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Everything posted by TheSeeker
Fate means to have a pre-decided destiny, changing fate would mean that our destinies are not set. If it is not set, then it is not fate. Even if fate were a reality we wouldn't know what is would be, and it would be a waste of time trying to figure it out.
Oedipus Rex, to me, illustrates the power of words and the power of suggestion. It could be said that Oedipus's parents belief in the prophecy brought it to pass. Parents naturally love their children, yet when acting out of fear you create those things you are trying to avoid. Prophets, witches, and the like only have power in your life where you give it to them. A true prophet or holy man does not want control, thus he need not threaten dire consequences to create fear. Threats of Hell and punishment are to create fear which gives the person with the magic book or hat control. I believe destiny is something we decide for ourselves. I agree with your outlook on our rights, and I would add the right to be happy. Thanks for the quick response!
Fate is something we made up. It is time to drop this leech which feeds on the soul. For progress we must throw off that which is of no use. I would love to hear any differences in oppinion.
Monday afternoons have sucked for 7 years... so I hear you there. I wrote it on a Monday afternoon... it just seemed appropriate
I write poems as a hobby... I've never been published. Right on the money is an odd expression now that I look at it!
One concept has plagued my existence consistently throughout my life. It wasn't until recently that I recognized the source of this unhappiness. From a very young age I had a sense of seperation... it seemed as though I was born in the wrong age, the wrong continent, and perhaps the wrong planet. For many years I tried to go against my own nature so that I could fit in, so that I could get past being an outsider. Even though I learned to fit in, the result was not what I desired. Years of introspection led me to the following realizations.We create seperation through one concept, and that concept has created more ideologies that support that concept. That concept is inequality. There are several contributing factors that create inequality, but the one that seems to stand out in the crowd... "we are the chosen ones." If we are the chosen ones, then everyone else must not be. We are right, they are foolish. Whether it be race, religion, geographic location, finance, political views, sex, appearance, or any other affiliation. Peole justify unthinkable atrocities (genocide, murder, torture, etc) under one banner or a combination of several. We stop seeing our fellow beings as they are, and we see them as a collage of labels. Even worse is how the general public accepts these labels and decide that the way they are treated is their lot in life because life isn't fair. The priveledged have more then they could ever use while under-priveledged are left cold and hungry. People see themselves as better or worse then those around them... constantly judging and trying to get to the top of the heap. With each step up the ladder you become better then those below, yet there is still envy for those above. It is a miserable existence in my oppinion. We are all the chosen ones... we are all here. Variety is the spice of life. There is enough for everyone to have what they need without raping the planet. Peace can be accomplished through changing our mindset of consumption at all costs (or sticking our heads in the sand) to a mindset of finding harmony with every life on the planet. Change is inevitable, my hope is that we change for the better before we blow each other off the face of the planet while destroying what natural resoursces are left. We don't need a God to reign destruction upon us, we are doing a great job of that on our own. Our fellow humans are not the enemy, the enemy is ignorance. United we stand, divided we fall... it applies to all of humanity.
My poems are actually descriptions of moments or a progression of moments. You are right on the money!
Well said! I get more enjoyment out of sitting in my backyard listening to nature and being concious of my existence then almost anything else i've yet to experience. I'll post another step for your viewing pleasure before I'm done for the day. Its nice to get such a quick reply!
I'm into wisdom and understanding. Spirituality is a facet of existence, so I have sought wisdom about the topic. I'm also a student of psionics and all that psychic stuff. I'll pm once i figure out how !!! it won't take me long
The path to understanding is navigated with words, but the path to truth is navigated by our inner chime? and that chime is the way we feel. Every feeling we experience falls under one of two opposites, and those opposites are love and fear. All other feelings are extensions of either love or fear. They are opposites, like light and darkness? one is the absence of the other. Truth and untruth have the same relationship? nothing can be truth and untruth. Truth and love make sense while untruth and fear create confusion. My task is to share what I have learned, your task is to decide whether my words are truth or untruth. There are several methods which I have used to take my level of understanding to new levels. Each have benifit even when used without the others, and the benefit is multiplied each time another method is added to the mix. The order here is chronological to my personal path because I understand that the worth or importance of any information depends on the individual. The first method I used in removing illusion is to seperate what is known and what is unknown. What I realized is that I don't really know much of anything. I have extensive information to support things I had accepted as knowledge, but I realized that I could find information to support just about anything. Popular belief is commonly accepted as knowledge, yet if you look through history you see time and time again that "common knowledge" doesn't hold much weight (the world is flat, drilling holes in your skull will releave headaches, if the human body travels faster than 60 mph it will discintigrate... etc.). Based on this I cannot believe that we have it all right now. This may be unsettling especially if or when you realize that you don't know that there is a God(s) and that you don't really know what He or She or They want or expect (if anything). Unsettling as it was for me, that question jump started my path to true understanding. The chaos had come to a head... and the pendulum began to swing towards peace. Chaos enters our lives when we doubt ourselves... when we allow others dictate our reality and decide our fate. Peace enters when we trust our heart and soul... judging truth through love instead of fear. One issue I recognize in myself is that I have a tendancy to get excited and overload whoever is paying attention, so I will continue based on where the discussion goes. If you would like to hear more you can post it or give this post a thumbs up.
Epiphany for a DreamPull me out of this darknessmy eyes see not the wayno guide for my heart thru silenceanxiously I await the next stepThe path that I tow myself downis beaten almost beyond recognitionI see all to well where I have beenyet my sight fails where I standMy spirit stretches from my fleshI feel outside my own selfthe storm in my mind still ragesit tears my sanity to shredsWhere can I find shelter from myself?there is no escape from that which I posessthe world around me holds no fear for methe world inside loosens my grip as it spinsThe words and thoughts are bright before methe actions they precede are yet lostwhere is the piece I am missing here?transforming word into reality inside and out?Action is the tool for my progressFear is the restistanceProcrastination is the bain of lifeChoice is the power
This is a poem I wrote that describes a moment in my life. Enjoy!Monday AfternoonA fall breeze whispers through the treesPerfumed by flowers and rainFor a moment the worldis bathed in lightEarth and sky are bridgedby luminescent nightThunder chargesover land and searesonating with allin its wakeFeathers ruffledry leaves russlebelow my feet it quakesLife speaks to my sensesthrough walls, over fencesThe words I can feel themmy senses reveal themI dream while awake.
The search for wisdom is a life long journey for me. My intention is to continue my search through conversations had in this forum. I look forward to hearing your insights and sharing mine.