure" as some conned it. But for me exploits are normal things in life. we have windows exploited, linux and even mac. Just keep these things updated and everything will be fine. phpbb's inteface is better compared to other free boards out there. Ive tried out SMF, its good, features are good indeed, but its default interface is cluttered, default graphics are not good, organization of fonts, tables etc.. is not good. If you want a professional looking forum, or a midblowing forum interface im not sue if SMF would fit to that requirements You could cuztomize it, but for those who dont have any idea how, you will be stuck up with the "not so good" default ones. SMF templates are still limited as of now. The edge of phpbb i guess...is its current widespread community and development team. You could download tons of skins, mods everywhere...customized for your site or for your community. Plus its user friendly site (phpbb.com)..compared to the cluttered unfinished one of SMF. More reason for me to like phpbb is the upcoming PHPBB 3 Olympus version. http://area51.phpbb.com/phpBB/index.php The Olympus is very advance and quite comparable to Invision. Very good user management:preferences:user control panel. Well you could join the test forum to see it for youself. User Control Panel is good, manage atachments, profiles, friends, foes, graphics etc... The Olympus version even supports flash signatures. plus Very advance administration controls. I hope they release it soon. Anyway if youre willing to spend cash for a message board, the best one is V Bulletin. Stay away fro from forum boards which cant keep up its promise
  5. Now I remember the express tools, unfortunately I dont think its free. I havent yet touche 2004 or 2005, so im not sure id these tool is inclusive in these versions. Im going to extrude name of an establishment (font type is script)..and chprop didnt worked our well. (renders) Transparencies doesnt work out on objects perpendicular and close to the line of sight (camera)..they appear as hollow objects. Transparencies on Objects far from the camera works out, but as you draw closer to it...it will appear as a simple opaque solid. Very annoying. Ive searched the help files that adviced to set the transparcency to 1.0, but the object will be invisible it that manner, setting the transparency to .90, the object close to the camera will lose its transparency again. well this is in the older ADT3.3-2002 below versions, im not sure maybe they have fixed in in 2004 or 2005. A concrete winding stair. well not actually circle, a winding one. I was fund of escaping the view of winding stairs in interiors before, but lately someone requested an interior view, included in that area is a winding stair Well for me ADT seem to be very good in drafting (2d wireframe) but ArchiCAd has little edge on 3d modelling. Many have been arguing with me that ArchiCAD is better but somehow I refuse to believe. Just seeking others opinions on what software to focus. :wink: Thank you!
  6. ok here mine..mostly 3d modelling..currently im using an old and limited ADT 3.3...I havent seen yet the 2005 although I have touched up v2004.1. is it possible to extrude those texts in autocad? well just the write (plus any command) and extrude it. none of those polyline lengthy process...someone told me you could extrude it is possible (but didnt bother to tell me how )2. in materials (rmat) transparency seems to disappear as you draw close to solids applied with it. (or perpendicular with the line sight)..this is very annoying especially when working with interior projects with lots of glassworks..well creating those glasses on 3D Max will solve the problem, but im just curios if it is possible to fix this in acad. setting the transparency of the material to 1.0, the object will simply vanish upon rendering.3. how to create a concrete circular stair in a very fast way...I usually create them step by step, thread by thread, riser by riser...which takes so much time. is there a fast way for that?4. lastly, AutoDesk vs. ArchiCad..which is better?
  7. Its natural for avast to require much resources because it has more featues and a mind blowing gui. it offers six protections (standard, internet mail, instant messaging, outlookand express, p2p file sharing, web shield). updated automatically/frequently, plus a "virus recovery database". To reduce avast's resource consumption, simply disable those protections you dont need. comparing the performances/rate of detection of mentioned free antivirus softwares here...based on the "lab virus" of Virus Bulletin..Avast! has a good detection rate 11/19..... + avast! - https://www.virusbulletin.com/testing/vb100/ + AVG - https://www.virusbulletin.com/testing/vb100/ + AntiVir - https://www.virusbulletin.com/testing/vb100/ Antivir is good, but stubbornly updated. It will took them some time to update the virus database of the software, when a new strand of virus appears. (unreliable when you need it the most) AVG on the other hand is good and require lesser resources compared to avast, but crippled with some features. If you want an antivirus which doesnt consume lots of memory Clamwin is a better option.. http://www.clamwin.com/ Clamwin doesnt offer on access scanning so it doesnt run on the back ground. To be able to detect virus, you have to manually run the scan option. Anyway, if you want a legal copy of AV and dont want spend a single cent for it, avast! is a good option.
  8. Certain issues arises when installing two software firewalls in a sole pc. I guess you better check it out if you have completely uninstalled ZA from your system. Probably checking out you registry and see if traces of ZA is still there. But I doubt it, ZA, completely uninstall everything. I have used Sygate before and my main problem is its so robust, slowing up everything. Im not so familiar with Sygate. When I hit the "anonymous surfing" or something like that... it drastically changed and slowed up everything. So i guess it would be advisable to lower up everything in Sygate. Another thing I have observed about Sygate is is doenst uninstall completely, (this was before, i dont know maybe they have updated the program now) leaving traces in your registry. Upon uninstalling sygate and installing another software firewall it would tell you to "certain issues arises when using this firewall with sygate, please uninstall it." so "regedit" and removing it from the start up solved the problem out. Last thing I hate about Sygate is its a source hog. It will eat up a lot of your memory screwing up everything. If you have something that works like Sygate, I would suggest either Kerio or Outpost. I have used Kerio for years, and personally favors it...but lately I have to uninstall it since my housemates dont have any idea about it. So ZA was the option, its so much easier to configure and use. agnitum outpost ---> http://www.agnitum.com/index.php kerio personall ---> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ both are free for personal use.. Antionline Firewall recommendations..http://www.antionline.com/showthread.php?265820-OMG-Is-this-a-logfile-of-me-being-hacked-on-IIS&s=&highlight=firewall+recommendations
  9. So many ways to create that.. but the easiest way to do that is through photoshop. in photoshop you could control the over all layout, the way the site will look, well more like skecthing/painting up, using photoshop as your canvas and its tools as pencil and paints. You could control the over all design and concept of your site...After that simply slice up the image you have created..and the rest will follow, just alter the codings etc..place contents/scripts on areas you wanted them to appear in your design.
  10. well how about apache..... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Its not that hard to create a custom built templates. Photoshop is a perfect software to create nice templates and layouts. Before I usually admire templates..how they are done, yet I was hesitant using them, for a single free template, probably there are thousands out there who are using it too. Templates are great web design guidance for me. You could grow and learn a lot from studying layouts made by others.
  12. Google has a privacy policy, terms and conditions etc.. if the owner of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thinks Google violated his/her privacy policy, he/she could file a complaint or probably sue Google. Google has been on the net for years, and slowly they gained and established credibilty, respect, and trust of most netizens. And I dont think they would sacrifice or ruin those looong years of establishing their "Google trademark" for reading messages scraped from gmail or web searches.
  13. I learned the basics of HTML from Geocities. I was intrigued on creating websites. Ive seen so many websites hosted on it I was informed it was built free if you have a yahoo account. I started using the wizards etc..Geocities helpfiles was good to..and it gave me ideas about html editors like frontpage which leads me to exploring more about those preset templates in msfrontpage. next stage i found http://www.w3shools.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t which introduced me to different languages such as asp, php...etc..
  14. Im not a big fan of phpnuke...CpgNuke (now cpgdragonfly) is the best CMS for me. PHPnuke is big slug..especially to those with slow internet connections. Most phpnuke portal approximately loads about 5-10 minutes on dial-up connections so personally it isnt that professional. CPGnuke loads way faster compared to phpnuke. Plus the fact that, slowly, phpnuke is heading to be commercialized-propriety (closed source) cms..
  15. this community/site is all about signatures..not too complicated or too advance..very ideal for beginners... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they host images too... since you have photoshop, image ready for gif animation will suffice.
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