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Posts posted by Arigato

  1. I don't think dreams have anything to do with supernatural events (predicting the future, mind reading, traveling to alternate dimensions, spiritual connections, etc.) at all and I won't believe unless there is scientific proof to back it up which I doubt will be the case. I rarely ever remember having dreams, perhaps maybe 5 or so a year. When I do remember them it usually doesn’t make sense and then I forget about them just minutes after waking up. All I can remember is that they are strange and can't be interpreted into anything logical. I don't see how my dreams can have any connections with anything in the world.

  2. With these strange names for phobias I wonder if there is actually a naming convention like there is for chemical compounds.I have met someone with clinophobia (fear of going to sleep). He told me he was afraid of going to sleep because he feels that he won't wake up the next morning.

  3. I thought these days generally as long as your computer is in a well ventilated position (and case has proper air flow through it), you can get away with stock cooling unless you started to overclock?

    You are correct. For an average home user you will not have to worry about cooling at all. Some people put in better cooling systems saying that it helps improve game performance but based on my own personal experience and that of my friends there is no noticeable difference during gameplay. Where you really have to consider cooling is in large datacenters where you have hundreds of servers in a small room. It can get very warm and you would need large air conditioning units to keep the temperature under control so that all the machines run efficiently.

  4. That's a pretty big cell phone. I don't see any real use in putting the two together. You bring cell phones to be mobile. You can't really make a projector to be mobile because you would need a projection screen. I suppose that you could just project the image onto a wall, but the image probably wouldn't look very good and you would still need to look around for a nice even white spot to project upon. Although, this might be good for buisiness people who need to show a presentation and the place they are going doesn't have a projector.

  5. Computers processors have been increasing in speeds yet ever since it hit the 2GHZ mark a few years ago I have been unable to notice any difference. The only exception is when I try and render images. Rather than increasing clock speeds I think companies should work on making better multicore processors. I have been able to work alot faster with my computer ever since I purchased an Intel Pentium D. I am big on multi-tasking and I think there is still lots of room for improvement in that area.

  6. This sure does look like a neat gadget. What I would like to know is what resolutions are of the images and how long it can last on a battery. That site in the link has alot of other intresting gadgets too. If I had one I would be concerned about it breaking, it doesn't look like it's built very strong.

  7. That mouse looks very inconfortable to use. The current mice are fine, they fit right into your hand. If I used that mouse for gaming my hand would probably get soar after a few hours. Also, having the two buttons at the front so close together probably causes alot of accidental clicking of the wrong button. However, I must say the design is unique.

  8. They probably do have it in development but don't have any public services that use it. The only use right now that I can think of for so much bandwidth would probably be massive datacenters. I'm assuming it costs a fortune to lay lines and would be much more expensive than even the current high end connections. The typical user would have no use for most of it would end up being a waste of money if anyone could afford it.

  9. I saw this earlier and my first thoughts were "wow, that is amazing!" If those ever become popular and it's features were fully utilized by applications then it could save alot of time and gaming would probably take a step forward too. I hope this product makes it big in the market. I would love to get my hands on one.

  10. I think that Samsung has the best LCD monitors in terms of quality. They always keep their products at the top of the line. I'm not sure about now, but when I purchased mine the manufacturer warranty was pretty bad. In order to get a replacement I would have needed 1 backlight to be dead or 25 dead pixels or something like that so I purchased an in-store warranty for another $150. My monitor is currently around 1 year old now and I have had no problems with it. It is a SyncMaster 930B. It was top of the line 19inch when I bought it and it's still working great.

  11. I can't believe you can 'accidentally' put all those electronics in the wash haha. You must have learnt your lesson...so why again Sounds good since mine broke in half... so I doubt mine will last in a washing machine.

    I'm a forgetful person sometimes and I always leave alot of stuff in my pockets by accident such as chocolates, candy, papers, etc. I do alot of work with computers so I always have a usb drive (sandisk) with me, it's probably been through the wash twice now. I also carry a laser pointer around with me all the time too because it's on my keychain. They've all been alright going through the wash same with a watch (timex) and an mp3 player (iriver). All I do is leave it on a towel for a day before I turn it on. The only time I have had any electronics stop working because of water was my Canon digital camera which cost me about $450. I was on vacation on a speedboat and some saltwater splashed onto my camera, not much water, but it managed to stop it from working. It wouldn't even turn on.

  12. You make it seem an art to select and purchase mints. My personal preference for mints are the cool ones that give a freezing effect. I have tried many mints before and I think that Altoids Curiously Strong Peppermints are the best. I usually finish a pack in day. The mints that I don't like are the ones that are spicy like Cinnamon. I think the mix between cool and spicy has a really bad taste.

  13. Perhaps it's time for you to upgrade from a CRT to LCD. Even with protectors CRT's still emit quite a bit of radiation. The recommended viewing distance for CRT is the screen size times three inches away. For a 19 inch CRT monitor it would be a recommended viewing distance of 57 inches but who looks at a monitor that far away? There really isn't any good away to block out the radiation when you are at such a close distance while being able to read off the screen.

  14. Sensors and anti-crash software for an RC plane sounds expensive unless you are talking about the large $60,000 RC helecopters that I have seen. This would certainly make RC planes easier to fly. I have one myself, not a very good one because it gets unstable real quick when there is a little wind.@selim: Real planes have a system that is way more complex. In fighter planes for example there is software that can make thousands of adjustments to the plane in one second based on what the sensors tell computers to make sure that the flight is stable. Same thing with passenger planes but on a smaller scale. Your suggestion of having software drive the plane to avoid collision to prevent terrorism is a dangerous idea. Having software drive the plane that you can't override is just asking for disaster, software naturally have glitches except in this case it could mean death.

  15. If this is true then I guess microsoft was right to fear Google's potential. I can't say this was completely unexpected as many people have suggested that google should make an operating system but I didn't really think they would do it. But I had joked to my friends saying that if any corporation could take down microsoft it would be google.I would love to see a list of features that they wish to incorporate into their os. I also wonder how much it would cost. If it were free I could really see google taking microsoft's monopoly of the market. I would switch and save a few hundred dollars every few years if google made a decent os. I have been waiting to get away from microsoft for a long time and this might be the solution.I am also curious to see how microsoft will react in response to google's direct threat on their flagship product. Since google might become a large compeditor against microsoft it might put them into an arms race to develop new technology never before seen at a fast rate giving more benefits to the user.This news certainly sounds fantastic, I can't wait to see google os. It's a shame that it's probably going to take them a few years. Maybe google will surprise us and develop it before it is anticipated, if anyone is known for quick software development it is google.

  16. The only way for an image to appear 3D would be to have a slightly different image being transmitted to each eye, and in order to get the correct effect, one would have to have screens on each side of the sunglasses that completely covered the lens, obscuring one's view of the real world. It would be difficult, not to mention it would take some heavy computing power that I'm not sure something as small as sunglasses could hold (not to mention power - one would have to recharge the glasses every five to ten minutes).

    Have you not seen a 3d movie? I'm not talking about the red-blue ones. 3d movies have been out for a while now. They require a special type of glasses that alternate and black out each eye at a very fast rate that you can't notice. The display also alternates between two points of view at the same rate as the glasses giving the effect of two views individually in each eye allowing you to see in 3d. Many cg films have already been produced into a 3d movie that plays this way such as finding nemo. If a pair of glasses were able to play normal movies then it would probably be not much more difficult to make each eyepiece function individually or just have frames from 3d films display normally except have the left/right sides alternate and black out. This method would not require much more computing power or electricity if any more any at all as it's the same as playing any other video. Making the glasses 3d wouldn't obscure vision any more than the glasses normally would if it were displaying normal video.
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