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Posts posted by Umbra

  1. The graphics where around average for when the game was released. I still think that should remake Final Fantasy VII, not make a sequel. Everyone knows that sequels to classic game always turn out terrible. If you don't believe me, check out Halo 2 and others.Final Fantasy VII, I agree, is the best RPG ever made. The reasons for that is the Materia System, the advance Battle System, and how cool the characters are. I don't care much for any other Final Fantasy, since they are all overrated. (Final Fantasy VI....)Also, how can you not notice the graphics if the story and gameplay are so good? I pay attention to the graphics all the time. I don't ever get distracted by something else. Overall, Final Fantasy VII does diserve a 10/10.

  2. If I were you, I'd use the second one, simply because it shows you full name and makes you look beter. People like users with a sig professionally made with their username in it.The other two are good as well, but all they say is rage. I like the background on the first one too. If you combined the text of the second with the background of the first, you'd get my favroite one.

  3. DS, in my opinion, is a much better deal then PSP. First off, it's $100 dollars cheaper. Secondly, PSP doesn't have any good games that I like do far. DS has a couple. Third, I hate when Sony tries to be better then Nintendo. Nintendo is one of the oldest systems out, and has the best series in the world, like Mario and Zelda. And no, Sony doesn't own the Final Fantasy series. One of them was for Gamecube. So, basically, I hate Sony and I don't want to pay $250 dollars for the PSP. I heard the battery power isn't that good anyways.

  4. Well, you could get Maya. That is, if you want to pay 1,000 - 6,000 thousand dollars for the program. If you want that program, don't waste your money buying it. Seriously, it's the biggest waste of money, since it requires too much time and patience.I strongly recommend Hexagon at Eovia.com. It does cost $150 dollars, but it is well worth it. It is easy to use and has several different features. It has almost as many features as Maya, except you save $900.

  5. Double Dash was alright, but the classics for Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 where by far the best. I was hoping Double Dash would have been better, like better courses. However, it didn't. Well, at least it wasn't as bad Super Circuit for Gameboy Advance, which in my opinion, was the worst one in its series. I hope the newest installment for DS will look and play a lot better then the others.

  6. Has anyone ever played Dink Smallwood? It is a free game, and can be found at any major download site.Anyways, you're Dink, a farmer. When you go out to find some things for your mother, you come back to her house and find it burned down. From then on, you explore the country, learn attacks and magic, and kill people and things.You should really download this game, since it is very addicting. You'll be playing this game for hours. I wish they'd make a sequel or remake, using the same engine, since the game is so good. Its even been added to the gamelist at GameFAQs.Also, it comes with DinkEdit, which is a scripting that let's you make your own adventures. Out of 158 reviews, it maintained a 4.5/5 rating, which is very good. Plus, it is free. The full version of a game for free. You should defiently try it.

  7. I agree that San Andreas in not a brand new game. It's build on Vice City (which was built on GTA III). But new features, like swimming, stats, fashion and etc. (haven't discovered everything jet) makes the game interesting again :(

    I'm not biggest fan of GTA, what means I din't complete GTA, GTA II and I didn't complete GTA III, GTA Vice City on 100%, but still I was waiting for San Andreas. And now I'm having fun playing few hours a day. I agree that seeking to complete game on 100% might be like homeworks, but why do that if it's not a must? And why not use walktrouhts, if the game becames to hard (for example when 98 of 100 secret packages are found, the last 2 could be anywhere, and finding them withuot help is quite borring, when efforts are worthless for 5 or 6 hours).

    One thing I dont like in GTA are vehicles. Why don't they buy patents from cars brands... It would be much more interesting driving a BMW instead of Sentinel or chasing an old Shelby instead of Sabre. Maybe in future they'll fix that... I hope... :(


    Either they'd rather have their own names, they want to save money, or they don't want their names in the game. Keep in mind that GTA has been banned several different times. I don't think GM and Ford want their brand of cars in a violent game such as that. Even if they did get one brand of cars to agree, they'd have to get all of them, or else the game would be unbalanced.

  8. RPG Maker is a program that allows you to make your own RPG game. It is very simple to use, much easier then Multimedia Fusion and Game Maker. It has several built in functions, sprites, and music's. You can also import your own. Although it cost a lot to buy it, you can find it all over the internet.There is another RPG Maker called RPG Maker XP. It is much better, but harder to understand.

  9. Of the three new systems coming out soon, Xbox 360 will be the LAST things I get.I mean, buying Xbox was one of the biggest mistakes I made. The only good games where Halo and Halo 2, and Morrowind. Everything else was just a waste of money. Besides, you can get Morrowind and Halo for the P.C. So, I don't trust buying Xbox 360 because it might have bad games as well.So what if it has Halo 3. After I've seen the ending of Halo 2, and how bad it was for the effort they put in it, I don't even want to get the next. They're. in my opinion, trying to take people's money. Xbox 360 isn't going to be much different from Xbox, it's just what they want you to believe.I'd rather get Nintendo Revoulation or PS3, since they look real cool and actually have good games.

  10. Internet Explore 7.0 better have really cool feature to convince me to get it. I don't care for IE 6.0, since it's slow and has too many popups when I start it. If they could make it like Firefox and some other stuff, I might get it. If not, I'm sticking to Firefox.

  11. Dude I won't say they were lazy, in fact the developer said the "art is suppose to convey the sense of gameplay" it was a happy game, but this one is dark, and a happy cartoon link isn't going to fit.


    ANyways windwaker graphics, although stupid, tend to grow on you, in the end I actually thought it was pretty cool.... i'm a loser


    Well, actually the graphics weren't lazy... they were just different. (cough And horrible cough)


    The designers thought they would be doing the world some good by posing off of JSRF (Jet Set Radio Future) graphics and trying to reform them into an epic amongst games. They failed; miserably. I hoped it was my e-mail that made them to decide to change their minds on making good games. :D


    ((And these new graphics are God, except God reincarnated into graphics for a game.))


    I like the kitties. :D

  12. -Sigh-I despise the MK Games ever since they moved them up from N64 to XBox. The fighting style system is really confusing and involves massive button mashing in order to get anything to hit something. --And they rely on you wasting your life in front of the game to learn combos so you can get .0001% further into the game.I beg all of MK's designers and game hosters, please correct your errors and make good games again!

  13. This game by far looks a lot better than both WoW and Guild Wars.My cousin brought me over a big book about it. He then brought me over to his house, where I played it. It has many great and not-complicated features. For example, after playing the game for 30minutes you already know the controls.What also I like:-It is not easy to waste your life on this game to become better than everybody. This game also has strategy to it.-It shalt roxxorz your boxxorz... or else.-Movie-like armor and weapons.-Nice range of characters to choose from.-It is cheap, like $15-20-WoW and GW are like, $112314512423!I highly recommend this game. If you have WoW, throw it out and play this game. You will like it a lot better.

  14. Yeah, 7 is by far the best. It's a shame they're not remaking it for the PS3 or PSP. I would want to see how cool the graphics and battling is. Yes, I know they're making a sequel, but a remake is always better. Square Enix should really consider this.Final Fantasy VI (III) is very overrated. Seriously, I hate that game. The graphics and gameplay are not even that good. I don't know why everyone like it, because I don't. Then again, anti-FFVII fans are probably saying the same about me liking FFVII.

  15. I usually only play a emulator when I want to play a japaness game (translated), or when I'm at school and have nothing else to do. Most of the newer emulators have a lot of viruses in them.Plus, SNESx9 is a lot better then ZSNES. I don't know why people say it is better.

  16. I personally don't really like animated images, with the exception of some things, but I'm surprised how good it can really be. The background and text color and shading fir right in, and you've chose a very interseting color to make it with. What I also find interesting is the fact the shape, which is different. Usually, the sigs are square, but you've made it with cut cornors, so it really makes it look professionally done. I would give it a 10 out of 10.

  17. Has anyone here ever played Spyro Ripto's Rage? If you're familiar with the Spyro series, it is my favorite. If not, I'll explain.Spyro is a purple Dragon that goes on wild adventures to rescue either his fellow dragons or someone else. He dashes quickly and can blow fire at his enemies. However, even though this game is for kids, I like it a lot. It is a 3D platformer game, very similar to the Tomb Raider series. The graphics are almost always cel-shaded, and there is a lot of humorous scene in it.Now, about Ripto's Rage. You, Spyro, were trying to go on a vacation with your trustworthy firefly friend named Sparx. Meanwhile, in the world of Avalar, the Professor and his friends are trying to find a dragon to put an end to the riot Ripto has been causing over in this world. Just when they're about to get a big dragon, little baby Spyro comes.In this world are three mini-worlds, all having several levels. In these, you must help the people and they'll reward you with what you need to advance. You collect many gems and orbs, meet many different people, and blow fire on many different monsters. Overall, Spyro is one of the best kid game series... (That doesn't include Zelda and Mario, though)So, has anyone played Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage? I know just about everything about it, so ask me anything.

  18. My honest opinion is why?


    Who would need that much space, I know its alot and people think bigger is better but do you really use most of that space?




    ~ Munchie ~


    I don't know. They just raise it so more people get an account. People don't relize the question until they have 500 messages in their inbox and you free space finally reached 1% of 100. I want to see someones account that managed to get it full, I mean, without sending a bunch of E-mails to yourself.


    Also, Google is a multi-million dollar company. They can afford this much room fairley easiley. I wish I could create a search engine and make 25,000 dollars a day... That would be cool.

  19. Well, I enjoyed the first two Rush Hours, since I like all funny movies. And, when I heard they where going to make a number 3, I was excited. I've been waiting for 4 years since the release of number 2, and I heard nothing. Does anyone know if they're working on another one? Also, anyone else like Rush Hour?

  20. Hmm. Most of my top ten movies are commedies. I don't really like anything but commedy and action. 1. Rat Race - One of the funniest movies I have seen in my life. 2. Waterboy - Everyone likes Waterboy. 3. Bruce Almighty - Jim Carrey is one of the funniest people in the world. 4. Finding Nemo - Funny. 5. Happy Gilmore - Another really funny movie. 6. Billy Madison - Almost as funny as above. 7. The Matrix - Not funny, but cool. 8. Home Alone - The first one was the best. 9. The Mask - Funny.10. Rush Hour 2 - Really funny stuff.

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