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Posts posted by iwuvcookies

  1. You only allow as much bullying as you can from your "enemies" or spammers as you can allow them. Yeah I've seen that show where "cyber police" catch online predators. They chat up a storm with these predators and meet them up at some house and then arrest them. It was on tv before. I think nightline or something with Peter Jennings. There was a pastor that got caught, and some other people. When asked why they were there. The people responded that they were here to drop off something for someone. lol.BUSTED anyways. Its just that you can really limit yourself to all this crap online. Dont' put your personal information online and all that stuff. Than why are little kids on myspace and stuff. They should be blocked because how stupid can you be to meet a stranger online. its just stupid.

  2. I started on the web I think off of Geocities.com or was it tripod. Oh wait yeah its Geocities. They provided the easy drag and drop and insert objects html editor thingy. It was easy to work and that's what i used. Then i discovered javascripts that i could put in. Later on i found ou that javascripts slowed down the page relatively if there were lots of javascripts on the page. I scouraged around for some free host. My layouts weren't very nice looking. But tehy were more advanced than just drag and drop. I think i used something called Adobe Photo Maker or soemthing. It wasn't Adobe Photshop or paintshop pro or anything. But there was the layer capability in it. It helped alot. As i blended in pictures. I updated my website to side bars that came out when you put your mouse on it. I think it was Dhtml or whatever. I used iframes for content boxes. lol. I thought it was the coolest thing pressing a link and popping it inside a page. it was like tv or somethign. lol. Some of the original content I made up I still ahve today on my website. Which has divs and the image positioned at the far left top corner. Its more html/css oriented and no drag and drop stuff. Lol. Woudln't that be handy. my site is basically personal one with a blog. I started from a good forum posting host Aboho and than now i'm at Xisto. I was skeptical back then because those forum posting host sometimes go down. But Trap has stayed on for "ages". Its realiable.

  3. The word cynical is probably a big word to lots of people. I don't think its big to me. I mean it doesn't fall in the ranks of the words: confusion, immediate, or whatever. You know those words are sort of "long" and have more than one syllable. They're sort of complex if you think about it on an elementary mindset. lol.

  4. You nkow in a song you listen to it a few times and you get the lyrics stuck in your head sometimes. That's how i learn the lyrics to songs anyways. I start singing those parts where i know like especially the end of the lines that has rhyming scheme to it. Those are always the easiest to remember. Then besides that the music is overplayed or whatever and I pick up words. I look up lyrics and try to sing a few times. I get the hang of the words. I think a book would be like that too. If you had maybe someone read the book to you a few times and or you read it yourself. Possibly you would have to interested in reading it in the first place. With songs the thing is entertaining and books somtimes its not. Well that's like school books not leisure reading boooks. yeah

  5. I feel so deprived. I have never had the oppurtunity to go play paintball. I bet it would be fun. Shooting at each other and moving about as if your in a battle field. Sneaking up others while they're busy shooting someone else. Yeah i can imagine it. haha. And then you do the combat spins whle running and stuff. haha.

  6. Hands down it would the access to the internet. WIthout the interent I don't think I could meet some people and stay in touch with friends and what not. I think we would have to depend on the old fashion friend networking thing. Meeting people at clubs, parties, etc. I'm not that socialable well I once wasn't so I don't think i would've had lots of friends or be able to keep ones i already have. The internet also has made me smarter in ways or more wiser. You can learn lots from the internet. Of course things like not talking to old looking perverts or whatever that want to e-undress you is bad, but things ike html, people problems presented on forums, etc. I just love the internet as a whole. Maybe not all aspects of it but yeah.

  7. I think lots of people are gonna hog up the internet and make it super slow but this is really a good idea. I don't think Bill gates has even thought of this. He should do it. He has billions of dollars from Microsoft and he gives some to charities so this could be one charity thing too. Maybe restrict access to only students or a family with students. And access only through an account set up for free.

  8. I live in the United States of America and its pretty mediocre sometimes but I would prefer it over some countries.I give it 8/10. Of course we don't have a perfection nation and I don't think anyone does. They all have flaws and things that are right to the people. In terms of freedom I love America for that. We have laws that we have to abide to and sometimes they're a pain in the neck but its all to keep us safe and what not. Politics gets nasty and pretty low, presidents making wrong decisions, everything is capitalized, and all that make up America. Its not that bad in terms of chaos that other countries face.

  9. That sounds really cool. I don't have many people I know that uses gtalk. I think people don't care much for gtalk. Even when myspace im came out people didn't really cared about it much. Only internet savvy people who are into the internet and stuff care enough to try it out.Anyways yeah. I'll try it out and then delete it. Or maybe if i like it i'll keep it. you never know.

  10. I feel the same way. I sort of don't want to grow up already. I don't even look the part as a 19 year old. When others look grown up and stuff. I feel so young. lol It should be a good thing but others do sometimes treat you different. I even act different like i'm all kiddish and stuff. My college that i'm going to has like grown up looking 19 year old people. I feel like i'm not gonna fit in. but don't despair. i'm gonna take it head on.I hope my room mate is young looking too hehe. He's proabbly gonna teach me like a kid.

  11. I hit up the mall yesterday. I went into Pac Sun, Aeropostale, and some other stores. In one of the department stores, Sears, i was looking at a rack of clothes while talking on my cell phone to a friend. I sorted through the hangers of print tees and i started to look around. I was looking for where the check out counter is so i can go there. Then like some white **bottom** guy walks like in my direction with his cell phone and says "the coast is clear" or something like that. He must of thought I was looking around if someone was there so I may run off with the clothes and the rack was like 20 ft from the door anyways. i went to go pay for it and I just thought how annoying that was to be treated like I'm going to steal something. I'm never going there. Stupid tardys.

  12. I think you should just kick the guy to the curb. When you say kid it makes it sound like he's immature for his age or not mature enough yet to be handling a relationship. What I would do is sum up the courage and just get it over with. He apperently doesn't know the rules of dating. You don't flick off your best friends ALL the time when yall go out with other people.

  13. Only until my senior of high school have really begun to actually not be shy about everything. I use to be shy about these girls touching my booty lol. Sometimes silly as that my face would get pink or red and flush with embarassment. But I've grown to accept my booty loll and its really nice to know people appreciate it. Just basically conversing with girls and stuff makes me build up my self esteem. its really not bad. YOu just say Hi and that's it. If you feel like it just talk alittle more. Usually you can feel if the conversation is going no where. As that's applies to me. I just started to feel better about myself that I am a person that is worthy of someone liking me. I think it also depends on how you look and the way you carry yourself. I know it maybe be not reall ymasculine and kiddish but I'm the cuddly kind of guy. Every girl i see i give them a hug. lol. Its nice. I just think looks and personality do with much of how you approach others. Of course that deals with self esteem and all that. All i'm just saying is I think real working on youserlf to be happy and then you should work on others and break down that shyness.

  14. For the non fans or like just regular people who listen to a mix of music like me I tend to like Green Day but that's just me. I don't nkow much about their music. I like some of their songs and don't claim to be a fan or fanatic in any way.

  15. Congrats on your switch too! On my laptop it has Netscape. I sort of like it as in the added features that it has long since came up since the first browsers that came out. The old ones were like ancient. haha. But the new looks is nice or well mediocre. The functionality great. It is slow to load for me too. I didn't want to download firefox because i dn't like it that much. I don't want to tweak and stuff. Loll I'm such a lazy bum. I still use IE like browsers like MyIE2 which is really Maxthon.

  16. I wouldn't say I'm a really great big fan of Harry potter but I like it. I love watching the movies and reading the books. I've finished reading the books that have already come out. I can' tbe bothered to read them again as I've seen the movies and its just iono. Weird. I can't tell if its the movie is in my head or the book story i'm reading. So yeah. But I love the whole concept and story and friendship.

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