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Everything posted by E-Sector

  1. It doesnt work! But thanks for trying to help me
  2. And: The PC needs more RAM just becouse windows is running in the background, the PC is not created to run Games, it is WORK, therefor Consoles where created.Simply put in the game in the console and press "ON"
  3. But, from an other perspective, the PC has cloned the Videogames Games,from the beginning, the only electronic games you could found was on arcade machines (ok, the first game was on a computer, but not a PC)The Videogames was before the PC Games!
  4. But i Think Samma and hulunes is good to, I cant stop wondering how you can do so profesional banners!
  5. Is it permitted to do like this: (This is an example) "Here is a tutorital about how you create css....." [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Is it permitted (Link to other websites)
  6. I play Trombone, it is really fun, but it is hard to learn in the beginning.But i think it is easier than a Trumpet, i cant blow in it!
  7. Strange! Power PC:s are faster! It was therefor Microsoft switched from Intel and nvidea (Xbox) and choosed IBM and ATI, just like the GameCube (Xbox 360).
  8. IBM Power PC IS the Best processors. Then I think AMD is on the second place, intel is so slow. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. The PS is much more powerful, but the 360 have stealed some developers from Sony, i think microsoft will sell better than Sony, the 360 will get better games, I dont like metal gear so much...
  10. Star wars Battlfront 2!I cant wait to get it!I have played Star wars Battlefront in 500 hours, cant get enought!I think it will be the best Star wars game! - EVER!
  11. Hello! I have had this problem for months now! But now I have founf a site with experts who can help me When I am trying to accsess the site..., for example http://www.nintendo.com/3ds;jsessionid=BDCD2D012E113D03BC738C7A745B7D50 Nothing happen! The only thing I see is a quick time logo and a "?" in it, what is the problem? Help me, i have tried to reinstall firefox, reinstall quick time 3 times and updated both, the problem is still there!
  12. Do you think it is possible to put in a Xbox processor into a GC? Do you think that the games should work good then?Or maybe you need to change some bios settings?Or... Put in the PS2:s Emotion Engine processor in the Xbox, if it was possible, I think the games would run VERY slow! What do you think?Or... Ad an apple Power PC processor into a GC, i think the games have bin running to fast then....
  13. E-Sector

    Psp Vs Ds

    I forget to say that the PSP:s charge time is 2 hours, wich is better than the DS four.Dont forget that you with the DS have a longer time to play...
  14. E-Sector

    Psp Vs Ds

    Do you know that you can buy a movie player to the DS? This is doing the DS better than the PSP, becouse the PSP:s Memory sticks cost so much! This movie player use CF-Flash, it is very cheap. With this you can watch movies in 8 h!! (If you have a 512 MB flash card and the badest quality, but it is not so bad:)) You can buy it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lik_Sang But in fact is the PSP better on some points: +Better graphics +You can surf the internet +Download more operating systems +Built in media port (memory stick port I ment) +Big screen But it have some minus too: -The processor is underclocked (it runs on 222 MHz) -The media cards cost very much (it is cheaper to buy a movie player and a CF flash card) -The big screen gets very easy scratches -Many dead pixels -Low battery time -Very high-costing -Some small problems like that the UMD disk plops out, problems with the buttons, and avery bad analouge stick. Of course the DS HAVE Many problems too, but a system who costs so much like the psp shouldnt have so many problems. I Think e DSs better. (But the PSPis good to)
  15. Soon Super Smash bros 3 will lunch To the revolution system!I hope the following characters will be added:Koopa troopaKoopa paratroopaWarioWaluigiDaisyBalloon-FighterIkarusDeku-linkDaruniaMikauImpaVaatiOrcaQuillShadow Link/Dark Link?Skullkid med Majoras maskNabooruDarmaniSamus Aran i Dark o Light suitKing DededeKrystalPeppy HareSlippy ToadDiddy kong (alla andra Kongs)LyndisEliwoodHectorEirikaEphraimToadSomewhone more from F-ZeroMore Pokemon, or is that nessecery?(Please write down more characters you hope to be added ) Notice from BuffaloHELP: Stay within the topic. Do no hijack the thread. And when you list characters this many, make sure you use the QUOTE tag.
  16. Nintendo has promise us that the system will be cheaper than the 360, they think 300- 400 dollars is to much (and I too ) and therefor they will sell the revolution system at the sub-$200 mark and possibly cheaper if all goes as planned. "An exact price is unknown. But Nintendo is aggressively seeking to deliver a small, quiet and affordable console. It seems likely that the unit will debut at the sub-$200 mark and possibly cheaper if all goes as planned." http://www.ign.com/articles/2005/09/12/igncubes-nintendo-revolution-faq?page=3
  17. Hello! I wonder how I can get my google searchbox working with /you, does it works at all? Thanks! (https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9879?ctx=as2&rd=2&ref_topic=1705820 if you not know how to get a search box klick there)
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