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Everything posted by CorpseGrinder

  1. well said buddy, that aim-bot crap is stupid, and i dont even see how people think its fun to play with it. if you want to cheat on a game, dont do it while playing with other people. wait till you're all alone in your parents basement playing your nintendo gamecube to cheat...losers
  2. yes, i totally agree, blizzard knows how to makes games people love. i bought starcraft several years ago and i still play it ocasionally, is a very good game. and it has been awhile since there last patch, but i dont think they improved to much heh. oh well, next time any of you get on starcraft go to ch. sex. there is always plenty of people in that room to make fun of lol.
  3. do any of you guys notice a lag when you play xbox live with other people? like pc games sometimes. i was just wondering
  4. hey round, your site is awsome, that looks rad. how long have you been messing with flash, you seem to know the ropes.
  5. they're* and im glad some of you guys agree with me heh, this lil jon guy is such a loser
  6. my little brother baught it and we couldnt get it to work. il probably buy it again in the future. everything ive heard about it is good. plus i own at halo heh so when i get it post my id and show you guys whats up haha.
  7. i like the 1st battlefield, part 2 will probably be waaaayyy better heh. that squad leader thing will rule heh. and to whoever said that battlefield is a rip-off of counter strike.... that is pure crap. haha BattleField Vietnam > Counter Strikeanother game ive been playing lately that is pretty rad, is Call of Duty. the story mode is cool too, but the multiplayer game is so much better. check it out \________________/....O.....................O.........skate or die
  8. Someone already made a thred about this topic, but il give my 2 cents again heh.The DS has two screens and the PSP will have better games. If i have the right amount of money i will defently buy both of them. But if i had to pick just one i will have to go with the PSP. Someone was saying that they are very fragile though. And the PSP Is made buy sony too. The games for nitendo DS are probably gunna be geared for the younger public, so yeah...im going with the PSP
  9. i like the new UT2004 the best, that reminds me i still need to go buy it haha. the one they made for dreamcast a while back was cool too. PC blows any game console outa the water though
  10. im glad they arnt adding more units haha, that would make it to much like warcraft. this new patch seems kinda lame to me, i mean wtf is this "It will now be easier to set building rally points." how hard is it already?? all you do is hit R to set rally points. it is already fool proof lol. they've already have the friends list feature for awhile now too aka /f l and /f a personsnamehere to add a friend to the list. the only improvment i see is this mini map thing. and thats not even that great anyways at least they are still making improvments, even if they are minimal.
  11. lil jon doesnt sing, just acts, he is eye candy for dumbfounded americans that dont know good music when they here it. i blame mtv for letting this happen no but seriously lil jon is a loser
  12. ok this really pissed me off, who has heard that new retarded reissue of slayers raining blood song. i heard it the other day and almost punched out a few people. i have nothing agesnt these new songs that mix metal and rap together, some of them actually sound good like that necro and obituary track. but hearing little jon going quote "stop *BLEEP*ing with me" over and over and over to the raining blood beat really got me steamed, i hate this *BLEEP* with a passon now. damn that *BLEEP* is stupid. lil jon is a no talent loser that needs to get out of the music scene like right now. and i cant believe slayer let this happen, shame on them, this is a sad day in metal history
  13. yeah, ive had an ebay account for sometime now,ive never sold anything thoughi always find stuff i want to buy then put it off, and they're gone by the time i get back to buying them sometimes they have some really crazy stuff on therei saw someone on there trying to sell a piece of toast that had the virgin mary on it (or so they said)anyways Ebay kicks *bottom*, you should check out some of the metal t-shirt stores they got on there im not sure if they're silk screen but they still look rad
  14. hey man, try not to use drugs before you post on the forums k thanks
  15. damn, you should just spend 10 bucks and go pick up starcraft, i realize its an old game and all, but ive been playing it for years now and i still enjoy it plus there is no monthly fee. it's not an RPG but it is well worth 10 bucks, you can get the expantion with it too for 20...not to shabby other than that, you might try everquest or that starwars galixies game. but i think you have to pay monthly for both of those, bottom line...get starcraft
  16. i want both, i like the two screen idea for the DS but it might become kinda distracting, but im not sure. the psp looks sic too but ive heard the directionals are tricky to get use too though. nintendo has made good handhelds in the past, il probably get the DS before the pspps. mistab made a good point about the rumble pack thing, i didnt realize it untill now, but it's true.
  17. uh i think you missed MGS: VR for playstation. unless thats what this is --> Metal Gear Solid 1: Documentary. i love the metal gear games also. my favorite one would have to be the 1st playstaion one. that physco mantis part was awsome, but kinda cheesy . im half way into MGS snake eater and so far its been cool
  18. i voted for computer, although i love xbox too, computers are just...whats the word im looking for....oh yes, BETTER. i still have an xbox and ps2 but i spend the majority of my time on my computer. i agree with the caveman too, the N64 was sooooo rad when it first came out. i wouldnt call it my favorite system though . i loved game gear when that first came out too...man, those were the days
  19. no, i hate finalfantasy games...the newer ones have splendus graphics or so ive heard. i just dont dig those games, never have, never will.
  20. i prefer monster, it actually tastes good. but honestly, who needs energy drinks? want some energy? smack yourself in the face a couple times and get your adrenaline pumpin. screw energy drinks...they suck
  21. in my opinion i'm almost positive there will be a halo triliogy. although i didnt see this "February 9th" date, the way halo 2 ended, how can there not be a third. plus everyone would buy it. just like all of us did for halo 1 and 2. i really don't see what else they can improve on though, besides levels and weapons. it's already the perfect game. any major changes could potentially hurt this masterpiece
  22. no, no it isnt, stop wasteing everyones time. omg plz thnx U
  23. i like the look too, but is it really a new ps2 from sony? or a modded one from some side company/person?
  24. i totally agree with you on this any one that thinks/knows they're good at starcraft and wants to 1v1 me... my screen name is sqWEEl_Kill , i geuss just add it to your f list and message me when i get on battlenet, or vice versa. i normally play in the west gateway
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