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Everything posted by mguanumen

  1. Link of Zelda series and Solid Snake of Metal Gear series
  2. questions:where you get the pic? a official o fan site?maybe a fake pic, or not?
  3. the answer is in your heart, only you can know the better in this situation
  4. I knew a "chupacabra" was a humanoid, a "mix" of beast and human, but in the photo it look like a big bat
  5. be patience, be natural and "don?t worry, be happy" and the life smile to you
  6. thanks for the words, guys!! PHP y Mysql are easy to learn, but "the life is in the details", so I will ask any questions, while I see the tutorials...Thanks and thanks...For the spanish?s speakers : Aqui tienen un amigo mas...
  7. !! The file which you wish to remove must have 0777 chmod permissions !!the question is how change the permissions with PHP? is possible?
  8. have someone any idea when is the release of seint seiya hades episodies? in japon o in america?
  9. I am a newbie, but my native language is the spanish, and I have any problems with english. I am learning about programming html, databases and PHP.....
  10. Wow, your life is the web... A question:All your pages are in sities of free pages?and what is your principals tools (html and DB) for programming pages?
  11. I hear the american debut of FF advant children in november of this year (2005), but is possible the distributor begin the next year
  12. If the post had a 666, called "number of evil", what is the number for the "good"? 777 or 3 for the trinity?
  13. You´re alrigth, and I believe the mith started with Jesus Christ and followers in the last supper, 1+12 = 13 ! the polemic number!
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