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Posts posted by dvalkass

  1. Here's my second ever guide and it's another Age of Empires III guide. This time a FF for the Russian civilization. So I'll start with the basics again.


    What is a FF?


    Well FF stands for Fast Fortress which means reaching the Fortress age (3rd age) fast, to get an upper hand on military units. This strategy is more often sued in the Spanish and German civilizations, but there's a way to pull this off russians. Here it is!


    The Strategy.


    This is different to other FF strategeys this time get all your villagers to collect your crates. Once collected build villagers and set them on food.

    With the 5 starting villagers 4 go on food and 1 on wood (for the crates).

    Once you have 100 wood, build a house. Leave any other wood and gold crates.

    put all villagers on food, once hosue is built.

    Don't stop making villagers in there groups of three.

    In the meantime get your explorer to hunt for treasures... any treasure'll do.

    For your first HC shipment send the explorer upgarde one... this gives him more HP and a dog to help.

    With this you can get some harder to get treasures.


    Once you have 20 villies Choose to age up, use the 500 food politician.

    You want to advance around 4:20-4:30.

    While Advancing spluit your villies around 13 on gold and 7 on food.

    When the crates come from age up put some villies to collect them.

    Aim to have 1200 food and 1000 gold around 5:53.

    Keep evening your villies out to which resource you need more.

    Send any resources crates if you have them.

    You should hit Fortress age around 7:50-8:00.

    Abit longer than msot civilizations...but still good ewnoguh to compete with them.


    General Tips.


    Micro: Micro your villies, sandwich huntables between villies and your towncentre so when shot at they run to your towncentre saving you valuable seconds.


    Scouting: use your explorer to scout out the enemies base... this is very useful when you come to attack or raid villies.


    Treasures: collect as many treasures as you can with your explorer these help a lot in ageing quicker.


    Being attacked: always keep one spare card incase you get attacked as you can send colonial militia to fend off the attack.


    Cards Needed.

    Polar explorer

    ANY gold and food resoruce cards

    2 falconets

    11 highlander

    10 manchu

    Unique church + 9 Dragoons

    6 Oprichniks

    6 Grenaders

    Fort wagon


    Wood cards



    Some military cards are useless... most of the good cards are lsited above. Any fighting you do should be done in the fortress age and higher ages.




    While ageing to Fortress age send 700 wood.

    Build houses.

    Most villies should be put on gold.

    IF you have 1200 gold send the highlanders or manchus card, if not send 2 falconets.

    Your next card should be 6 grenadiers

    Now attack with the 17 stretlets (age up) highlanders/manchu/falconets and your grenadiers.


    If done early enough this can really damage an enemys eco.





    This strategy may not be the best FF strategy but it sure can compete with the other civs who are betetr at it.


    Any Criticism/Comments don't be afraid to say.

  2. Ever wanted to own your own business chains?, be the richest in New York? and be praised by all those budding entrapeneurs? If so this games the game for you.


    You start off as a little known businessman, with $500,000 and need to base all your companies off this. A few teenagers give you some ideas of what to build to start off with... If you full-fill their needs then thats one challenge over. There are 13 districts to un-lock throguh completing these challenges, the districts include


    The Financial District

    Chelsea and the Garment district



    and many more...




    This game requires a 64-MB graphics card, the detail is very high when fully zoomed in, you can see peoples faces, expressions etc. but when you zoom out to about half zoom the people turn into block figures, with just one colour. Yet when fully zoomed out the graphics return to a great standard. Sometimes the movement of the camera is juddery and slow to re-act, especially when fully zoomed out. i believe this tob e due to the amount it ahs to laod with all the buildings. Though this is quite a rare occurance if a cheat is sued it makes this happen quite often until the game is saved and exited.




    This game requires a directX version 9.0c compatible sound card.

    There isn't much sound needed in this game other than the sound of bustling tarffic, buskers and violinists oputside restraunts and when someone is giving a challeng or theres a news report. When the sound is needed most (news reports/challenges) It is of an extremely good quality




    This game can get boring quite quickly, I played it for around a week non-stop and am Extremely bored. I own the entire of New York... Have all challenges complete. Yet theres still a sandbox mode to muck about in...


    Overall Rating.


    Overall I'd give this game a 7/10 It has great sound, Good graphics, OK gameplay. But is great if youre bored and have nothing much to do.

  3. I have been playing Age of Empires III for some time now and after talking to some experts have found a very good strategy to use to win multiplayer games (or games agains a computer). This strategy is called the FF (Fast Fortress), basically you try and reach the fortress age (3rd age) as quick as possible to have better units to overpower the enemy. This works best with the Spanish and German civilizations. Heres my Spanish FF:


    As the game starts put most of you villies on food hunting, the rest collect the crates.

    as soon as you have 100 food make a villager from your TC (towncentre).

    set the gather point for villagers on a huntable animal, so once a villager is created he starts automatically hunting.

    Build a house with wood you got from the crates. Don't stop making villagers until you have 13.

    As soon as you have a HC (homecity) shipment send the 3 villager card. with your 13 villies and the 3 card ones you will ahve 16 villies, DON'T get any more than this for now!

    Click age up on your TC when you have 800 food.

    For the age up the tower and 200 gold option is more useful, but the 500 food will give you more speed.

    You should start to age up around 2:40 of game time. If you do this you'll reach Age 2 around 4:10.

    While ageing up take some villies off food and put them on gold untill you have mined 300 gold. Now return them to food.

    As soon as you can send the 700 gold HC shipment. If this was done right when the gold shipment arrives you should have almsot 1200 food and 300 gold when it arrives. Collect the gold with most of you villagers. Now age up when you have the 1000 Gold and 1200 Food, this should be around 5:10 resulting in getting to the 3rd age (Fortress age) around 6:30-6:40.


    How to improve.


    Ageing up with only 15 villagers instead of 16 saves 25 seconds!

    Good villager micro means shaving off maybe 3-4 seconds at the beginning, it may not sound much but every second counts.

    Collect treasures with your Explorer. If you can collect some of the high rewarding gold and food treasures this saves time, Exp. treasures also save time as you cang et the HC shipments quicker.

    As you'll be in colonial age (2nd age) for around 1 minute if your Eco was managed corectly you could make 1 or 2 extra villies.

    Your third shipment should be 700 wood, spend some on a trading post on a trade route, some on houses.


    HC Cards that are needed.

    3 villagers

    700 gold

    700 wood (Optional)

    5 villagers (Optional)

    Military cards (once in age 3 you will want to ship in military to make an army)

    General tips.


    Villie Micro- when hunting walk your villies the other side of the huntables so they are inbetween the villies and your TC, this way when you shoot them they will be nearer your TC saving you same vital seconds.


    Cards- The cards are vital, it is very hard to pull this off without the rigt cards. *Many of these cards will nead your HC to have been levelled up before hand*


    HC Level- To get your HC high enough to have these cards I suggest 'Comp Stomping' get a few friends together online and set up a game you versus a few computer players. Put the difficulty on hard/expert (depending on how good you are) and play them for Exp.


    Military- You will want to know what units to get to counter theirs. Unless you are going for a raid where you just want a few units maybe 15-20.


    Scouting- this is vital, scout your enemies base, find where his villies are gathering and what military he is making. Perhaps raid his villies with some cavalry.




    You can build a trade post in age 1 for Exp. But it will put you back anything up to 1:00 of time.


    You could go mad on treasure hunting and find lots of Exp. treasures to boost your HC shipments, this way you could send the 5 villager card if you have it.


    Well thats the end of my Guide to the Spanish FF for Age opf Empires III. I hope this helps many of you to your online game domination. Any ideas or changes please feel free to comment.

  4. I had to do a talk on this a year ago (year 8) my opinion was that computer games do partially add to the cause of violent crimes by kids, if a parent let's their children have 18 rated games when they aren't that old is teaching them bad things. Admittadely my parents let me watch 18 movies and play 18 games but I don't go crazy and kill people, most of the cause is probably due to an earlier experience or something and this causes the child to react and do something so horrific. Computer games are only partially to blame for these crimes and you can lead that blame down to the government, think about Australia they have banned many games or have had games like GTA: San Andreas specially altered to contain less violence and such content. Australia has no violent crimes related to games as far as I know. America on the other hand has quite a few violent crimes somehow supposed to be related to computer games, and if you think about it America hasn't banned or had any games altered (as far as I know). So in my opinion computer games are partly to be blamed but most of the blame should be put on the personality of the person, if the person has a violent personality then they are more likely to be violent when shown these violent images in games. This is just my opinion so don't go shouting and moaning please.

  5. Hi, I love golf and was hoping to buy a game for my ps2 or xbox for christmas. I have one problem, I don't know which to get I have seen many I like, Tiger woods PGA tour, Everybody's golf and many more. I was just wondering which golfing game you thought was best to buy, I would prefer it to be life like and realistic.Cheers for any help, Dave

  6. A pc may have better graphics but, can your pc play the massive wide range of games that a PS2 or Xbox can? can you take your Pc to a mates house, if you are going to stay over or something? admittadely Pc's can play online in a much better quality than xbox and ps2 but they still have online gameplay just aswell. in my eyes a games console is much better as it's made for gaming, a pc is not.

  7. I used to play runescape. It was great at first, I played it around 6 months after the first actual game was released. I used to love killing my mates in the wilderness and showing that I'm better than them. Nowadays Runeswcape has deteriorated, not much new stuff, a massive uprise injh hackings, and people breaking the rules and selling their stuff on e-bay. If you lookm on ebay.com you cna find runescape accountsd going for around $500 the most expensive I saw was $1000 and something. This is stupid to pay that muhc for an account to say I'm better than you. Personally I quit playing Runescape the other day lol. It gets too boring quite quick.

  8. Well what do you think of tony hawk's american wasteland I think it's a great game, the graphics are much better than THUG2 and the BMXing makes it even more fun than before, the level is massive, with like 8 different areas, and around 100 missions in total. The playability of this game is great, 3 different difficulty levels on the story mode each with either extended or harder missions, and a classic mode as wella s many 2 player games to enjoy with your mates. I think this is the ebst Tony Hawk's game by far if you want to get one be sure to buy this one.

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