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Posts posted by Umbra

  1. Oh, wow. I typed in my phone number and got 399,000 results. Then, I put my full address and a page from Texas and Arizonia came up; and I don't live in either of them. Typing in you're birthday will get you funny things, also. Did you know the stock "Nettory" went down 1.2 the day I was born? You can find realy funny things on Google.

  2. Well, people often judge the game by it's graphics. Thus, they'll probably never play it. Most games with bad graphics are good. I think it is the gameplay that matters. The graphics are sorta important, I mean, I need to see whats going on. But, if I have fun playing a game with bad graphics, it is still a good game. Graphics should not be very bad anymore, since they're comming out for Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube.Sounds and music don't matter to me in anyway. I don't listen to the background music, and I don't really care about the sound effect. A game with no sounds will bother me, as will a game with too much sound and music.So, basically, the gameplay is the most important part of a game for me. I mean, if there is a game with very relistic graphics, but terriable gameplay, are you going to play it? Probably not. If the graphics are decent and the gameplay is good, you'll most likley play it. It is hard for me to explain.

  3. Truley, I did not like Kingdom Hearts. The only one I played was Chain of Memories, which was when my friend let me borrow it. I was enjoying it for a couple of seconds, until I reached a battle. I guess you can only use an attack a certain amount of times, which I don't like. Just like Pokemon and Final Fantasy Legends; they give you weapons that you can only use a number of times and then you have to rest or do something to repair it. I like games at which I can roam around and gain levels without having to backtract to town.The battling wasn't going to hold me back; so I began playing more. The more I played, the more of a headache I got. There are so many rooms that are confusing, and that look the same. I couldn't find my way around. It is very confusing. I thought, since it WAS made by Disney, that is would be easy; it is not.I guess I like the idea of merging Final Fantasy in it. However, they made Cloud, and a few other characters, cel-shaded (very colorful graphics with no shade) so it made it look bad. I really like cel-shaded graphics, but not for a Teenagers game (and characters) like Final Fantasy.

  4. Apparently, I'm a professional Hockey Player, professional Football player, a doctor, a student at many different expencive colleges, a college Football player, a famous engineer, and the list goes on.I even have my own website. When I type in my first and last name in the address bar, I got to it. I have a logo and I sell houses. Of course, my name isn't very uncommon.

  5. SNES9X is the best out of all of them, Especially the new one they just made. It has all the features ZSNES has, plus other things. ZSNES is too overrated if you ask me. It is hard to operate and has a bad color scheme.SNES9X, however, is very easy to use and joypad friendly. In ZSNES, you have to mess around with the controls and stuff to get the joypad to work. In SNES9X, it is to easy.

  6. Twisted Metal can actually be one of the funnest games, depending on what mood you're in. I especially like TMIII. Before TMIII, they didn't have that many features. After TMIII, it lost its magic powers.As for Crazy Taxi, I really never enjoyed that game. I remember playing the one for Dreamcast; not my kind of driving game.

  7. This flash is made just for the purpose for humiliating, one of Counter Strike's most obsessed players. He has been at a silent war with the myg0t's for a long time now. I found this flash is extremely funny, but do not watch this is you do not want things like "****" or "*BLEEP*" and such being said many times over again.




    Watch it there and tell me if you like it. I sure enjoyed it. It truely shows how angry people get after losing to a game. I must admit, I do that sometimes too, but seldomly do I embarass myself by going that far with it. xP

  8. I am a more casual DDR player. I got one of em $300 mats in my living room but that is mostly for my mom and she uses it to keep in shape 0.o;;

    Not very good not really oen to play in public but DDR is one of the game I enjoy playing especially with friends :(


    I would love to have a DDR mat in my house. Not the cheap ones with the buttons that shift from side to side when you step on them though.


    I am also horrible in public. I just do not like the people staring at me; but I am good in private. I have a friend at a local Chuckie Cheese place that lets me in before it opens. I practice there a little bit.

  9. The first Halo, or Halo 2. Hrmm...Actually, I like them both almost equally. Halo 1 has very good graphics, hardly any glitches, some humor in it, etc. etc.Halo 2 has dual weapons, the ability to kick people out of their cars, familiar enviroments for everybody who plays it, etc. etc.Halo 1 was a nice simplistic and good game. Although it was too easy to beat and there is a dramatic difference between Hard, and Legendary. I myself find that Legendary was extremely hard and almost impossible to do unless you were to do the mission flawlessly.Halo 2 was very deeply graphiced, and had time taken into it. Although, it had many glitches and made it too easy to finish the game. The levels were short, the sword was more like a god-weapon, and the new creatures hardly made a difference, and the camo for the arbiter wore off so fast you could hardly know it was on at all.Halo 2 had a lot of new things, but more bad things. One of the most noticeable was the fact that you could see layering glitches in the system for cinematic scenes such as when Captain Keyes's daughter was landing the pelican.In conclusion I must say that Halo 2 does beat Halo 1 in many categories, but seldomly would I say I would rather be playing Halo 2 over Halo 1.Halo 1 > Halo 2(P.S.: I used to be the Champion of Halo 1 in Michigan. I missed the other tournements, so I was not able to keep my title for long.)

  10. what i would really enjoy is if the PS2 would get the Halo series....i LOVE LOVE Halo and Halo 2...but i don't have an X-Box....and i don't plan on getting one anytime soon...not to mention the X-Box controller is too clunky and complicated....gotta love the little shapes as buttons on the PS2 :(


    I doubt that the Halo series will ever go to PS2. The only way that would ever happen is if you get a mod on your PS2, which only a handful of people can do for you illegally and expensively.


    The Halo series is too popular for Microsoft to give away so easily. --and Playstation is not going to pay double-digited millions just so they can make a percentage of profits on the game selling for PS2.

  11. I have played WoW before. Boy did I think it was great for the first five minutes. It took me hours to figure out what I was doing. Then it took me more hours just wandering around and attacking the first thing that I saw. Then it took me hours to die, then after I died, it took me hours to find my body and get all my stuff back.Overall: Okay game.Summary: It consumes too much time just to do so little in the game.Extra Notes: It is too easy to have the people with no lives overpower those who are innocent people trying to have fun with a game they bought.

  12. I would like to say Morrowind or Fable would be 'Game of the Year' material, yet alas they have too many holes in the system and they left out many key things for them to be successful games.For example: Morrowind has no children, and it gets dull after an hour of two of playing.Fable is very repetitive and has good graphics (don't get me wrong about that) but they are a little, stale? -Also, you have to follow a strict line which leads it away from the actual fun.Other than that, I do not think there are any really good games out there that will be Game of the Year. Although Gaming systems everywhere will find someway to pull a random game out of their arsets and call it spectacular.

  13. If the internet were to suddently crash right now, we would all die. Everything from our Atomic Weapons to the cash register would not function, causing our encomony to crash. Any country can attack us and we would have to take time changing everything to make it right. Video Games and Movies would be harder to make and edit. And, you would not be able to talk with people and get help on the web.I would live, since the Internet is not very important. It would take a long time to get use to, but soon enough I would get use to it. I could find many other ways to have fun, like play games and watch T.V.

  14. To tell you the truth, Xbox 360 looks like a waste of money. Here is why; the first Xbox wasn't that good. The only reason why Xbox was good before was because of Halo. I understand that Halo 3 will be comming out for Xbox 360, but it will come out for P.C. too.If Xbox 360 turns out to be good, I will still not buy it until the price lowers. Also, they could at least get a little design on the controlers. I like how they kept the same buttons on it, but why make it all plain white?

  15. I recall seeing a design concept of Princess Zelda holding a sword. Perhaps she will be available as a playable character?


    Yes. They actually said that you will be able to control Princess Zelda in one of the future Zelda's. (this one, maybe?) She's probably a small playable character, like Makar and Medli were in Wind Waker.

  16. Map Designing is a very important part in your RPG game. The maps are made up with many different graphics, which we call Chipsets. You can import your own Chipsets in the Database. Check out the other tutorial to find out how to.


    Once you are at the map design, you will have all ocean. If you look to the left, you'll see graphics you can choose from. You need to put thoses graphics from the left to make a game on the right.


    First, we need to set the graphics, or Chipsets. Right-click on the MAP0001 folder under the graphics box to the left and choose Map Properties. You will get a window that looks like this.


    Posted Image


    Most of the stuff here is common sense; you can change the name of the map and the size and stuff. We want to get our custom Chipset on here. Since we already imported it from the Database, we should be able to select it from the "Tileset" box. Do so and exit out. (NOTE: For this tutorial, I am going to use the default map graphic "Town".)


    Now, you need to place land. I am going to make an outside town, so I need grass. Find the grass graphics and fill the water with it. To fill, select the "Flood Fill Map Elements" button above the graphics. After you fill it, select the "Place Map Elements Freehand" button again.


    Now, we should add some houses; so, find a house graphic. Put together the house using the pieces of graphics, then look at it. Is it good? If so, then you're ready.


    NOTE: The three buttons at the top (Posted Image) are used to set the land. The first one is the flat land (Grass, snow, some pieces of stuff) the second one is objects, and the third one is events.


    Now, choose the "Select Map Elements" button, just left of the "Fill" button. Select the house (Exact deminsions) and press CTRL+C to copy it. Then, press CTRL+V to paste the house in a couple different locations. Once your done, click back on the "Freehand" button.


    Now, we need to lable the houses. You should have signs that say "Inn" and "Pub" on them; use them to lable some of the houses. Your map should look something like this. (This was zoomed out 1/2)


    Posted Image


    Now, we need to make the own look move alive. Let's add water. Add a rive running through your town. Be sure to add bridges (or grass) so you can walk across town. Also, add some things so your town doesn't look plain. Experiment with the many things, find some more Chipsets, and add them in; the better your maps are, the better your game is. Also, please add dirt trails through the houses. It makes the town look like people have actually been through it.


    Posted Image


    That is all for this Part. In the next part, I will show you how events work. Events are the hardest part of creating a game, but the most important, too. You will also be able to add NPC's (Non-playable Characters) to your game. Hope this tutorial helped you.

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