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Posts posted by NateP

  1. In my opinion, the legal systems of the world are getting over-run by over-legislation. The governments of the world are adding new laws to the lawbooks year after year. This is needed to keep up with the changing methods and strategies of the criminals and businesses. The problem however seems to be that as the lawbooks swell in size, it is rare that laws are reviewed for relevancy to todays legal needs. A good example of this is a law in the state of Texas that states it is illegal to beat your wife unless it is done on the court house stepps. Obviously this is a very old law and newer more modern laws now say it is illegal anywhere. The problem is that even though newer laws seem to override the old law, the old law was never actually abolished. This leaves confusion and the possibility for leagal manouvering which ties up the legal system and courts even longer. I have no idea if that old law is still valid, but I did read about it only a few years ago.I think that a governmental legal authority needs to be established in each country that monitors the accumulation of laws and cross references them to weed out the duplicate or overlapping laws that tend to offer the lawyers room for manipulation of the courts. I also think that in order to improve the effectivness of the legal systems of the world, our society as a whole needs to re-evaluate the need for a moral code. I regret to say that I almost never meet an individual aged 25 or younger that would have been considered a nice, polite, or moral person back when I was that age. I think that all schools world wide should force all students to take a morallity course every single year of their schooling. It should be graded not by pen and paper tests or assignments, but by the simple observation of the moral/immoral behavior of the students.(compared to a predetermined moral code) It should be a requirement to graduate.Morallity in the past was taught and spread to the public through good parenting and religious beliefs. These days, governments are trying very hard to keep religion seperated from governance. Since religion is one of the biggest and best ways to spread morallity, a new system to spread morallity is needed. And since the religious method for spreading morallity also warned of dire consequences for immorality, whatever new system that is developed must also include some form of punishment or concequence for acting immorally. How this can be accomplished... no idea, but starting the process in our education systems seems a logical starting point.

  2. Wow Sheepdog, that is a great picture. I was not aware that there really was such a thing as a real road runner. I guess I thought as you mentioned, that it was just a fictional cartoon character. Looking at the picture though and seeing those tiny little wings, are these flightless birds? Do they actually fly any real distances or just kinda hop and flap a bit sort of like a chicken?

  3. Hello Infotronix! Welcome to Xisto. As the others have said, there are lots of interesting and informational discussions here. I for one have found many answers to my questions here and have learned alot from the members. If you have any questions to ask, you can be pretty sure that someone here will know the answers, or at least can probably help you find them.And the best part is, you get to earn myCents to pay for some great web services from Xisto hosting just for asking your questions or giving some answers to other peoples questions. :)

  4. Your story reminds me of a similar item I wanted to purchase a few years back. My dad had just purchased one of those Forman Grills from a TV infomercial. He ended up paying over $150 after shipping and everything. I really liked the grill once he got it and was thinking of getting one for myself. I decided against it since the price tag was a bit too expensive.Just about 6 months ago I was browsing a local liquidation store and sure enough there it was. A brand new Forman Grill for $25! No shipping cost, no credit card required, and no wait! I ended up buying two of them and saving one for a christmas gift for a friend.As you said, good things come to those who wait! ;)Now if only those darn iPads would appear in the liquidation stores... before they go obsolete!

  5. As a former PTC website owner I feel obligated to let you know that you will probably never get paid by most PTC sites. Although the PTC site owners may have good intentions and fully plan on paying the members, this business model is not sustainable. I know this from experience.In most cases the only advertisers that are purchasing ads from the PTC sites are in fact owners of other PTC sites trying to boost their traffic in a futile effort to attract more advertisers. It is a big ugly circle that drains money from the PTC site owners and eventually causes the sites to shut down and leave any owed balance to members unpaid.During the time that my PTC site was operational, we paid out hundreds of members, but in the end thousands of members who could not reach our $50 payout lost the balance owed to them when my operating funds went dry. The same will likely happen to you unless you are one of the lucky few who hit that payout level before the bottom falls out on the PTC programs you subscribe to.One method that makes some money online is selling drop shipped goods via ebay. Try searching for drop shipping companies online and see how you can get started.The nice thing about drop shipping is that you can list items for sale on ebay without having to stock physical inventory yourself. If an item sells, you simply enter the buyers shipping info into the drop shipping company website, transfer the fee, and keep the difference. If an item does not sell, you only loose the small ebay listing fee so the risks are low and income can be great depending on what you try to sell.

  6. I am not sure I understand exactly what the OP is looking for. Is an autoresponder what is needed? Or maybe a newsletter manager software? Do you have a website with members that you need to mail regularly? I understand that you have 50000 or so subscribers, but how did you get the subscribers? Often an opt in email capture script also includes functionality to mail the list. Please explain in more detail and I'll do my best to see what I can find for you. :)

  7. I am also interested in getting more info on this. I have done a fair amount of php programming for various websites of my own as well as some for friends. When trying to learn how to use the the preg_match functionality in php though I always run into problems and have had to outsource that portion of the code to others.If this is a topic you are knowledgeable about, please write a tutorial for us. I would love to finally get my head wrapped around this stuff so I can write better code.

  8. In my opinion social networking websites can have a double edged sword effect on ecommerce. On one hand, the added exposure that an ecommerce website can receive will surely add brand recognition and possibly cause a viral boost in traffic. On the other hand, one bad experience for a single client can cause a viral spread of a bad review of the products or services of an ecommerce website.The benefits of social networking on ecommerce mostly lie in the added exposure and that is all. If something does go wrong however, and a customer gets upset and writes a bad review, the review can spread like wildfire and damage control can be nearly impossible.

  9. Have you tried speaking to a medical professional? Quite often when people try to develop a successful diet they will rely on advice of family or friends. Although sometimes they may be right, it can't hurt to find out what an actual doctor or nutrition specialist might say.An example of this is my aunt. She tried all the big diet plans like weight watchers and such, plus she tried her own methods. She never saw any lasting results from any of these methods. Eventually she went to see a nutrition specialist. The specialist did some tests and discovered what nutrients were missing from or in abundance in her body. They used this info to make a diet just for her. About four months later she hit her target body weight and has stayed there ever since. Also once she had balanced nutrient levels, her hunger levels were reduced and a stable meal pattern was established naturaly.This kind of thing is best checked by a professional if you are serious about it. ;)

  10. Hello Carlow. Welcome to Xisto! We have many knowledgable people that use this forum to discuss all kinds of technical things. If you ask questions here, you will usually find someone that can either answer them or at least point you in the right direction to find answers. The users here are usually eager to help. :)

  11. Although I do agree that a great sales copy will convert a larger number of visitors into clients, it is not the only reason some sites have difficulty making sales. To ensure you are capturing the business of the maximum number of visitors, you need to examine the habits of the visitors who have made purchases in the past.

    Where did the visitors come from? (web site, search engine, direct link, etc.)

    What country did they live in?

    What is the most common language spoken by your customers?

    What is the product or service you sell most often and what is different about it compared to your other products or services?

    These are just some of the things that need to be researched in order to improve sales. These things are needed to improve the sales conversion from traffic that is already incoming to your web site, and they are in addition to the sales copy mentioned by the OP. After considering all this though you still haven't increased traffic volume, you have increased only sales conversion.


    After considering all the above, try thinking of what other goods or services may be of interest to your customers. For example if you sell perfume on your web site, then perhaps many of your customers would also be interested in bubble bath, or cosmetics.


    Now that you have identified some probable shared interests for your clients, you have an idea of where to advertise your own goods and services. If you were selling perfume as in the example above, placing an advertisment on a web site that sells bubble bath might increase quality visitors to your site since their customers share interest in your type of goods also.


    It is important to always put yourself in the shoes of your visitors. Always keep asking yourself what you would want to see as a customer.


    A friend of mine once said "In business to succeed you need to under promise, and over achieve." What this means is, always promise less to your client than what you can actually achieve for them. Then when you achieve more than they have been promised, they become very satisfied customers. I try remind myself of that often, and it have helped my business greatly.


    Sorry if this response seems a little disorganized. I am too tired to be typing lol.

  12. Hey, what a great post! You've done a really good job of explaining exactly what a person needs to do, and did it in such a way that even a computer dummy like me could make sense of it. One part of it I am not at all familiar with are article directories or open ezines. How would a person go about finding those? Do you need to find ones that are specific to the articule you are writing, as in my case, an ezine that caters to dog information or are ezines just general information sites?
    Promoting a web site is really hard to do. I do appreciate all the ideas like yours that I find.

    It is true that there are a wide variety of different article directories online. The easiest to find will be the ones that are more general in topic. As for directories that are more specific to your niche, they are out there as rpgsearcherz has pointed out. Finding them can be a bit tricky though.

    To find directories or ezines that cater to dog information, try searching google using terms such as: dog article directory, or submit pet articles. I have tried these two searches and they returned quite a few directories that allow article submission.

    One alternate option is to use google blog search to find dog related blogs. Many of these blogs may allow guest posting. Often if this is the case, a link will be posted somewhere on the blog. You may also try contacting the blog owner and offering to guest post on their blog. If contacting the blog owner, include a copy of the article you wish to post, or a link for them to view the content before making their decision. Many blog owners welcome new and fresh content as long as it is well written and accurate.

    I think I may need to write another tutorial outlining some article marketing strategies in more detail. :)

  13. Although listing some good article directories or open ezines here might be very helpful, I worry that this topic would quickly become filled with responses from people wanting to advertise their own article directories here.To find good article directories, try getting the google toolbar to see the pagerank of the directories you are considering. The higher the pagerank as reported from the toolbar, the better.If you would like to get a little more in depth and investigate the quality of a directory, you could actually spend some time browsing through the articles. Look to see what kind of articles that the editors of the directory are willing to accept. Are the articles written well? Are they written like an informational resource, or more like an advertisement. Do the articles contain spelling and grammar mistakes? The best directories are very picky about what articles they will publish. Good directories will check for spelling and grammar. They will also check for plagiarism or article duplication on other web sites.One more important thing to look for is social network linking. A good directory should include easy one click sharing of articles on all the major social networks. These are buttons such as the facebook like button, or google + 1 buttons. These can cause your article to become a viral sensation on the social networks.I do have a list of directories that I find are very good to use but I think sharing them here would send this topic off course. If anyone wants to use my list, send me a PM and I'll get back to you. :)

  14. I think the OP has an amazing idea. I have just though of a way that this could be modified to add an additional power source to the system.As was mentioned in another reply, focused sunlight can create vast amounts of heat, that heat can also be used to create energy via steam or other methods. One of the more recent green technologies is thermoelectric generator cells. These convert heat to electricity. They can create about 1 watt per cell (at 100 degrees C) and they are about the size as a small cell phone.Lets imagine that the sunlight is focused to a certain degree but not enough to melt components, and then it is directed to shine onto a large boiler tank. The tank is connected to a network of pipes that circulate the water as it heats. The network of pipes would be lined with thermoelectric cells to collect the heat from the heated water flowing within. The small size of thermoelectric cells means thousands of watts of power could be generated in a somewhat small area with a fairly small network of pipes.Because of the small space requirements of the water/thermocell system, you could incorporate the solar idea in the same space by placing the solar cells on top of the water/thermocell system. Increasing your power output in the same area.I am no expert in the subject but maybe this could work. What do you think?

  15. The point that makes me wonder is that if you already know that, is it advisable to waste time dedicating to the construction of the virtual world, I understand pleasure can be derived thinking in a way like "I wish.........", especially when you come home after a long tiring day, but even after realising that it is driving you away from your earthly duties, it should be brought under limits.

    I also have vivid dreams of myself accomplishing the goals in my life or obtaining things that seem silly or unreachable. This is healthy if it doesn't consume your entire life. It can easily be used as a tool to help you obtain the things you dream about.

    In fact a large number of successful people quote "chasing their dreams" as the secret to their success. Just remember to keep yourself prioritized on your current needs before your current desires. After fulfilling your needs, if anything is left, pursue your desires whole heartedly.

  16. Not exactly a new idea, anybody remember the Chatty Cathy dolls from eons ago?

    I didn't have any of those myself, although I do remember them well. I had a stuffed dog that could do a flip and bark. If you pulled his leash he would walk with you and wag his tail. Too bad my real dog didn't like him and ended up ripping it to shreds lol.

    I kind of wish that the older more active style toys would become more popular again. Toys like pogo balls! Those things were lots of fun! :) Heck even slinky toys made you run up and down the stairs to play with them.

    These days I almost have to bribe my kids to go outside and the more advanced the toys get, the less active kids seem to get.

  17. One idea I just came up with for a real estate company is:Homeland Real Estate - "Land your home with Homeland!"I think it could be an effective name that has some good marketing potential and is memorable too.The domain name homelandrealestateDOTcom is already taken but you could always do a slight variation like homelandpropertiesDOTcom or similar.Hope this helps get your creative juices flowing. :)

  18. Hello Erin.Welcome to KS. There is a wealth of information here that will probably be helpful to you in your profession as a computer tech. I expect also that as a computer tech yourself, you probably have a wealth of info you can share with us too. :)Looking forward to reading some of your posts in the near future!

  19. Wow Anwiii. I have been away for a few months, and I remember having discussions with you in the past here. I was made to feel at home here by some of our dicussions, I felt like this was a good place to be becuase of you.I was active on Xisto before it was changed. I tried to get my Xisto account to work here on KS but it never seemed to work and admin never answered my tickets or PMs. That bothered me because I felt forgotten by the staff here, but Anwiii you made me want to start over here anyways.I agree totally about the fact that Xisto was far better than what we are seeing now, and the community back then was vibrant and alive. I miss that. The army system was also amazing I miss it too. The fun of Xisto did not survive the move to KS. :(I will be sad to see you leave us Anwiii, but you must do what you feel is right and I respect that.

  20. For new webmasters just getting started online, traffic generation is one of the biggest mysteries they face. Most new webmasters look for free advertising networks or maybe traffic exchange web sites. Rarely however does a new webmaster find a source of quality traffic for free.One method for generating web site traffic that is unknown to most webmasters is a form of advertisement called article marketing. This form of advertising is very effective if done right and can be done for free. I am going to show you step by step how to get started generating traffic to your web site using this method.How this all works is pretty simple. You will need to write articles that relate in some way to the topic of the web site that you want to promote. Writing the articles can be time consuming but your work will be rewarded later. Once you have some articles written that you feel are accurate and well written, you will write a small (about 2-3 sentence) bio about yourself and what you do.(your website) Include a link or maybe two within this bio to your web site. Now that you have all this done you will be submitting your article to article directories or open ezines and other similar sites. When you submit these articles you will also be submitting your bio which contains links to your web site. You can see how even in this short description, there is potential for traffic from this method.Now I can show you step by step how to do this effectively to increase your web site traffic.Step One: Research your topics.The very first thing you need to consider is what you will write your articles about. Make a list of things that are related to the topic of your web site. Write down anything you can think of that is related even if the list gets huge. If your web site was about golf clubs for example, some related topics would be golf shirts, golf vacations, golf lessons or golf etiquette.Once you have a good list made, prioritize the list putting the topics you know the most about at the top and working through the list. Once this is done, you should probably have at least 5 or 6 topics at the top of the list that you know a fair amount about. Start researching these top topics online using any sources you can find. Take notes of any interesting statistics or info that seemed surprising. Now that you have some research done and feel knowledgeable on these topics, you can move to the next step.Step Two: Writing your first articles.Now comes the creative part. I do understand that some people simply do not like writing or don't think they are any good at it. The truth is, writing is just as easy as talking. When you speak to your friends/family or co-workers do they understand you? Then you can write an effective article especially if you are working from the top of your list of topics which was prioritized in order of what you know the most about. Even if you struggle to get started, keep at it, its easier after you get started! :)When writing your articles do not try and write your article like an advertisement. Write your article as a piece of information that you are trying to share with your readers. Put real information that your readers can use in some way. Avoid suggesting that your readers visit your web site. The little bio at the bottom of your article already has your link and by suggesting to your readers that they click it, you make your article look like spam. People looking for information want to feel that the information has come from a trustworthy source. If your article is very accurate and informative, you gain credibility to your reader and often they wish to learn more from you. This prompts many readers to click the link in your bio to learn more without the need for you to ask them to click it.Write at least two or three articles for the topics you feel most comfortable about. After you have these articles written, try searching the internet for spell checkers, grammar checkers, and plagiarism checkers. You can find free online versions of all of these tools with a simple Google search using the terms above. Run each of the articles you have written through these tools and modify the articles accordingly. Even though you have written these articles yourself, you shouldn't skip the plagiarism checker. The reason for this is that the internet has millions upon millions of web sites on which someone may have written a very similar article. If your article looks to anyone that it could have been plagiarized, you will lose all your credibility and your articles might be denied or deleted.Step Three: Finding good places to submit your articles.Now up to know you will have done some pretty hard work. You've made your topic list, priorities it, researched a bunch of topics, written a bunch of articles, checked and edited the articles, and you still haven't gotten any more web site traffic. Well, patience my friend, we are getting closer. :)Before you get all excited and start firing those articles off to any old directory or website you can find, you need to do more research. This time you will be using the search engines to find article directories, or open ezines. Take note of the ones that are in the top results of the major search engines. These are the directories that the search engines are currently sending the most traffic to! Take down a list of the top directories from each search engine and filter out the duplicates. These are the directories you will want to submit your articles to. Some of them will be free to submit, and some will be pay to submit. To start with go with the free ones. Be sure when submitting your articles that you read any submission guidelines and adjust your articles if need be to fit.Don't submit your articles too many times. Only submit each article to a maximum of 3 different web sites. The reason for this is because we want your article to be a valuable source of unique information that is not available everywhere else. The search engines use bots and spiders to read the web sites you are submitting to. (we know this since they are highly ranked in search results) The bots/spiders are designed to look for unique content that has not been seen elsewhere. When the search engines find unique content, they tend to rank that site more highly than others with duplicated content. This means the search engines may send visitors directly to your article and if well written, will lead to many clicks on the link to your web site.Step Four: Wash, rinse, repeat.Really that is about all there is to it. Repeat the steps again and again. Submit new articles to the same places or to new places to see what helps. Beware though, when choosing a directory to submit to, avoid ones that automatically accept any article. Be picky, you are building a reputation here. :)Now that is the basics of article marketing. Remember the goal here is not to coax people to click your link, it is to provide a source of information that is unique and will naturally lead the reader to consider you knowledgeable and trustworthy so they WANT to click your link.I have used this method and it has worked very well for me. An example of one of my recent successes is a web site that I have recently started. In the first two days that my web site was live, I wrote six articles. I submitted these articles one each to six different article directories over the two days. I made sure the directories were high ranking on the search engines. It even took one day for the articles to be accepted and viewable on the directories. The next day I was pleased to find that my web site had 32 new members and I had orders to process! This is not a huge success but remember that was only six articles on six directories and not one of the articles asked the reader to visit my site.Obviously this is not the only traffic generation method. Some of you may prefer other methods. For me though this is the backbone of my web promotion efforts and it always brings some level of success. I hope it will now do the same for you!

  21. I've never had the need to use a remote or virtual desktop. The cost of computer hardware has become low enough that virtually anyone can afford it unless unemployed maybe. The offsite storage is a good place to store backup data in case of fire or other disaster but that is the only real need I can see for it.For collaborating on programming or design projects there are already a large selection of project management applications with features that resemble cloud computing. Features like automated source code injection of code revisions to a project server for example.In my opinion cloud computing and virtual or remote or emulated desktops are not very useful except for very specialized needs. The cloud computing buzz does seem premature to me. The technology doesn't provide a big enough advantage to owning your own hardware/storage/backups yet.Perhaps in the future the technologies involved will have the ability to boost your home computer with say extra processing power or something that gives a clear improvement to your system or its capabilities.For now though I think I would pass on renting a desktop in a remote location. It doesn't seem to have a usefulness that would justify my spending money on it, for me at least.

  22. I'd suggest you give SWGemu.com a try. It is an emulation project that is free to play and is a replica of the original Star Wars Galaxies MMO. The game was a huge hit until the devs added a couple of game altering changes to combat and character classes. After that the game went downhill. The SWGemu version of the game is completely free and restores the game to the way it was when it was a hit! :) The server averages at least 2500 players a day and is very fun to play. If you do decide to check it out send my character a hello! His in game name is "Nameless".

  23. now as far as your post, it did come out anti usa haha and that was kinda supported when i read a line from one of the links you sent me to that called the usa the biggest terrorist country in the world.

    Yes the one link did seem to be almost like a conspiracy theorist site and did have an almost anti-USA tone, but unfortunately it seems that most only crazies like this are willing to talk much about the RCC other than the very short and uninformative articles released by mainstream media who seem to want not to talk about it much at all. I know that not much stock should be put into articles from these type of people but I just wanted to make sure that the links I provided had a duality of opinions even if one of them came from some crazies. lol

    The thing is that I think the Canadian government is not willing to look at the big picture here.(looking for a quick fix) Our government is making this deal without ANY support from the Canadian people. As Canadians we expect that the laws, regulations, treaties and pretty much any governmental decisions are an extension of the wishes of the majority of citizens in our country.(same for Americans I would bet) When a major decision is being made in our country we expect to see the issue discussed openly in our parliament which gives us the opportunity to speak to our local member of parliament and have our voices as citizens heard. These MP's are supposed to then bring the opinions of the citizens within their riding to the discussion in parliament. This deal was not discussed openly, our voices as citizens were not heard because we were not informed about it in the first place. Yes this deal could potentially cause major civil unrest here but the fact that our democratic system has been entirely omitted here is equally as dangerous. Equally disturbing to me is the fact that in the US the senate usually deals with trade deals and in this case the senate was not consulted at all. It is a break down of democratic practice in both countries. Since neither the US media or the Canadian media is mentioning much about this it almost seems like the two governments are trying to sweep the entire issue under the rug. Which again begs the question why? Why was this deal made without public knowledge until after the fact? Why were the democratic practices in both countries skipped? This is the real reason the deal scares me. To be honest if Canada were to join with the US in some way I don't think that is a major problem since our countries are probably the most compatible countries in the world today. I would be sad to see another nations flag flying over Canada yes but if I had to choose a county to join with, USA would be my choice and most Canadians would probably feel the same.

    Partial loss of Canadian sovereignty is a possibility here but I don't think that is the real danger here. The breakdown of the democratic system that has already occurred in the signing of this deal poses a threat to both of our nations in my opinion. I can understand that our governments maybe were trying to protect against the treat of this deal causing civil unrest but did that give the leaders of our countries the right to skip over the democratic processes in both countries? What kind of precedent is that setting for future leaders of our countries?

    I'm not a political expert by any means by the way. As a matter of fact I have only just started taking an interest in such things over the last year or two so maybe my fears are unfounded. Still something isn't right here and I think if others knew more about it many other people would agree.

  24. Anti-USA? LOLNo I am not anti-USA although after re-reading what I had written... yeah it does look that way. Honestly I don't have any personal hatred toward USA at all, in fact I live in a Canada-USA border city and see and speak to American people every day. (Maybe my point of view is somewhat skewed to that of other Canadians due to this fact and I think I made some generalizations that were probably not very accurate.)I did express that I have a hard time explaining how I feel on the subject and I don't think I got my true feelings across quite the way I wanted to. I will have to reorganize my thoughts on the subject and maybe later I will start a new thread on the topic with a better explanation.

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