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Posts posted by Illustrious

  1. I have been guilty of using the passwords, "password" and "qwerty" in the past. I learned my lesson :). I found it ridiculous how my friend guessed my password after trying for like 15 minute straight. All my passwords contain alphabetical and numeric characters and sometimes I add a symbol if the website allows special characters ( !@#$()^&* ).In my opinion, the best passwords are case sensitive (this is where camel caps are actually pretty useful, when they appear as **** lol), contain both alphabetical/numeric characters, and are a random string of letters or numbers that are spontaneous (and to not use the same password for every single website/service that you sign up for).

  2. The only other way that they could possibly be able to offer free text messages for both the sender and the receiver would be for txtdrop to display adverts on their website. Maybe they receive enough money through advertisements to pay the cost of the modem that sends the messages.
    I'm not sure but this is probably the case. I would imagine that a website like txtdrop would be an extremely popular website which would mean that they amount of users they receive, users that would click on the adverts would most definitely generate a fair bit of money for the company.

    I have just had another look at the website and they do indeed have adverts so this must be the case :)

    Yepp, it is pretty unlikely since the website only gets paid for the adverts for every time a user actually clicks on the ads which probably will not generate income for the texts. My only other thought is that the server emails the phone numbers email. For example, most free text services ask for the recipient's phone carrier. After giving the necessary information, the server sends the text to (for example, Verizon) (856) 458 - 4545 (this is a fake number). The server will send a text to 8564584545@myvzw.com. I really do not know. It is just a possibility that I came up with.

  3. I think that GMail is probably the best email host there is at the moment. The features that GMail offers are godly and they are completely free. You get 7.5 GB of space at your will so you can archive all of your emails and never have to delete an email. They also have themes, Google Labs (plugins that you can implement into your GMail account), access to Google Docs, Google Talk, and Google Tasklist. GMail is pretty much an all-in-one thing. I really like it because it feels really homelike with all of the features such as Calendar, Themes, etc. which make everything accessible in one place. I use POP to link all of my other email accounts to GMail to access them all in one place as well. Also, I like it better than other email providers because they have a really good SPAM protection unlike Yahoo! or AOL! where I get around 20 SPAM messages a day without even giving my email away. GMail does display ads in your account but they are removable in the settings. If you know a lot of people who use GMail, then you might find a use for Google Buzz which is a lot like a facebook wall between your friends where you post your life updates and whatnot. GMail also includes new updates and features every few months which is pretty awesome considering they already have is already enough.

  4. It is probably recommended to learn HTML -if you are planning to be a webmaster since HTML is like the base of the website. I am a webmaster of my website but I have yet to find the time to begin learning HTML so I just use a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver for my website. I search Google for a Dreamweaver template and edit it in Dreamweaver. Learning HTML in 1-2 hours is ridiculous since learning HTML pretty much consists of remembering tags and the most efficient way to do that is to do it yourself. I doubt that learning HTML in a few hours is not possible.

  5. It is possible to make money online. If you write a blog with content on it, you will put ads on your site that generate your money. If you join a social network that pays you, you will get paid for most actions you do and how many people view your pages. In my opinion, I really hate get-paid-to social networks because they usually take forever to reach cashout. The only one that I would recommend is SideTick which allows you to make $15 a month with only 5 minutes a day. There are also affiliate sites where you can advertise people's/company's products and you get a certain percentage of whatever you sell. Usually, affiliate sites run through clickbank which can be very profitable if you know how to market products. I have had good experiences with get-paid-to sites and I have been paid for a lot of them. There are many different ways that you can make money as well. The most popular would probably be get-paid-to do surveys but there are some (that I prefer more) that give you money for simple things like searching on a search bar. Microworkers pays you to do little things like subscribe to a youtube channel, liking things on facebook, etc. Beware that some sites can be scams and not pay you.

  6. Fate reminds me a lot about the book, Oedipus Rex. In this book, the concept of fate was used a lot throughout the book. There was a prophet who told Oedipus's parents that Oedipus was going to kill his own father and marry his own mother shortly after he was born. Well, the parents tried to avoid the fate and gave their son to a Shepard to be put to death. The Shepard never killed the baby but raised him. Oedipus later, without realizing that it was his father, he killed him. He also married his mother. He was completely oblivious about these two things. His attempt to avoid his fate actually led him closer to it.


    I believe it is impossible to know if fate is real or not. In my opinion, if there were prophets in the world today, your fate would probably change if you chose to see a prophet or not. If you avoid seeing a prophet, you will not have anything to avoid.


    I do not really believe in the concept of having a predefined destiny. I believe we have the right to make our own choices and live our life the way we want to.

  7. Send an email to paypal from some alternate email ID and ask if VCC/Virtual Bank is allowed on paypal. I have many people telling me that VCC is illegal because VCC uses theft credit card numbers. Same goes with HYIP and PTC monitors and sites. These sites no matter how many logos and fake testimonials posted will likely to get your account in limit if paypal finds out. Want to try it out ? get VCC from any trusted resource of your choice and then notify paypal or let them find out the stuff of VCC in your account.

    I am not sure if paypal does allow this or not but I am pretty sure that the VCC's are not theft credit card numbers because after you purchase them, you have the choice to add details to the card (address, phone number, etc.) like when you buy a prepaid visa/mastercard from the store.

  8. There are also other ways to make money online. For instance, there are GPT(get paid to) sites. Basically, a GPT site is a site where you do certain tasks and in return, you get some money. Not a lot of money mind you, but it adds up. Most GPT sites will have you fill out surveys. You use your real information except your email, for which you will use temporary emails.

    There is a site called Microworkers that pays you for simple tasks like "liking" something on facebook, writing a short review for something, etc. I thought it was pretty easy money. The only thing that I did not like about Microworkers was the fact that you have to verify your address before they send your any payments via check OR a microprocessor.

  9. I cannot play FarmVille. The game is too redundant and it's ridiculous. I have played for for about a week spending around 10 minutes a day (planting, cropping, etc.) and then I quit. I have like 23234652452624 requests for me to be a neighbor from all of my friends and I never even bothered to click ignore on all of the requests. I also hate how apps spam your wall (both including yourself and your friends). I go down checking to see what my friends are up to and I see, FarmVille, MafiaWars, tons of other Zynga games, etc.

  10. Can you explain which site that you are referring to ? I came across such sites plenty of times. The thing is that they appear to be legitimate by showing us legal mumbo jumbo but point is why they are not showing us good sites to begin with ? I wish they can be more transparent about their service. There is no legal way to open bank account from another country to US without doing 100 of documents signing and identity checking.

    I'm not exactly referring to a single site. Here are some websites demonstrating what I referring to: paypalvcc.com, shopvcc.com, or vccbank.com. By the way, I believe it is possible to create a virtual bank account to verify your paypal account. It has happened before with Netspend (Meta Bank) where you could create a bank account in like 5 minutes and verify your paypal account. However, this technique does not work anymore since Paypal banned MetaBank from paypal verification.

  11. I play games to pass time but I ALWAYS tend to believe that I should be doing something more productive and that I am wasting my time. I can never play a game without becoming addicted to them so I quit playing games altogether. Occasionally here and there, you will find me coming back to some games, but I will probably quit them a week or two later.The fact that games (especially MMO's where you start with nothing and grow) allow your character to grow gets me hooked. I agree with Herbert about why video games are more exciting and fun than real life. I am starting to become thankful that games are starting to bore me and I cannot play them for long periods of times that I used to play video games for. For the time I spend on video games, I will spend researching different things, practicing some hobbies, etc. I find all of these activities more productive than video games.

  12. In my opinion, this is because hearts usually contain a connotation resembling love, warmth, etc. so people will refer feelings to the heart. Also, when people claim that they are heartbroken, they feel a pain on their chest somewhere near their heart. Nowadays, if you say, "My mind is feeling... (this or that)", it will not sound right. I am pretty sure that most people are capable of correcting themselves but the word, heart, is more preferable over the word, mind, when deciding on which object to relate feelings to.

  13. I think affiliate marketing can be very profiting. When I tried affiliate marketing, I was able to sell around 3 products daily ($15 dollar profit) with ClickBank but that kind of died out after a period of time. I thought it was pretty easy to make that much money though.I find get-paid-to-write sites are a bit hard to earn a profit from. The amount of money you earn per article is very minimal unless you have good promotion techniques to generate views. I find the amount of time and effort to just earn ten dollars is just ridiculous. What I do for these sites is just modify some essays I have done for school and submit them to Triond.

  14. The game works fine in the browser. The only problem is that it tends to lag a bit more in the browser than if say you were playing the game from an executable. I can' t say that I am a big fan of the game but it beats other browser games by a lot. :)

  15. Word of caution. Never ever join any PTC or HYIP that claims to be from Paypal approved because officially paypal don't like these two moneymakers system as they contain spam. Alertpay and liberty reserve don't care for your money so they don't have any issue about the HYIP and PTC. Avoid using your paypal email for PTC or HYIP money earning and transfer.

    I am pretty sure that paypal is fine with PTC sites. I have used PTC sites and paypal for a while. I do understand that paypal does not do HYIP but I have never had a problem with paypal and PTC. Also, it is almost impossible to make money with HYIP and paypal accounts because of the paypal fees and the risk of your paypal account being limited again.

  16. Because i don´t live in US i can´t test this service , but i´m pretty sure they don´t charge nothing , from receiver or sender.

    I am pretty sure that they charge the receiver standard charges if they do not have unlimited texting. I also want to know how sending texts is free as well. On my textfree app, I send tons of text messages daily and the only thing that I see that has a possibility of generation of money for the service is a little ad but I don't see how that alone is enough to provide the free service.

  17. You can use GIMP but if you are looking for an even smaller photo editer, then you can use GIMP portable. I find it easy to use and GIMP portable is almost the same exact thing as the original. The size is just smaller and can fit on your flashdrive on the go.

  18. I like PTC sites (referring to the ones with the godly referral systems + instant payment via Paypal or Alertpay). There are also some good ones popping out to increase my earnings. Anyways, I would like to suggest HYIP. It is pretty risky but if you invest in the dedicated and old HYIP sites, you can make a hefty profit. For example, if you invest $100 in a standard HYIP, you can get 140% profit back in two months. The rates are different for each HYIP but the HYIP programs that offer high rates are usually scams or will turn into scams later. I have made profit with programs with 200% in 7 days but they have a very high risk and I would only invest a dollar in these programs to test it out. If you invest more, they will probably eat it.The thing about these sites are that most of them use the Liberty Reserve payment processor which is not very popular when comparing it to Paypal and Alertpay. What I do when I reach $100 in my Liberty Reserve account is purchase a virtual prepaid visa/mastercard card and attach it to my Paypal account so I can use the funds.

  19. In my experience, these sites are a waste of time. You have to spend an an hour minimum just to earn a few dollars a month and half the time, most of these sites do not even pay. Also, the rates per email are a lot lower than three-fourths of a cent. When I was first introduced to get-paid-to sites, I tried many of these get paid to read email sites and the they only sent around 10-15 emails a day with each email crediting your account with 1/10 - 3/10 of a penny. In my opinion, these sites spam your emails, waste your time, and have little pay rates. Instead of making a few pennies a day with a website like this, you could sign up on a survey site. I personally hate surveys and all of my earnings come from referrals but one free email submit survey will probably earn you more money than you will with the get-paid-to-read email websites. Even if the rates were as good as mentioned in the topic (3/4 penny per email with 50 emails a day), I still would not spend time on the websites). Let's say that you are clicking these emails everyday for the entire year. You would make around $100 a year but you would be spending around 15 days straight worth of clicking (saying that it would take around an hour to click all of those emails daily). I make around $3 a day with one of my PTC sites that I use and I go on there for 10 minutes a day. If you compare the time that I spend on that site to the time that you have to spend on this site, there is a huge gap. Compare $90/month (5 hours total on the website) versus $9/month (30 hours total on the website).


    Also, if you look at some of the newer PTC websites like SideTick, you can earn a dollar for each referral that you refer. So if you spend around an hour referring 5 people daily, then you can make around $5 (+$.50 for the dailies) a day. Basically, you can make $165 a month with the same amount of time you make $9 with a get-paid-to-read emails program. It's amazing! You can make 20 times more in the same amount of time. These sites are going to fall apart soon as people are starting to move on to different sites.

  20. As I know Kontera makes your money disappear if you didn't get the needed sum to get a transfer for 6 months and moreover, it doesn't show your past clicks, only in the interval of 6 months, where on lets say google adsense you can take a look the clicks and other information from the first day you registered. :)
    That's why I don't really like Kontera.

    Well I guess it can be a good or bad thing for your website depending on how much traffic you get. If you can reach the minimum payout, then before the 6 months then that is pretty awesome. As for Infolinks, I am not really sure if they take back your earnings after a certain amount of time but I do know that the rates for Infolinks is way better than the rates for Kontera making it a lot easier to earn money.

  21. One of the hardest bosses ever in any game that I have ever played was a boss in an old game (wasn't very popular) that I played called Hoedown Brawl. I believe it was one of the last levels. This boss was really over powered and you was not able to touch him because he dealt damage to you. The only way to beat him is was to take out his armor by hitting him with ranged attacks and then take him out but it was hard because he moved really fast to it was hard to hit him and you had to keep jumping to dodge his attacks. He was overpowered and it took a mere 2 hits on me to make me die (i guess it was because I was a low level but still...). HE also had a ridiculous amount of health. I dont recall ever beating that boss.Another one of the hardest bosses that I ever faced was Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors on Hard Mode. If you have ever tried beating him with any character with a level 1 weapon, you will know how insanely hard it is to beat him. In that level that he is in, you can avoid him but it is pretty difficult since he spawns in front of you with the fastest horse in the game. It is like a game of tag except for once Lu Bu tags you, you are a goner. I remember having so much fun with my friends on multiplayer mode teaming up on Lu Bu countless times. We got pwned :)

  22. At the moment, my favorite game is Minecraft. I play in a public server with my friends. I would not say that it is a massively multiplayer online game because you can only play online in different servers but it is still an online game. :P You have a choice to play on single player or multiplayer. Anyway, I like to build things with the server community. It is pretty fun and it encourages teamwork and trust (trust people not to grief your buildings).I also play Combat Arms by Nexon sometimes when I get bored. I cannot play for periods of more than an hour because I get bored easily with that game. I admit that it gets me entertained for the first few minutes but then as I constantly get murdered by OPK hackers, I get frustrated and quit the game.I used to play Maplestory for a long time ( about 4 years ) but then I quit because it became unbelievably ridiculous after the updates that pretty much killed the game. I can still go back but I will probably quit the game after around 2 weeks. The sad thing about this game is that the game thrived when there were a lot of hackers because people would stop grinding and start hanging out in major towns and just chat and have fun. Nowadays, people are spread out everywhere across the world and if you find a group of people to to talk to, they are probably spamming to sell items, spamming for free money, or trying to get into a party quest. Also, the game is now cash shop based so whoever invests real money in the game will have an advantage over other players. This wasn't a problem until Nexon implemented pay-to-get items that are not cosmetics.

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