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Posts posted by far3

  1. CS isnt that boring in my opinion, its all about the people you play. sure somtimes it sucks but I find that when your playing with friends over VOIp its ten times better and more enjoyable, not to mention your competing against each other and winning round and preforming better as a team. Other times you may just want to *BLEEP* around tk people and camp the usual.I find that it depends on what kind of mood I am in and how much time I have until I have to leave. if I have to go in 20 minutes then i usually rush all out adn start ot get kills and gdo good. lol late at night/early mornign im terrible for some reason most likely theat im tired. but latley im sticking to BF@ and such!

  2. Our world would be very very much less advanced, we would be progressing very slowly...the medical field would suck, their would probably be more no innovation...no databases.Entire industies wiped out, google, microsoft all the big ones.. Their would be no 'point and click porn' no micromaneging of things.

  3. Cooking is awesome, basically chemisty but you can eat it after your done :-DToday I woke up and cooked a huge lunch for my family, had some frozen chicken breasts in the freezer thawed them out and put them on the grill while painting them with bbq sauce, it turbned out awesome, I even make a mexican style fajita (sp?) but cheder, white, and american grated/minced cheese on the wrap, melted it with teh grill and cut up some bbq chicken I made to roll it over, put some cheese on the outside so it would 'seal' itself and nothig would fall out..was the greatest luncyh i haev ever self made in a while and everyboyd loved it!It took me about an hour total from thinking of the idea, preping the food, cooking the food, and clean up ugg the dreaded cleanup :(

  4. MSN is the best out of the three if it was second place i would have to go with yahoo becasue they have a better and more intergrated asystem then aim, aim is the junk bottom of the barrel im client..I hate how my entire school uses it why cant they be smart and use MSN?

  5. Well of course it depends on what you do on it, personally i think the ipod is the better choice, seeing as it has muich more capacity per price... you could back up your entire PC with that kinda stuff!!! it is designed to play mp3s and newly added is video, psdp is mainly for da games and btw their $50 a pop, not fun not fun at all.

  6. I would say gamecube is kiddy, first of all above 80% of all games produced on the gamecube are 'kiddy' you know what im talking about pretty colors, zaiy sounds that kinda stuff...anyways gamecube compared to the XBox and ps2 multiplayer is not even a chice nintendo cant even make a decent online hardwarew they have two to choose from which practicly no one uses! :(

  7. I love notepad, not only can I edit some basic HTML, hopefully soon to be more advanced as my skill prgresses..I can also edit server cfg files for my couter-strike:source server. Heck If i have a file that I dont know what to open it with, I just drag it to notepad and turns out that notepad displays it! I used to think this was a worthless piece of junk, notepad, but now I realize that its awesome!

  8. i dont like thisu game much, its waay too open the real reason i loved crossroads and frostfire on socom2 is that it was relativley small and a blast to play, fun quick rounds and the ocassional HUGE map that jungle map and the blizzard they were both breach, I think they shouldnrt of went the way of making the maps huge they should of kept them small like in 1 and 2 I never play 3 now casue I could just play bf2 for the same or a much better effect, if EA holds up on their servers :) socom2 maps in css , now that would be interesting. :P

  9. I always graba low priced weapon, its what I am used to and if I ocassionally try a 'better' weapon such as the bullpup or krieg then I do terrible, I mostly use smgs and pistols with always 2 flash gernades...if you accually really try to use them properly they can work wonders and really create some humiliation kills like you havea whole team rushing long a, a well placed flahs can totally blind the team, I did this once and took them all out with my TMP..which by the way is my favorite gun in the game, its got a little bit of everythign awesome upclose imposssible to miss a headshot and far away if done in single shot burts can really annoy someone you might not get the kill, but you will get the satisfaction. So tmp+flash=my kit. :)

  10. i use my Pc to talk to friends and family on aim, msn, yaho and of course good old e-mail.I also talk to my friends over Xfire to play games and co-ordinate with them, use vent to develop on teh spot strats and well have a grand time, everyone loves VOIP.I use firefox to browse the web lokking at forums, tutorials game sites etc.Play some games css, bf2, cod2 etc.use it to create works of art photoshop/flash etc.Yep thats what i use my PC for :-D

  11. The best place to buy an Apple Ipod cheaper than the ones they sell in retail stores such as Bestbuy, Circuit City, CompUSA, other electronic stores like these is online...In the retail stores Apple dosnt let stores markdown their Ipods they have to be sold at the same price all around, so then people say oh I'll just buy it at the apple store. But online is a totally different story, your best bet would probably be going to ebay.com, search for Ipods then make the bidding..have a set price only go for how much its worth, set a limit for yourself if the competition bids too high then just wait a fewdays and move on.A good thing to do is to check the sellers feedback, if its good then your pretty safe but if its bad and people are complaining of broken/missing items then stay clear from that guy!Ive heard of thses sites that use a refferal system but im not going to get into that as I think their rather rediculous.

  12. Well, I think thats a bit of overkill but you have to take into account that thses machines are being used by professionals and its becoming an indusrty standard..video, graphic etc are moving to the mac..Im kinda suprised that computer related games havent taken off for the Mac much like that PC, they have a few free games and most are a few years old I thought they would have new cool games really creative and fun but thats sadly not the case.I wonder whats apples next installment after the G5.

  13. Habbo Hotel is a pretty cool idea. Its chat room is decent and the really fun part is meeting all the people, but its really timeconsuming and not that worthwhile compared to other games. But for a flash game its quality. bening able to make your own character and own room and go about talk to anyone on in the world is pretty cool..only thing I dont like about it is that the camera kinda confuses me somtimes. :D

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