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Posts posted by dvalkass

  1. Ok I have made a website, and all it currently has is a forum, arcade and an army system(I love that game). I don't know what I should put on there to improve the rate of visitors to my site, sof ar i've had none lol. I am thinking of getting google ads and was wondering if this would help my site at all, and if there's an y point of getting them when I nobody visits it lol. So if you have any ideas please give some advice. cheers.*sorry if this is in the wrong forum*

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    Remember that topic title is VERY important! Editing topic title.

  2. Dreamcasts were a total flop I only know one person who still has one and thats because his dad is a game fanatic and buys every console as soon as it's released. I think the xbox 360 will smash the gaming market, it is released at a prime time (christmas) and has virtually no competition. I'll definately be buying one.

  3. sorry for late replies, it has happened to me many a time before, 3 times I needed to get it fixed or buy a new one from sony, and once it was just a dusty lens. It reads purple back disks and some music cd's not all and it takes ages and ages to load the silver back ones, around 5 mins. I phoned blockbuster today after my dad had returned the game and the man I spoke to said that they tested the game on their test PS2 upstairs and it worked fine. So I dunno what was wrong but I am gonna get their next copy of their game free to pay back my cash and get another free rental :P So I am happy lol :P

  4. I have just rented the new game Tony Hawk's : American Wasteland and I put it into my Ps2 to read Disk Read Error , as soon as I saw this I was annoyed, this always happens just after the end of warrentee. Anyway I am really Peed off as I realkly wanna play this game, if anyone can get any remidy that doesn't involve taking apart my ps2 I'm all ears!!!



    Pleas help me, Cheers.


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    The words as was misspelt and triggered off the censor. Fixed.

  5. Hi, I have been here for around a month now and it's great, the community is extremely friendly and it's really easy to get up to ten or thirty credits to get some free hosting, I did it in around three days. The army system is very good and is fun to give you something to do for a while. There are tons of topics so theres something for everyone. I hope you enjoy your stay.

  6. I used to play when I was like 7. Everybody had them then, I sold most of ym cards fopr a lot of money(I had a few thousand cards!!!). Istill have pokemon red and yellow gameboy both used the missingno. cheat and other stuff and are a bit mucked up lol but still :P Pokemon used to be cool.

  7. Has anybody played the wrestlign game Wrestlemania 21? I think this is the best wrestling game in the Smackdown and Raw series by far. Basically you start off by creating your own superstar and starting a season in this season you will see a list of all the matches for that round, your name will be in yellow if you are playing a match, and it will say next to your name who you are playing and above the names what match type you are playing. Then you can start your match you will see a loading screen and end up inside the ring with your opponent you will fight it out for a pin-count K.O or count out, If you win you will recieve respect and stuff like that and a bit of cash. With your money you can unlock other superstars, rings, move sets, and stuff like that. You can also play a match against the computer or some friends youc an choose from a wide matches-SingleTagTable T.L.C(table,ladder and chairs)CageHell in a Cell Royal Rumble Bra and PantiesLast Man StandingThe above are just a handfull of the match types, there are many more than this.You can play on-line against other people in matches like thopse listed above, you can have 1-4 players. Before playing an exhibition game you can change options like difficulty, heat, damage, weapons, K.O, submission, rope break, disqualification, countout, interference, match legth, vibration and targeting. Using these options you can totaly customize your matches.So as I said earlier this is by far my favourite wrestling game ever, due to it's good graphics, the great playability length and the range of games other than season. So whats your favourite wrestlign game?

  8. I used to have it then sold it then bought it again then sold it and got Wrestlemania 21 I love smackdown V Raw though the graphics aren't bad or anything and it has a great range of superstars to cdhoose from but I found it the same as Most other Smackdown Games JUst playing season to get cash to unlock Old Characters or whatever.

  9. The next GTA is GTA Lberty City Stories I think Basically you go back to Liberty City and do some missions there lol and it's only on psp at the moment. It is a multiplayer game and has more multiplayer options than those of San Andreas. You can have up to 6 players in the multiplayer parts of the game!!! It will stay only on PSP as I was reading the official eb-site which states it is exclusive to the PSP!!! It seems to have some great story lines and stuff the graphics look miles better.


    To see for yourself go to this site -(yes it is the official one)


  10. I found that the THPS games were great for the time, they were very inventive and had some quite good graphics. When Tony Hawk's underground came out I got it as soon as I could! I played it non-stop before school, after school and all day on week-ends I ended up completing it quite quickly! Then there was Tony Hawk's underground 2. This was extremely dissappointing on first impression. Most of it seemed the same as before and the levels where the same thing. After I had been playing it for about month I found it started to grow on me and I liekd it more and more. Personnaly I think Underground is better Pro Skater!

  11. I have had Tekken 5 for Ages and I lvoe it I have completed the game in the hardest mode , I have unlocked all the parts for outfits and stuff and the star figter mini game extra. The graphics are great and the massive variation of combo's and moves adds to the already exciting atmosphere. Tekken is by far the best fighter series ever. Only if you could play on-line!

  12. The PSP in my eyes has much better graphics, and is better built. What happens if your DS flip screen snaps??? I think the PSP is overall much better in every way. The main thing I find is that Nintendo games are quite childish and are marketed at the younger age group. Where-as Sony has built up a very wide range of games from your gangs and crime to your sports and adventure. So personally i'll be buying a PSP.

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