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Posts posted by almoo7

  1. MS said that Windows98 SE was more secure and fewer bugs than windoes 98..

    it said the same about windows 2000... it said the same about windowsXP.. it said the same about Serive pack 1... and now its saying the same about service pack 2....


    and yet the number of exploits and virii written has been exponentially increacing ever since DOS.


    Hmmmm, it is only my opinion, if you say that - then I can do nothing as it is your opinion. People always claim this and that but it's the experience of the user that really counts. I've used windows 98 and if you ask me, Windows XP is a lot better. Why would microsoft release Windows XP if it was not better than Windows 98? Maybe you just used the first release of XP and you failed to upgrade it? It is very normal for every software to have security flaws, even their latest releases(yes, it is normal) or maybe you haven't used Windows XP at all? If you're saying that because you hear people say it(or microsoft themselves) then better not say it at all.


    -Look at the interface and features of Windows XP and Windows 98, can you differentiate which is the better one?- :)

  2. Is there any free way to make swf files??


    Well, you could use programs that provide an evaluation period. Some, like older versions of swishmax(I don't know about the new ones), resets the evaluation of the product after you uninstall it. So for example, if you installed swishmax and it expired after 30 days, uninstall it, install it again and you can use it for another 30 days. :) You can also search in google for flash freewares.

  3. It's easy my friend, there are two ways, if you want phpbb, just go to the control panel, under preinstalled scripts and choose addon scripts, and there is phbb preinstalled, just pick a name for a folder in your site, and install.


    If you want more advanced version with more advanced features you can go to PHPBB2, and download this version, then you have to upload all files and the next time when you go to the installation folder, (example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) will be appear the installation setup, and some data to configure in order to work, if you are confused with settings I can help you.


    Well said, it's really an easy thing to do when the host has a CPanel like Xisto. I thought it would be hard but just some click of the mouse and BAAAAAAM! Installed. :) Oh well, you need some knowledge about PHP when applying some advanced hacks though. :)

  4. uhmmm legally maybe not, but if you are looking for a software to create flash movies and stuff I recommend http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they have programs to do flash content at really low price compared to macromedia flashmx, the best product is SwishMax and it's cost only USD 99.95 and also they have fully trial versions. If you are looking for something more cheaper they have too, like swish2 and swishlite.


    I am currently using the latest build of SwishMax and it works very fine for me! And yes, it is a good substitute for Flash, you can also create stunning animations like in Flash but not one of those very complicated ones.

  5. Well, I tried creating a game about 3 years ago, i've used a software though(Game Master Pro 3.5 or something). I did finish it but with lousy graphics and such plus I have to use their DLLs for their games to run... I was not a programmer then, just a video game junkie that wanted to make his own game. :)

  6. It is a good job, i'm a freelance software programmer(but i'm not that good though). It is good(makes money, enough to eat and live) but... I think it's better if I become a businessman or something! :) Well, I still have to get a degree first(my 2nd course which is BS ComSci), I finished Computer System Design and Programming.

  7. dot TK is good except for those annoying pop ups(in their free service) plus they do not give you DNS management, they only offer URL forwarding, only useful if you want a short address but in a domain sense, it's practically useless but if you really like a TLD address then dot TK would be good. Ohh... And you need some hits to retain your domain...

  8. Another powerfull tool to edit animated gifs is adobe image ready, just open the gif file and you can edit and change almost everything with the power of the same tools from photoshop. If you want something more easy to use I suggest Ulead GIF Animator. You can do some cool effects too.


    Hmmm, well yeah... Could you give some example of those cool effect? I have Adobe ImageReady CS in my PC but I seldom use it since I don't know anything about animating something there... Could anyone here please give me a very easy tuturial? Like glowing fonts or something, it could be of big use to me since i'm helping my friend build his web banner.

  9. Programming, since you can do almost anything by it if you've become an expert and that includes designing graphics through a program, an example would be making an executable file in Visual Studio with a coded graphic. If you're really good at manipulating vector coordinates and calculating vector alignments then you can create impressive graphics through programming applications, even without using a pen tool(just by coding/scripting). Plus, you can create complex animations too, that is, if you become good at it. :)

  10. Can you unscramble the code with the same program? If so, all I have to do is dl that program and load up the encrypted code and translate.


    Nope, I don't think it's possible(for the 2-layer encryption feature) but for the first one, you could find a decrypter somewhere in the web(e.g. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex9/encrypter.htm) although sometimes it will not totally decrypt the code since there are some added/modified lines/part when encrypted files are decrypted. Please keep in mind that you should keep your original HTML files even after encrypting for you to have basis in your encryption. All I do is... everytime I finish updating my HTML page, I encrypt it and upload to my webserver but I keep my HTML files. When I need updating, I just update my original HTML files and encrypt it again then upload it to the web server, and the cycle goes on. :)

  11. Can you say it in detail


    Here it is then, if you're too lazy to check the URL of the post above.


    How would you feel if you know that somebody is stealing your bandwidth? You do have a bandwidth quota for your account, but imagine somebody using your bandwdith for his/her benefit. That's so unfair! But, you can stop hotlinking.


    Hotlinking is when another web site owner links directly to one or more of your images or multimedia files and includes it on their web page. An example would be using an <IMG> tag to display a JPEG image you found on someone else's web page so it will appear on your own site. For example, you have this image in the following place in your account: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.


    However, a bandwidth thief can easily show your that image on his site by calling the image using the following HTML:


    <IMG src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; height="350" width="200">


    So, every time the thief's page is loaded, your server has to use its bandwidth to display the image. And there goes your bandwith, and if the file is large enough or shown frequently enough, your bandwidth for the month may be completely gone, making your site inaccessible!


    This is a serious problem espeially if you had designed very nice graphics and flash animations and stored them on your own site. Others can easily stole your bandwidth.


    Luckily, cPanel has a solution. It can prevent hotlinking by only allowing named sites (such as your own web site) to access files on your site. To prevent hotlinking:


    1) Click on the HotLink Preventor link in the Advanced Menu area.


    2) Enter any other addresses that you will allow to access your site other than the provided defaults in the central area.


    3) Enter the protected extensions in the Extensions to allow field. Make sure you separate each extension with a comma.


    4) Enter the address to redirect any hotlinking to in the Url to Redirect to field. You can for example redirect the thief to a page scolding him or warning him. Imagine the fun you can have! ;-)


    5) Click on the 'Activate' button.


    You're done! This way, cPanel will prevent access to files from sites not specified from you. Your bandwidth is then protected this way.


    Posted originally by jcguy

  12. Instead of posting a new topic about HTML errors/codes, i'd just reply to this post with some of the codes that are related to HTML and HTTP Errors/Codes, below were not included:100 - Continue101 - Switching Protocols200 - Action complete successfully201 - Created - Success following a POST command202 - Accepted - The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not yet been completed.203 - Partial Information - Response to a GET command, indicates that the returned information is from a private web.204 - No Content - Server has received the request but there is nothing to send back. (Empty Document)205 - Reset Content206 - Partial Content - The requested file was partially sent. Usually caused by stopping or refreshing a web page before it loads.300 - Multiple Choices - The request could fit multiple files.301 - Moved Permanently - Requested a directory instead of a file. The web server substituted the index.html file.302 - Moved Temporarily303 - See Other304 - Not Modified - The cached version of the requested file is the same as the file to be sent.305 - Use Proxy408 - Request Time Out409 - Conflict410 - Gone411 - Length Required413 - Request Entity too large415 - Unsupported Media Type503 - Out of Resources - The server cannot process the request due to a system overload. This is usually a temporary condition.504 - Gateway Time-Out - The service did not respond within the time frame that the gateway was set to wait.505 - HTTP Version not supported - The Web Server does not understand the version of http used by the browser.Well, now you will know something about those error codes you see in webpages and those that you haven't seen yet. :)

  13. Hey hey hey, thanks for this post Jhonny, I already registered 3 .info free domains which will last for one year. Heehee, pretty useful link for a TLD. A perfect place to own a free domain(at least for one year)! Tsk, saved $9 for every .info I registered. :)

  14. Well, you gotta have a DNS server set in your PC. Preferrably you have to set 2 addresses so that you will have 1 as backup. Most domain registrars will allow you to modify/manipulate your domain DNS, set it to the DNS address you have assigned to your computer in the internet. The data will need 24 to 48 hours to propagate the internet so you may have to wait for a while before the domain name redirects the connection to your computer(host). Preferrably, if your domain supports URL forwarding then don't change their default nameservers provided for their free URL forwarding service, instead, put your computer's internet IP address as the value for their forwarding service. If you have a dynamic IP, you could make an account in http://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/ and add a dynamic virtual host for yourself, redirect your domain URL to the virtual host you made. You can change your virtual host's config anytime and it wouldn't take long before the redirection takes effect, the TTL(time to live) of virtual DNS hosts is mostly 1800 seconds by default. I recommend not using your PC as your host if you're not on a broadband connection or if your computer is not turned on 24/7. If you have no money then you can always find free hosts like Xisto to host the domain for you. I hope this helps. :)

  15. Currently:Duron 1.1 GHzC-Media Audio 16-bit(not sure though)NVidia Geforce 2 MX400 64 MB VRAM with 3D renderingSpectrum 4V US Edition 14" VGAMaxtor 40 GB 7200 RPM4KUS DVD-ROM 52x/24x/52xCyber CD-RW 48x/16x/48x256 MB SDRAMRunning Modified Windows XP Pro SP2Has interconnected AVR and UPS for data protection in case of power flactuations and black outs.Age: 3 years old.Current OS(Windows XP) installed since 2001, never been reformattedExtras:500MB Fujitsu Back Up Hard Drive (RPM ??)10GB Seagate 7200 RPMSony DVD-ROM 48x/24x/48xConnection: Unlimited - DSL 384 KbpsBuild Type: Server, low heat running box. No temperature conditioning needed. :)

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