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  1. I just wanted to say that many people believe in God just because they need something to believe... But why? How it can support you? Can't you just believe in yourself? On your own strenght? And about when you thinking about it.... I think that God was imaginated by people who needed support in their beliefs... Because It's true when thinking about something very strong it became true to you... But why we need it? In ancient times it was needed but now for what? Don't you get it? Those Ten Commandments where also written by people! Don't you think that from the sky there fall down a paper with that Ten Commandments So where are facts! This is the main question... Where are facts in God excisting? But even bible was written by people... Maybe... yes there is a God but don't you think that bible that was written by simple people is fully right Words of the God? I don't think so... I can't understand his plan and I think that noone can. Why if he is fair why dying so many good people in age of 30-35??? It's my problem I had the best friend he was 27 years old and he died... Is it fair? Is this is a plan of God? Then even if he does exist for what reason believe in him? No you are talking about The End with God's "bless" I'm talking about physical death of our planet...
  2. I did like you saidSorry I enter the Enter button...so this is my problem I've changed domain on yours(****.trap17.com)Now I can't get on the page it told me that "It is impossible to display page".What now!? What I must do?? I've payed 15 credits... It's not fair! Please help me!!! Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merging double posts.
  3. I was wondering from the people who believe in God why are they believe in it? Most of them answered that they just need someone or something in whom/what they can believe that life getting more easier... So the question: Do you believe in God and why?I don't believe in God just because I think that people must believe only on his own strenght(spirit strenght also offcourse ).Also I'm very interesting about The End of life...Do someone believe in it?I think that if it will be so it will be very soon... hmm... I think maybe 1000 more years and people will just blow Earth I can't even get why people don't love our planet? People making it dirty... so heh it's hard to believe we are still alive ;)I think that if the people from Stone age were here they would be dead on the next of living here... all cars and other things that making our air dirty.. heh so please answer on both questions please
  4. I think that it's not wright to choose beetwen anime and manga. It's almost the same thing. A lot of anime is based on manga.
  5. I've already seen that movie. It was awesome. Japanese graphics is killing how do they doing like this? For now it's my favorite anime... Sugest you to look it!
  6. Wow! And for what I've got 10% warning lv?And when my warning lv will be 0% again?
  7. Now I've got another problem... I can't get domain I already got 15 credits going to https://support.xisto.com/ there choose #2:Change Domain/Subdomain entering my login and password and I've got that message : User Data Verfied Successfully!Changing password.. This can take time...Please be patient..(Do not hit Reload or Back). This can take a lot of time.. Please be very patient..Connecting...Domain Change Failed!What is wrong? I can't just get it... What I must do or what I did wrong?
  8. I'm going to build a new computer on the next week. That computer would be for Lineage2 Chronicles4 online server... So I don't know what to choose!1) I was wondering in processor AMD or Intel for a server... noise doesn't matter for me...2) What RAM I need to buy? RAM , RAMbus , DDR or DDR... My friends told me about DDR2 but I don't believe that it is ready to use now... Truth is that I'm scary to use it...3) About Motherboard I don't know anything... So please help what to choose?4) HDD - I think I'll take Baracuda5) Video card - I realy don't know do i need good video card for a server computer?So here are my questions please answer them because it is very important for me...
  9. I agree that in our world there are many beautifull places where I think everyone want to be.My favorite place I think was in Austria in winter. Skies oh I love it.So many memories. There I'm for the first time broken my arm but this was realy awesome because my school holidays ended and I've broken it on the last day in Austria and then in Moscow I've been sitting at home for about two weeks B)Oh! Almost forgot... 've got two favorite places first - Austria and second - Malorca!!! There I' been drunken for the first time and there were a lot of very very bautifull chicks And now I want to go on IBIZA!! My friends who were there told me that it's the best place where they ever been... So I want to go there too
  10. anima


    For me it's not a good topic to talk about... Abortion is awefull and it's not wright!People mustn't kill their babies... That's all what can be said...
  11. Alcohol is a realy good stuff... It can be very usefull when you got a realy bad day and it can help you to be happier ;)But offcourse it's good to drink a lot! But from the other side what can we do? :)So well let's drink for us!
  12. Hmm good question...I think that when I was 15 years old I realy believed in ghosts. For me even scary movie was end of dreams I just couldn't sleep...But then I told myself that it's not real and that is all.I don't now is it truth or not but I now there is something except us...In my life there were many things that I coudn't even imagine or understand...
  13. For me it's a very hard question...I think that I've got 3 favorite anime :1)Berserk - It's awesome anime!!!Everyone must see it... But I still want to find manga Berserk if anyone know where I can find it (to read online) please give me a link PM2)Hellsing - It's my first anime and love it too.3)Serial Experiment Lain - that is realy psycho anime... I think that it was written by realy psycho man :)But I don't think that I can choose one of them as favorite... I love them all
  14. It sounds good... But the features of IPB it's a lot of them?How I think that IPB is much better then PhpBB but for PHPBB there are a lot of skins... For IPB are there free skins? If you have got links can you post it here please?
  15. Wow! That sounds awesome! There won't be any need in computer to play very qualified games but How much will it be cost?? (real prices?)Because when I looked at price on PS2 it was only 75% of it's real cost...But there still more questions like when it will appear in Russia ? And how much will cost discs for it?
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