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Posts posted by SqlByte

  1. haha Dooga you where looking true google robots.txt :( intresting stuff to do.

    anyway, did you see there is a Disallow: /linux? too

    and i think that is becouse google dont wont someone to type microsoft and the first thing that will popup on page is going to be google.com/microsoft

    they dont wont your search to be around google sites, and i dont think that that google.com/microsoft isnt realy official... just for funn :(

    like https://www.google.com/sms/demo :D dunno whats this.

  2. i was thinking is there any banner exchange service, where that service dont participate in exchange, it just list of sites that wont to find someone who need to exchange theme.if there is not im thinking to make one.Ill just put a directorium, like dmoz.org, only in mine webmasters of site are going to put their site in category. Then someone who need banners to exchange go to my page and find category that is his site about and find then another site who wonts to exchange banners.. conntact that dude via email...what do you think about that ? is there some good site about that ?

  3. I just wroted my comment on last post about geeks, take a look, tell me em i freak ? i think i em. but not all of geeks are freaks like me, there are affcourse geeks that think and are like other people but just love and known stuff about technology.i know i shouldnt argue with System admin :blink: but i think your not right OpaQue, geeks usualy love and know techie stuff... for other fields they are called nerds or something else.btw OpaQue your quote is from Hitchickers guide... rightall geeks i know readed that book and all of them say that its the best book ever. :ph34r:i hope you liked the book too.

  4. A geek... A geek is someone who has little or no friends, probably have stupid childish problems, like asma, or needs glasses. Someone who knows alot about useless things, and joins boring after school clubs. And a geek is someone who you copy answers from.



    geek is someone who kill people like you !

    :blink: kidding :P


    i considere myself as a geek. When i come from school first thing i do is turn the computer on, becouse if my computer is off... its like the part of me is dead. Then i go to see is there something to eat, yep there is something to eat but i dont like it. I like to eat fast food, then my computer loaded fully and i sit on it ... :P im fealing some unknown power :P hehe

    I sit all day at my computer, until the morning... then i go to sleep, i usualy cant sleep a long time after i go to bed. When i woke up its 5minutes to school starting, i need to dress my self and go to school... nah i dont feal like running to school, ill walk slow, and get late affcourse and another atention point. In school first two classes i hate everyone and everything, then other classes i just hate everyone, evertything i can stand but people.... grrrr

    After second class we go to eat... yeeey FastFood, i eat and for the next 10 minuts i usualy go and smoke some weed behind the school :P

    Third class is then ok, but the reast sux becouse i get stoned as hell :ph34r:

    Then go back home and do everything again. As you see im not very social dude, i listen to all kinds of metal, people say that im wierd and freak... who gives a phuck what people sad. I dont have girlfriend becouse if i do she must be from *person* sapiens... i hate them especialy :P

    I think that i have a lot of problems in my life, im too depressed every single day ( you see why is that ) im too lazy to do anything, have the worst marks.

    I hope there are more kind of "people" like me.

    btw Geeks usualy hate windows....

    TUX rulez :)

  5. So if we can teleport people... we can clone them exactly like they are ? right ? What would then life be ? would you know if your an clon or the real you ?life would be phucked up. To teleport people you need to break people in tiny little moleculs and store them somewhere until you transport them on another place. So there are a lot of moleculs for breaking one human, i think that could be a lot of hardware space to store all those molecul structures. a lot, i readed somewhere, im not sure is that true, that if we wont to teleport, for hardware space we need soo many harddrives ( of 80gigabytes ) that if we put one on an top of other it could go up to the moon.So maybe that is the reason why is hardware such a big problem.

  6. nice, here is the link on how to fry an egg on XP :blink:
    i never tryed that one but im thinkig to do it just for funn, and pictur it.

    I was thinking of cooling in my computer in a different way. I thought when i build a house ( my mom and dad ) im going to have air conditioner in my room right, so why should i have that big fancy plastic thingie in my room, why shouldnt i put the end of the pipe of cold air in one side of computer ?! :ph34r:
    but the biggest problem is how should i use it ? how to close that pipe and all the coolers.. would there be enought place for that ?
    one day when i dont have anything to do and have an old computer im gona think of something.

  7. ou.. i recived that some time ago, and i thinked its from my other gmail account and didnt care about that. why there is no clue what is all about in that email ??? and why its spoofed mail ? i mean it looks like its send from my email ?a lot of people will going to be confused.btw i dont know why did i get that message then, i looked and i didnt have 80% of baindwidth, something triped out :blink:

  8. heh dude... its not happening only to you. there are few normal ( whateva that means ) people. I just love when something like that happens to me, i just lought in side me and i know that i win. I never talk something ugly with them, i would never tell some guy who is mentaly retarded that hi is retarded... so when im fooling around with someone im not meaning that for real, i only make jokes with my real friends.

  9. i think there arent free domans with two or three letters .. only .tk and .be
    but remember .be is only for one year ! afther that one year you have to pay to use it.
    i wouldnt use any of these...
    search around forums, in freebies stuff and you could find some intresting domains.
    here are some good ones.
    or you can allways find some forums where you need to post and be active like here for doman name

  10. Yes it could be very hard or imposibile for search engines to rank your site, but google can find text and other stuff in flash site... i dont know for the other search engines but i readed that google do.Its better to have html as the main site then add flash stuff that you like to your site... like logo, menu...If you didnt work with flash never before, then better use some existing flash template on the net for web page and then edit what you can. That way you will learn a little flash and get what you wont in easy way.

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