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Everything posted by broflovski

  1. hahah! omg that's hilarious! XD Notice from Becca: Yes it may be hilarious..spamming isn't though.
  2. broflovski

    Bush Is Gay

    I'm not a fan of a retarded cowboy leading a powerful country =( Here's a cool banner to use! Pass it on!
  3. I'm ok. If I feel frustrated I don't lash out, I just do something else, reflect, or punch myself. Anyway, since the lack of communicatin is the issuse in this family (I'm guessing here) they won't listen to me, and I'll get a slap across my face (I've done this before)...hmm... mybe that's why they took away my computer for a month?
  4. I hate submitting to Yahoo!!you have to pick the directory of your site, then submit, then, you wait.If they DON'T accept you, you CAN'T reapply, 'cause they flag you.
  5. After years of my friends talking about their break ups here are some NO NO's I've found. Since 7 is my unlucky number, there are 7 tips! ...I got up to 30, but that's a bit too much! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) What are you thinking? *Never ask a guy this. You may be wondering why, girls, but really the guy doesn't need to knowing what he's thinking in his head. Besides, it's probably not anything you want him to be thinking. (eg: You think he is thinking about you, but he could really actually be thinking about the Girl Next Door, lmao) 2) Do you think _____ is cute? *Freaking ANNOYING. They say, "HATE IT when girls ask me this!" So, girls, don't try to be his buddy if you are his girlfriend? On the other hand, if you are very tight with him then you can ask a question like this. But, if your his girlfriend your putting him in a really bad position when you start to talk about other girls with him. Nothing good will come out of this, and the only thing you will do is end up hurting yourself because if he says.. "Oh, she is really cute..." then you will be jealous. 3) Can we talk about "defining" the relationship? * For those of you who still don't know what define means, the best way I can put it is to "state the precise meaning." So in this case... "Can we talk about the precise meaning of our relationship." Don't ever ask a guy this because it truly puts pressure on them. It's like those used car salesmen who say, "What will it take to get you to buy this car "TODAY?" Seriously, it sucks and it's ugly. It's especially NOT FLATTERING to them and can even make them insecure. Besides, if he has any intention to continue with the relationship, you won't have to ask him this question. Trust me, guys are eager to not lose you if they like you. If they're "truly" MEN then we will be the one leading the relationship. They'll be the leaders. *Once heard this phrase... "Leaders define---that's how they tell you where they are leading you so that you will follow." 4) Do you like hanging out with guys more than with me? *All I have to say is LOL because usually when you girls ask a silly question like this, it's usually not the answer you want. If you ask a guy this, it's like him asking if you like shopping more than him. Tought choice for most of you lol. They have their own lives too, and when you keep barging into their private life then soon they WILL think less of you. Not only this, but everytime you DO ask a guy this, you only dig yourself a hole in his lies. Basically he's trapped. Even though they like chillen with their guys friends, they "literally" have to tell you "no" and that they like hanging out with YOU more. And once again, TRUST ME, they won't feel good about it. 5) Who just called? *God, this pisses me off sometimes. Get it straight girls, you don't have the right to ask! It's out private business!! Stop trying to control them by controlling their information!! Let them have their own life too. If you give them privacy, we give you privacy. And definitely, if you ask us, we WILL BE INSECURE. 6) Where were you last night? *To them, it sounds more like an accusation than curiousity. If they want you to know, they will tell you, if not, then live with it...it's not the end of the world! *TRUST* is the key ingrediant. When you trust someone they want to live up to that trust. So no asking him "leading questions" because remember, guys are the "leaders." AND LAST BUT NOT LEASE... 7) Why don't you call me more often? *ooooo, i get this one a lot. Remember, everything that behings with "why don't you" is unacceptable! You put them on the defensive with this kind of accusation. It tells them that they aren't good enough for you. As if, they aren't meeting you "needs." Let me help you girls of Xisto out tho...a better way to ask this question would be, "I really love it when you call. It's fun talking to you on the phone." This is a positive way of asking the question, and you will most likely get a possible reply back =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- POST FEEDBACK! And, I will make another thread...suggestions would be great too =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I showed this to over 20 guys, who have a GF, or an EX, and they confermed it, AND added a little extra. (Plus some info from the gr.11's [thanks])
  6. Okay. So I'm bored, of reading all these "How-can-I-get-a-GF?" kind of post from guys. So here are some tips from a friend (AKA Daniel Degtiarev ), of a friend, of a few older friends of mine. You guys can read, reply...be silly, w/e.. i don't care. *Note: I made this thread because some guys just can't flirt and this might help them *This is optional, but i don't think it's mandatory, just something fun to do when mocking them in a nice way... Well.. just discuss.. do w/e up to you =) THESE TIPS ARE FROM: Daniel Degtiarev SO DON'T KILL ME please. Notice from wassie: If you didn't write the content yourself you have to quote it
  7. hahah! yeah. When the first infomercial came out I was all like HUH>>>>>>????'Makes me feel all imbarassed.
  8. ...Has your parent or parents pissed you off soooo much that you just wanna punch them in the face but you can't, because your living under their roof??!! AGGHHH! They blame me for everything!!! I can't believe it! And when they find out it wasn't me they can't even apologize! This is my mom's specialty! And my dad makes so many racist comments. and I'm just burning inside because I HATE discrimination SOOO MUCH! And when I try to debate about his opinion, and talk out, he calls me a "Smart *bottom*" And mom would be all like, "I thought I told you..." YEAH, WHATEVER!?! So I almost get kicked out for that *BLEEP* experience?! HA! ...and they wonder why my grades slipped in gr. 6-7? and they wonder why I lock myself in my room? and they wonder why I have marks on my arms? I JUST WANT TO SCREAM!!!...but all that comes out is a tiny wisper.
  9. Don't you hate it when someone beats you at something so NOT IMPORTANT and then rubs it in your face, and THEN does back talk to ya? darn IT! (Sorry) And even when you're a good sport, they have to be a *BLEEP* and go on a bragging rampage?! I deal with them via noogies hahah. Oh! And what about the people with tempers, and big egos, or over confident who want re-matches? Who won't admit when they're beat? (Good quality, just ANNOYING!!!!) Do you people get ticked off at that stuff too? Notice from saint-michael: edited topic title found it a little exessive to have that many letters in a topic title. You been warned.
  10. Have you ever seen those replies in a guestbook or page where someone made a hand, face, or flower using nothing but zeros, dashes, and numbers? I got a code that allows you to take an image from you computer, and turn it into a bunch of ones and ohs! The thing is that it's a PHP script. Oh, and since it's text, if you were to say, upload a tiny image, like my avatar, it would take up the whole window. <?ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); // compression, a HUGE saving on this sort of thing.function make($image){ $size = getimagesize($image); if( !$size ) { die ("Error, file is not an image."); } $fsize= filesize($image); $type = $size[2]; $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; if($fsize>51200) {die("Image is too big. Max filesize is set to 50 Kbytes.");} if($width>500) {die("Image is too big. Max width is set to 500 pixels.");} if($height>500){die("Image is too big. Max height is set to 500 pixels.");} // find imagetype and such switch ($type) { case 1: $im = imagecreatefromgif($image); break; case 2: $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); break; case 3: $im = imagecreatefrompng($image); break; default: $im = null; $extension=""; } if(@$im){ $imagearray = array(); for($i=0; $i<$height; $i++){ for($j=0; $j<$width; $j++){ $rgb = ImageColorAt($im, $j, $i); $colorrgb = imagecolorsforindex($im,$rgb); $imagearray[($i*$width)+$j] = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X",$colorrgb['red'],$colorrgb['green'],$colorrgb['blue']); } } echo"<html><head><style>DIV { line-height:5px;letter-spacing:0px;}</style></head>"; echo"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#000000\"><BASEFONT SIZE=\"1\"><pre><div><font>"; $k=0; for($i=0; $i<$height; $i++){ for($j=0; $j<$width; $j++){ $ch=rand(97,126); $ch2=chr($ch); if($k>0 && $imagearray[$k] == $imagearray[($k-1)]){ echo $ch2; } else{ echo "</font><FONT color=#" . $imagearray[$k] . ">" . $ch2 . ""; } $k++; } echo"\n"; } echo"</font></div></pre></body></html>"; } else{ die ("Error, unsupported image type. Only gif, jpg and png are supported."); }}if ( $example=="tux") { // User clicked the example link. Asciilize your example image. make("images/tux.jpg"); // this is my example image. Exchange for your own, or add more if you wish. Do NOT let the user choose a file from your drive. You don't want him asciilizing your password file :)}else if(@$uploadedimage){ // A file has been uploaded, so make the ascii-code if ( is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['uploadedimage']['tmp_name'] )) { make($_FILES['uploadedimage']['tmp_name']); }}else{// A file has NOT been uploaded, so write upload-form html code ?> <html> <head> <title> Asciilizer </title> </head> <body> <br />Upload the image you want to asciilize. <br />Supported image formats are: gif, jpeg or png. Max filesize is set to 50 Kb and allowed measurements are H<500 px & W<500 px. <br />Please, there is no point in trying 2mb screengrabs and such, as it will just fail anyway. <br />Keep in mind that the ascii version will be 6 times wider and taller = 36 times the area. <br />As such, large images might stall or even crash your browser. <br />The optimal image to asciilize, is one with few colors, sharp transitions, around 200x200 pixels, and large areas of the same color. <br /> <br />Upload it to any php-enabled webserver if you want to play with it. PS: If you wanted to enable larger images, you might need to re-configure your webserver with a larger POST-max-filesize, longer execution-timeout-limit.<br /><br /> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="51200"> <input type="file" name="uploadedimage" size="40"> <input type="submit" value="Asciilize it!"> </form> </body> </html> <?}?>
  11. Oh really now? hahah. yeah. The firewall issue. But you can override that my editing it's settings (the firewall's that is). By ads I meant as in "some programs have 'ads'" and "adware" (which I hate x10000000000000000000000000+) Freebies may suck at times, or not have all the bells and whistles you want, but yeah, you're right, it can get the job done.
  12. That's a REALLY old computer you have there. I'm not sure what to suggest since other have already posted it down (like GIMP or MM Fireworks)PhotoPlus is a good freebie if you're not willing to buy Adobe.Sorry I can't really help you out I'm too used to the new machines and the latest software.
  13. wow.I didn't know that firefox could do that stuff. Hmm... I guess we all learn something new everyday?Do you know any other tricks for firefox?I don't have the program, but I'm willing to know more about it before I download it. It'd be great if you do.
  14. Remote computer thingies? I find those entertaining. Did you try it? Does it actually work?MyWebExPC.com is a good one. But it's a trial that you have to keep on refreshing. That sucks, but it's a good service. I just don't like the ads you get from freeware.
  15. In a way you can't blame some of them.Most are still trying to find out who they are... just in a really cattle like way(*cough* Paris Hilton *cough*)It's true that also being different is something to be praised and not pushed away, just because you don't wear full TNA.Like one time I came to school wearing jeans and a ripped sweater, and everyone thought it was hot. Sometimes people copy in order to fit in, or just have the sence of belonging... and for others, it's just 'cause "it's so in"True. I do get a little flustered when I walk down the halls and see herds of clones, but whatever. It's just high school. The only thing that matters to me is that they're clean, and fully dressed.
  16. I do agree with you about the crud that's being eatten up by todays youth. Great music and wonderful artists are wasting their talent. Sean Desmand is one example of a voice gone to waste... Just because something's popular doesn't mean it's great! (*cough* William Hung ) And todays "rock bands" suck! Okay, yes the tunes are catchy, but they all sound the same with the same message: "Waa! No body loves me! My girlfriend doesn't love me!" OH PLEASE!
  17. That's insane.It's mind boggling how much technology has advanced through out the decades, and how interconnected it has become with our lives. For example, I can't live without my cell phone! Still the thought of light speed connections seems like an impossible feat.But that kind of attitude doesn't get idea far! If you find this interesting, what about all of the humanoids, and 3D television holograms being tested in Japan? That's also a topic to get in touch with!
  18. broflovski

    Hello :)

    Hi! Nice to meet you to!Hope you get the most out of Xisto~!
  19. hahah!Whoa, that's crazy! Makes you think doesn't it. Like if you were looking at the Earth, your work/school/or yourself magnified (by a gazillion times), would be the size of this here dot . and you still couldn't see it clearly.Makes me feel small. Amazing what technology can do, eh?
  20. Actually no. I don't think that friday the 13th is bad luck for me. It might be for others... but not me. The odd thing is, friday the 13th's are my lucky days! Yeah. I know, weird right? But I kind of do believe in bad luck, but not the kind where you walk under a ladder thing. More like karma. What goes around comes around? That kind of thing. Maybe you can do an experiment and just walk under a ladder or say Macbeth in a theatre? What's the harm in that?
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