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Posts posted by JC05

  1. But what if you can't get five more people before your free trial is up? And they probly ask for bunch of personal info like your credit card or something. You have to set up an account for whatever free trial you do. And I don't know five people that would even consider doing something like this. I don't even know one! If you can find a place that you can get an ipod for absolutly FREE, then I'll check it out.

  2. I've never seen anything like it! Except I have to say, When I go to McDonalds, Taco Bell, and places like that, I go to get something to eat, not surf the web, Or download music, OR print pictures. If I want to do stuff like that, I go to a place that does that, like Walmart of something. And like some of the other that posted, The web, music, and photos just don't mix with greasy food.

  3. WHAT! The new notebook computers are very SMALL and very CONVENIENT! My mom just got a new Notebook computer and it is a lot more covenient then trying to pack up my computer! OOPS! Not a very good example. We have a ME edition notebook computer and it is a lot bigger then my moms and dosn't have the space my moms has.

  4. Wild20 is right, what if you aborted a child that would have saved someone from death? Lets say you got pregnant and desided to keep the baby. He or She grows up, go's to school, gets a job, gets married, has kids, life couldn't be better for the baby you choose to keep. The family moves to New York City and settles down. Well one day He or She walks down to the corner to get some coffee. They get to the corner and theres someone standing there waiting to cross the street. It turns green and they start walking arcoss the street. A busy street mind you. A drunk driver pulls around the corner and the person you choose not to abort see's the drunk and they run to safety before the car gets there. There are still two people alive. Now lets say you aborted 30 years ago, now, thirty years later someone walks up to an busy intersection in down town New York, the cross walk turns green and they begin to walk across the road. Just then a drunk driver comes around the corner and is headed right for this person going across the street. The person does not even see it coming. And in a matter of seconds, BAM! The person gets hit. And there dead. Now there are Two people dead. The one you had choosen to abort, and the one who didn't get help in time. Think about it.

  5. Your kidding! Too WIDE? I have never in my life heard of any Usb ports of hubs of anything being two different sizes. I know that there is two different speeds that you can get then in but sizes? Did you check to see if it were upside down?

  6. If you don't have printer that you can stick the cd into, you have to get cd labels to print on. Then you can get on like, paint shop pro or something like that and make and print your own labels. If you go and get a cd printing package like cd stomper, it comes with software, labels, and a stomper. I have "Cd Stomper" and it works great!

  7. I think Windows is better. Whenever i go to get software and Usb related things, it will usally say that you have to have certain adapters in order to use them. Most everything is made for windows. I was talking to a friend that has a mac and she said that in order to use Google Talk she had to run it through something else on the mac. With Windows you don't have to run through anything on the computer, it runs by itself.

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