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Everything posted by qwijibow

  1. oops, sorry, i posted this a while ago.. seems the mods have since created a Windows sub-forum and put this thread in it... this post was ABout Securety on Non-windows machines.
  2. Lol.. Beautiful !!! so....some1 tuns on a Cell hpone.... the navigation equip[ment (which lets face it should be shilded) gets confused and things North is North North East... and its in a different location... the piolet isnt exactly going to fly the plane into the ground ! the worse thing a navigation error can do is get you LOST ! they just tell you it will kill every1 to scare you into not sneaking in a quick slashdot update !
  3. could be anything !you will have to naroow it down a bit... Opeerating System / version / Distro ? Error messages ? any kernel output ? anything unusual in the network logs ? is your traffic too high on other ports ? whats your firewall rules ? as much information is possible. for all we know, you could be using a Amiga 1200 !
  4. Interesting !but does it have any use ? if you dont want the hard disk, them maybe remove it and use with a machine that could use the extra space ?
  5. there are looads of gree alternativs ! my Fave is CdParanoia (with GRIP s a frontend)
  6. Okay... there seems alot of confusion on this site about what a firewall is !a firewall is a basically a set of rules which decides what IS and whats IS NOT allowed to pass through your Network Connections. With Normal firewalls, You start off with a Firewall that lets nothing through, then you Add ALLOW rules... for example my firewall rules for input are as follows... ACCEPT all ipv4 packets on interface LOOPBACK ACCEPT tcp packets that are part of pre accepted ESTABLISHED or RELATED connections. ACCEPT tcp packets to port 80 ACCEPT tcp and udp packets to port 1214 DROP everything else. this rule will allow me to run any client i wish, but only servers on port 80 and 1214 (webservers and FastTrack servers) The Reason your frewall is blocking things you dont want to it to , is because you have not set it to allow them ! you have just gone overkill and accepted all packets everywhere.
  7. security flaws have been found.... the difference is as its open source, its usually fixed within a few hours of discovery... whereas flaws in Microsoft internet Explorer take anywhere from 6 moths to 2 years to fix..... (assuming they make a genuine effort to fix every flaw they find) but be be fair.... some of the firefox vunrabilitys were due to the underlying OS..and were only exploitable on win32 systems
  8. OPINION ALERT !!!! in my opinion, a forced community is a poor one. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://www.developerfusion.com/ in these forums i also belong to, there is no incentive to post... just post if you want to help and know the enswers. these sites have excellent community's here, people are driven to post to get free hosting.. and lets face it... ive seen people post infomation they later admit to knowing is in accurate ! ive seen so called "how-to's and tutorials" about how to get yahoo working behind your firewall... where the answer is "hey... when yahoo asks if you are behind a firewall.. answer yes" ive seen C++ beginner tutorials written by people who are newbies, and barely understand themselvs. writing terrible code thats going to confuse other newbies ! i saw a piece of code that basically decided wether a number was even or odd... instead of a small IF statement dividing by 2 and looking for a remiander, they wrote a HUGE switch case statement.... returning somthing for odd number, somthing else for even numbers. people have been posting at every opertunity.. advising others who are contemplating using linux with answers like "hey, i never used it... but here's my opinion anyways" people are answering questions that no1 has asked. i dont think that the information here is useless... i just thing this forced community is diluting the usefull information too much. are there any other people here that belong to other forum "communities" ? do you also notice this trend ?
  9. Linux runs far more games than people realalise. Things that a Linux Distro will do that windows cannot.... Burn / Rip CD's Encode / Rip DVD's DNS / web / FTP servers (and many more) Compilers of many different languages Development Tools Complete Office Suite Software Professional Graphics Tools Like the GIMP p2p File shareing. Professinonal Encryption Tools Secuript tools like Tripwire, root kit hunters and Packet Sniffers the list is endless.... and its all free... when you buy windows you get... well.... a (very poor) web browser and email client.. and a very poor media player... and... notepad and mspaint. if you actually want to DO somthing, then that will cost you extra.
  10. You dont need 2 different hard disks to Dual Boot between windows and Linux !you can shink your windows partiton to make a few gigs spare on your disk, add a couple of linux partitons, and install to them !it will then replace your windows MBR with Grub (Grand Unified Boot Loader)which in english is a pretty blue screen that apears when u turn the pc on, asking you wethr you want to boot windows or linux.id be happy to talk you through the porcess if you like.and im all for tryng linux !some people try linux and go back to windows.. most try linux and love it !if you never try, you will never know.my favorite OS is gentoo !its by far the easyest distro when you know how to use linux... but intill then, stick with a fedora or mandrake distro.
  11. If you are Lucky enough to be using Linux...... libgmail http://libgmail.sourceforge.net/ gmailfs http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this is still in its testing phases... but with a Linux System and libGmail you can do the following... 1)Mout your Gmail Account as a Local 1GB Hard disk !!! as a test, i uploaded my Quake directory to gmailFS, deleted quake completely off my local hard disk, and ran it remotely ! took a second or 2 to load levels.... but it worked ! executed remotely ! 2)Access your email through a virtual POP / SMTP proxie... which in english, means send and recieve gmail emails with a standard email tool like ThunderBird, or Outlook Express (provided you have a linux machine on which to run the proxie) and as for the knowing when you have got email without opening your browser or (in linux's case) an email clients... check this out. https://www.linux-apps.com/content/show.php?content=14927 and this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ again.... only runs in Linux
  12. DUUDE ! no ! never ever ever just post your email account on a forum like that... especially your gmail account. spammers use things called spipers or bots or whatever that scan websites. ESPECIALLY open forums like this looking for emails to spam and sell to other spammers. the best way to protect yourself from spam, is only giveout your email to firends, or websites that do not display your email on web pages. its reeealy bad with gmail, as you cant just get anouther acount when this one is spammed up. if i were you, i would remove my email from every public webpage you have posted it.
  13. Yahoo mesenger doesnt have a firewall...this is just a way of telling yahoo that its already behind a firewall. u'know, for thigs like webcams or voice convo's things that make direct client to client connections. but im sure all this infomation is available on the yahoo website. no real need to (mirror) it here.
  14. Windows vs Linux:1: Security can depend on many different things... but the most the most crucial part is the core, the operating system. a secutity hole in the kernel will effect all applications, which is why fixing / patching security holes as soon as possible is VITAL... the advantage of linux, an open source OS is that this can be done very fast....not too long ago there was a major kernel bug, it enabled un-privilaged users to shutdown the machine by halting the kernel...(i think it was called evil) there was a patch available within 12 hours, and completely new kernel available within 5 days.it generally takes Microsoft several months to do this. (if they decide to do it at all)2: User firnedlyness....Linux can be setup (pre-installed) by an experianced user, and left to the computer illiterate.all the hard stuff is done once.. and never again.people who have never used a computer before can begin suing it easily. no further maintenance is required.however with windows, the computer illiterate people MUST learn how to update there virus scanners, Scan there drives for virii.. memorise rules about what files are save to download , and which are not (exe, com, dll, pif, bat, vbs) they must learn to de-fragment there hard disks, they must learn to edit the registry in some cases to remove virii..and after a year or so... they must learn to completely re-install windows, all the drivers, software, everything.linux is easyer in the case that it does not need ocnstant maintenance.3: applications...well.... there's nothing to argue here.
  15. The Linux versions are free.... GET LINUX (if you are using linux... shout... ill post the links to the tools im using)
  16. Has any1 here managed to get GmailFS working ? i follwed the instructions here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it works to a degree, but the files are very unstable ! i wondered if any1 here has had any luck ?
  17. and google.com/linux is absolutly PRICELESS to me ! (plus the logo is soo cute !)and dont forget gmail !!!!!!speaking of gmail, i have a load of invites.....i know almost every1 has a gmail account now..... but still !
  18. Yeah... Windows is an okay operating system when it works....but i share my computer with my family, and windows does not protect the non-techies from virii spyware adware very well.when my computer illiterate family use linux, nomatter what they do, they are protected from adware, spyware and virii... i dont have to remind them what files that can downnload and hwat they cant.plus i dont have to keep teaching them how to do disk deframgments or virus scanner updates.or driver re-installations.anyways.... its all just opinions... any1 could argue this subject and never come to a conclusion.
  19. when you say aparently, does this mean you have never used linux, but prefere windows ? wouldnt you prefere a system where EVERYTHING is case sencitive like linux, than a system suffering from lack of standards where SOME thigns are case sencitive, and SOME things are not case sencitive ? i prefere linux... partially cos it looks better, partially cos of the security and lack of needs for a virii scanners and disk defraggers.. and the price.. but mostly because i like to be in (complete) controll of my computer.
  20. lol, its gotta be AT....i assume the other non english speaking countries make up names for it because AT means nothing in there language. anyways... if you reeeealy want to start a long pointless discussion, ask people how they rponounce things like Linux or SuSE or Knoppix (or GNOME so you can have a laugh)
  21. like Adobe what ? accrobat reader ? i dont do much graphics work, but htere are linux alternativs to those software... i saw a thread about it on developerfusion.com a while back... aparently most of them work on wine anyways. i cant remember any titles, but wuite a few modern films used linux to render most of the special effects. there is no shortage of desktop applications for linux.
  22. just because it doesnt ask for a username doesnt mean you cant login !i cant try this myself cos im busy uploading my knoledge and waiting for people to ask questions i can have sum space ! anyways... when you connect to ftp the command "help" will list the commands available to you. hopefully the user command will be available.... run this command with your username as a parameter "user myusername" you should then be prompted for your password... BO SELECTA ! ur logged in.
  23. whenever you want the best, and you want it free, turn to open source. i mostly use command-line FTP through a bash script, or when im feeling lazy, i find konqueror is an excelent ftp client.
  24. The difference is that In C++ the main function must be of type int and return an integer, otherwise the orgram will not compile ! its True that the Microsoft Compilers willl accept void.... but this will break compatability with proper c++ compilers... the windows standards are serverly broken. also.... the parameter of main should be an integer and a pointer to a pointer to a character, or nothing at all. int main(int args, char *arguments[]) { cout << "there were " << args << " arguments passed to this command" << endl; cout << "this program's executable name is " << arguments[ 0 ] << end; for (int x=1; x<=args; x++) { cout << "argument #" << x << " = " << arguments[ x ] << endl; } return 0;} its always important to follow standards, or the behavior of the code in alien envoronments will be unpredictable.
  25. lol.. why are we atalking about telnet ?its right.. for remote logins, use ssh.. (or an ssh tunnel)anyways... the first thing that comes to mind is the gateway's load.whats the processor load in times of high demand ? (also network load)maybe the machies just cannot keeep up, and the firewall is dropping tcp packets ?
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