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About broflovski

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 3]
  • Birthday 04/09/1992

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Canada, eh?
  • Interests
    I hate many things, and I don't like anything in partictular. You can talk to me if you want, I'm actually quite friendly when you get to know me.
  1. That'd be pretty hot if u didn't have chores to get in ur way! I would so pay $$ for that.
  2. Oooh. Just had a convo wit a friend. Heres a big NO NO for u girls PMS IS NOT AN EXCUSE! <-- never use that!! EVA!!!*shudder*
  3. What if people were reincarnated as molacules. Then we'd me made out of dead people's souls. Whoa... that would be freaky!I don't really have a spiritual side, so I can't really say.
  4. I'm a 4. I don't know, but 4 has always been a great number for me, (unlike 7!!) Also a friend showed me this trick to find out the meaning of life, and the answer is always 4.And: April (4) Date of birth (9) = 4+9 is 13 then... 1+3= 4!(Numerology)I guess that's it.
  5. Allo. There are plenty of people who share the same characteristics on this fourm (you just gotta find 'em >.<) Don't worry, you won't be mauled by a mob for being new. Just stick around for a while
  6. Hi! Yeah, Xisto is really great, the only thing is that you gotta post like crazy! So Hi, and Hello!
  7. Hi! Hope you find Xisto super usfullGah! cruddy speling! darn fingers! sorri XP
  8. Actually I'm moving out when I'm 16.I made a plan and confermed it with my frien'd mom (i'm gonna go live at kyanna's)I've been organizing my resume since forever.
  9. This is great! Now I can finally get the best out of my browser (because I am not a patient person) this is great! Where do you people find these things?
  10. Spam ads -adware -spyware -pop ups too short trials (7 days? Damn.) SpIM (equivalent of spam, but on instant messengers) Cruddy free services Annoying people on MSNM/AIM Referals "You've won the lottery!" kind of spam mails
  11. Try PhotoPlus, GIMP, GIFFY... yeah. those'll get you started. PhotoPlus works much like Photoshop and ImageReady, (but on a basic scale). It's really handy. It got me started when Photoshop didn't arrive in my mailbox yet =p
  12. hmm... think technology like robots, now on an EXTREMELY small scale. nano = small (really) I think they're using nano's to create cell regenerators so that people can be frozen, and then brought back to life in the future (hahah! just like Futurama!)
  13. Are you rich? hahahI've got so many family members who are like that! But in my family we prefer the simple things... turns out I'm the only one at home who's comuter saavy. =pOh well.
  14. I have a lot of complaints towards the (U.S.) government (not much to Canada, eh?) but what can I do? I'm not American. True, those people come up with rediculous things, and half-baked ideas (or none at all!)I'm just gonna sit here and view the rollercoaster ride of our rights.
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