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About research2012

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    Member [Level 1]

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  1. I signed up and will sort through my millions of images and submit them. I will post any news later. Please also post your stories.
  2. I signed up and am going to check it out. I will post any new news on the topic. Until then, please let me know of all your experience with the program.
  3. I really am planning on trying studio traffic but I have not had the time or the will, I think I need more convicing.
  4. Well I just made a penny in my egold account! Use the link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it worked for me, not that 1 cent is worth bragging about but it is the first cent I earned in any program like this.
  5. I got almost the same email about 6 years ago and it was different in only a few ways, at the time I knew tons of people with email addresses and I emailed it to about 40 people and follow up on at liest 20 and never was one of us contacted let alone made rich. I am willing to bet it is created by some middle school student who needs to be doing thier homework instead and stop clogging up and ultimately slowing things down for the rest of us (thats what we got dial up for).Though from what I hear AOL and IE need to spread the word cause they are loosing customers to competitors (not sure why, I use Firefox and Earthlink).
  6. Yeah people do that all the time! I have seen ripp off sites come and go and sometimes you wonder if its just a "few bad apples" spoiling it for all of us.
  7. They don't offer $1 per click, just $1 per sign up. They offer this because they know that you will use thier free services forever and sometime during that long period of time (forever) you might buy or pay extra for one of thier premium services. Trust me there are no gimicks here. I am pretty interested in hearing from someone who has actually "cashed a check" from them. You really could make alot if everyone isn't signed up already.
  8. From the looks of thier site I wouldn't trust them with $30. But I am from America where you can find $30 in your couch coushon and its mere pocket change (yeah right!).
  9. I have Xbox Live and My name is "LookOutChuck" I mainly play Counter-Strike" Wisper me if you play also
  10. I play Counter-Strike and I also have tons of other games and my account name is "LookOutChuck"
  11. I think I would have some uses for that. I might even order one. Pretty Cheap By The Way. They also have bulk discounts: Notice from wassie: Quote everything you didn't write your own
  12. I love Xbox Counter-Strike! I am "Cloned Replica", "LookOutChuck", & Formerly "Nooner1969". I play 3-5 days a week. If you have not played Xbox Counter-Strike you are truly missing out!!
  13. wow $30k/mo. that would be a nice goal to set. Heck from one program alone (adsence) I would settle for $3,000/mo.. After all I have read I think I am going to use google's adsence as my #1 and maybe not even have a 2,3 or 4. I think that out of all the waist of time things out there google seems to keep the success stories coming and some day I hope to be one.
  14. Its not even going to be like that. First off that was sony who made the mistake of not making enough ps2s and the retailers fault for making people buy so called bundle packs and pre orders. I know I was a manager for a video game store when dreamcast, ps2, xbox, and gamecube came out.Microsoft WILL deliver! Its too much money for them not too. Remember, Sony is a Japanese Corp. Microsoft is USA. Nothing against anybody but Microsoft could easily take advantage of the market if Sony tries to pull the same thing as last time.As far as "On paper performance" goes, Sony also said that ps2 will blow away XBOX, but it was too hard for the programers to get the full potential of the ps2s complex hardware. Microsoft is working together with the serious gamers (PC) and companies, its going to be state of the art and thats not even the important part. In the technology world its all about money! Sony is pocket change to Microsoft and Playstation is just one of Sony's many stress', I think they are spreading too thin to take on Bill Gates!
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