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Posts posted by SqlByte

  1. ah.. i would probobly know to explain you this on my mother language... on english i have some problems in spelling and other things ;)When you sleep, and have dreams do you know what that is ? your brain ( that unconcets part of it ) is making random things in your head...but they affect on things that you saw...So you and me and probobly noone i know can imagine something that he never seend of... Its like... can we imagine how aliens looks like ? we can try to gues... we think they could have one head, two arms... maybe you can imagine them as some kinds of robots... But if they do exist... im sure youll never imagine... ;) Human brain is very complex for today sience and can not be duplicated or cloned... but sience also know that we use very very small percent of our brain potential... that isnt even reserched.So we can only try to logocly gues when complicated things about brain are in question.

  2. I have one suggestion, to put that robots.txt on this site and ban forum for requesting hosting here on Xisto.Becouse that gave away usefull informations for hackers, so they can use them agains owner of certant domain... In that request hosting forum there is nothing usefull for web search engines... but there is for hackers and script kiddies...So tell me is that posible to do ? :P

  3. omg, dude you sceard the hell out of me when i readed the topic... O.oI thought there where REAL ads, this is just promotion of their service... its not even a promotion its like a little new feauture... i dont realy like that gtalk becouse i cant add more ppl on one talk... i thinkand for that delete and trash thingie.. yes it looks logical when it says delete... but its not realy like that.. Google dont delete all of messages that you delete... whach out :P

  4. i mean wow ! that guy is smart...im sure he is sitting home at his linux and chating on the forum about his problem :Pi think that that guy has a chance of wining that law suit... becouse of that what that woman from M$ sad: small amount of console have been sold haha :D so its defected... man i would like for that guy to win :P

  5. I m using FireFox on Windows and Linux, and i think its quite safe but there is allways that but.He started to be very popular and popular things are more exploited than that not popuarl, those who noone knows that they exist. So for me some browser that has the smalest percent of using is safest. It dont mean that FireFox or Opera are better and have less flaws then IE. Think for a second, if you know programming very good, and you are some black hat hacker, whose code would you look for bugs, IE, FF or some new browser that noone even tried...So to submit, for security of web browser ( and thats not the main caracteristic of browser ) you need something that not so many people know.

  6. for me on the intrernet ther is no such thing as a worst... like in life too...there are bad things on net, yea, but nothing that one alt+f4 cant solve...if you feel a little agressive, if your blood pressure is rising or you feel simpthomes like that find alt and F4 on your keypad and use them !no realy ! you can allways start new life on irc if you screwed up somthing... and affcourse in real life you cant change everything between you and your friends with simple "/nick" :P So for me only bad thing that could hapen on the net ( and hapens to me all the time ) is some freakin error, maybe some new worm on windows... when i cant setup something that i thinked like...

  7. hey guys... i just setup my account and site here so i can post normal...my name is Mladen, but thats not realy intresting and new to you :P and you dont care what my name is ( so do i )im usualy on computer whenever i get to... its like whole day ( except school and sleeping )and when im on computer im on the net... surfing, learning... i spend my life on the net...someone would call me geek ! i would agree with those :P the main reason that i jumed in on this forum ( and probobly stayin in ) is of free hosting for my web page.so basicly my life is all about computers... i dont need to introduct myself anymore.c ya around on the forum

  8. oke i managed to find where is my site and where is cpanel.. and i forwared my domain to that site...
    it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    and cpanel is on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    and i seteup ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com at my domain... and i can go from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    BUT my domain is not like it should be... i cant explaint that...
    simply if you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as you see i would like it to be... 'normal' and show something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? bla bla

    i have setup domain forward and name servers yesterday, so should i wait or ?

  9. i have a problem...i ordered free hosting and i get the aproval, then i go to Xisto.com/process and i create my accuont.When it asked do i have TLDomain of i wont something.trap17.com i answered that i have domain...oke no problem with that. just where to forward my domain ? where is my site ? i tryed sqlbyte.trap17.com it wont work...and i cant login in cpanel with my username and password... :) so can someone help me ?thanks in advance.

  10. :) that sux, i know belive me.i gave my password of msn to my friend to copy conntacts from it.he copyed down, and start telling people all sort of stupid things... like im that im this... and its like me tolking to them...then i pissed of and didnt wonted anything in real life to do to him so i go to his web page and... sniffed some around, found some old exploit and kinda hacxsored :D his web page :P hehenow i still know his password of gmail... so i see sometimes wasap with him ;)

  11. there are more cms then that.
    there is MKportal http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    that is quite good, i tryed him, you just install him over your fourm and plus you dont need another mySQL databes becouse it uses one of the forum.
    Mambo is good, but now its joomla becouse mambo started paying for services or something like that.
    then there is typo3 that is very complex...
    for php-nuke... no comment, use php nuke only if you wont some wargame for hackers on your site :)
    Xoops i didnt try but here you are a link to try demo of a lot of cms portals:
    or to compere cms's:

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