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Ok, this is rather hard for me to explain, but I'm looking for a CMS that has some pretty specific features I'd like to find, whether it's through modifications or not i don't care...-Needs to have some type of article system that lets you post news-Some type of... like database that lets you enter a report of like a group or something, like post an avatar the name, info, etc... (FYI this is for a MMORPG site and i want to make a database of NPC groups)-Blogs of some type...-Forums, but this is last on my list, if it has all but this i'd be fine-User registration system-Template/theming systemThink that's all, I'll update if I can...Thanks in advanced and sorry for this sorry excuse for a post.
Government Tells Google To Hand Over Records.
GameUltra posted a topic in Websites and Web Designing
I turned on the news this morning, and heard about the United States Government wants Google to turn over it's search records. I'm sure you all know, but in case you've been living in a cave for quite some time Google is an internet giant with a number of various internet services offered, the service in question its massive web-search database that gets millions if not billions of searches a day making it the largest AND most profitable search engine ever. The government went to Google and asked them to give them their database records of all searches made on Google, whenever you go onto Google your computer leaves its 'signature' in its databse along with your searches you made. In this way the government hopes to track down people using Google to locate pornography and/or terrorist related information. The government wants a judge to force Google to give over the records as Google obviously denied to release them, and if that fails they may pass a law giving themselves the right to take them.Now I say GO GOOGLE, you ROCK and don't let the government force you to hand over your database, it's yours and we're behind you fully, this CAN be fought. In the meantime I'm going to see what I can do to support Google's rights and their privacy policy.So in all honesty - FIGHT THE POWER! (yeah kinda lame but true) -
This is just... Sad, that someone would devote their time fully to a game, a fictional world, this seems to me the kind of person who was trying to escape the real world, he is probably the kind of person you read about who attempts to totally isolate themselves from the real world by playing in a new world with other people, where much of the real world, and real issues and problems are left behind for new ones that are much easier to fix... I play a game called City of Villains and City of Heroes quite a bit, and a good number of my posts are about it, yet I don't think I'd ever go without eating, or drinking, or doing enything for myself for more than 3 hours a day, this is because I don't see any reasons I'd need to escape from reality.
Hmm, I wouldn't really say any of those are my favorites, I'd go with CoH/CoV (City of Heroes/City of Villains), but from your list, I'm going to go with WoW. I really am not sure why I even really prefer it, but I think it's be my favorite out of all of the ones on the list. But I've never Plated Gunz Online or Maplestory.
Meh, I really don't think "Intel Leap Ahead" or the new logo is exactly an improvement, I definately liked "Intel Inside" more, and thought it was slightly catchy, while "Instel Leap Ahead" sounds like more promotional stupid corporate bull-crap that is really boring... As for the logo... It looks kinda more hi-tech, but I think the old one was pretty nice, but I guess the new one really could be an improvement in the more technological world than when intel was first formed (well guess it wasn't TOO long ago...) But I don't really care anyways, they can do whatever they want, I just won't pay attention to anything...
I think... The problem presented here is is it or is it not suicide, or possibly even homicide to perform or ask for euthanasia... I personally don't see it as either, and definately not suicide because for it to be suicide it would need to be the patient actually killing themselves. However there could be major problems in allowing people to ask for euthanasia, it would probably need to go through the court, and you'd need to request it before a judge to ensure that foul play could not have been invovled in eutanasia. But then there's the other issue, once the poison have entered the person's blood it may be too late to save them, and they may come to entire reality with what happened, they would begin to realize exactly what they will never experience again and that is life. However if they are truelly suffering they may not be able to live life. I'm in favor of legalizing eutanisia in the manor I described above.*Yeah, I'm not reallly sure how to exactly explain what I'm trying to convey to you with the whole "after the poison has entered the persons blood..." thing...
The Legacy Of A 75 Year Old Problem.
GameUltra replied to nakulgupta's topic in Science and Technology
Even so if he copied it from another site you still posted it as you own without using quotes, so you will still not recieve credits for it when you go to apply for hosting. -
I think there's a mod that does this, but this is much more simple, or at least I'm going to guess because I haven't actually ever installed the mod, but it's right here
Hmm, you consider it MORE proffesional because it has you edit the config file? I, and many other people also do, or at least prefer this, and this is why almost every other poplular board uses this method. Ajax really isn't something needed on every page, and can really be easily over-used, I like the way they didn't use too much. I'm not sure what other features vBB has besides the language thing, but IPB offers language translations also, although some of the less frequently seen languages are harder to come by, but you can easily make you own (it is do-able via admin panel, and you can even export it, or you can find one on one of the sites for mods, skins, and language files like invisionize.com. I agree that they are both some of the best forums, but I also think phpBB deserves a spot up there, while it has fallen back a little it is still one of the easier and is MUCH better documented than ANY other forum, and also you can find any feature the other forums have plus more for it via modifications, and you can even get a mod that will block all of those stupid exploits (even ones that have not yet been found, because it uses a .htaccess to lock the Admin panel and other important features that could be exploited with a passowrd.) that have been happening lately. I myself however use
(Note the bellow may discourage you from running an online game, if this is something you'd like to do given the bellow statistics it still is possible without spending anything, I will explain later when I have time) Bar line is that you A.) Must pay (these are usually in comercial projects and not open source or private projects though) B.) Must set up a private server system, kind of like Halo (well you just ruled out MMORPG's, and possibly some of the game security) C.) Package spyware or adware with the game to cover the costs. D.) Rely on donations, and advertisements often seen on websites and your own income. (you will need a low-grade server, and probably at best a DSL connection and probably have patchy consistancy of the game servers being up and down because of the ability and innability to pay.) Let's look at the ecenomics behind running an online game server... First off, you will need a server, a decent one... Let's look into buying a pre-fabricated machine from Dell... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Already this could cost us anywhere from $449 to $1,349, now assuming this is a relatively low budget project, and we'll go with the cheaper one, so now we're $449 in the red before we have even launched the game. Ok, now we need to look into finding a ISP that will give us a decent amount of speed, but also allow us to run a server off them, here is what I found from numerous searching, digging, and 'Googling': Alltel, BellSouth, Cavalier Telephone, Covad, DSL Extreme, Earthlink, RoadRunner (Tampa Bay), SBC Yahoo, Speakeasy, Sprint, Time Warner Broadband, Visi Now, I'm going to narrow it down to SBC Yahoo, Srpint, and Time Warner Broadband. But I'm going to talk to you about SBC Yahoo because I have that (not to run a server though) First we will need a small buissiness plan, we will also need a static IP adress to run a server. Here is the best plan priced at $94.99 Downstream Speed: 1.5 Mbps to 6.0 Mbps Upstream Speed: 384 Kbps to 608 kbps IP Address: 5 Static IPs Then we need a website, and to take the load off the server running the game, and keep from buying another server we will find ourselves a paid host. We will look at Xisto - Web Hosting... We're going to say that the game's site will be pretty active and contain a decent amount of images and of course a game download, so we will go with Plan E from the basic set of plans, this plan offers a good amount of space and bandwith for a very affordable price, it costs $29.95 a year, for 250 MB of space, and 5 MB of monthly bandwith. 449+(95*12)+30= $1619 So now in our first year we will be paying 1,619 to run a game server and website, however that's before we hire people to maintain the servers if we can't always do that ourselves, we may also need to rent out space to store them. I'm running out of time to write this, so I'm gonna let you know that you'll need to look into some career outlook manuals (search on google) and look into the salary of network technicians and related jobs, then multiply that by 2-3 assuming you will have that many employees, then look into the prices of renting out office space for a year, and add those two numbers to our first, then you might need to consider things like employee benefits, and taxes. Then divide that by roughly how many people you think will be playing the game... maybe... 1,500 or so, and then divide by 12, and we have how much will be needed from each player on a monthly bases to fund this game, post some of your results so others can see...
I haven't tried it, but it looks really fantastic, I'm going to say for your site it's self and keeping visitors it's the best, but in function I have no clue really...
Here is what I think becomes the most useful in placing on your forums when it coems to mods for functionality and helping memebers and management. D21-Subforum Indicators 1.0 [sNEAK] Tell a Friend Latest News Improvements Anonymous Without Logging Out Mark New PMs In Red Viewing Forums ~GALAXY~ Closed Thread Mod 1.0 M&M_Attachement Visibilty_v1.2 beta M&M_Signature Visibility Per Group D21-Mod Options In Fast Reply 1.0 Close poll but let replies continue D21-Ajax Fast Reply 1.0 ~GALAXY~ Minimum Post Length V1.0 L21 - Staff Notes in Topics D21-Topic Notes 1.0 Similar Topics 1.0.1 Reason for Editing Multiple Choice & Public Polls D21-Viewing (Member) Profile 1.0 Let me know what you think of these mods, or any others you'd reccomend, or if you want to know why I picked a mod, or what it does. you can find all of those mods on our friend Invisionize.
I've never seen VB's ACP, but I know I never really liked the user-side of it, one of my favorite things about IPB is just what to me is the simplistic look of the user-side that I love, and the way moderation and administration options casually blend in and are so easy to use, I don't really think VB has that, altough there still are alot of other forums it beats. Plus it has endless hoards of modifications that can pretty much provide any feature it doesn't have that you might want. But if you go Opensource PhpBB kicks ... there's been a good deal of bugs with it in the past, but lately it's been dramatically improving, when was the last exploit? Oh, December 30th, but it was minor, and only worked in IE. But anyways back to IPB. I love IPB 2.1.0 lol
Here is a taste of some of what I'm going to put on my site. Here are some of the badges in the game: Breakout : Jailbird - On the third floor in cell number 15 (use the staircase near H.T. to get to the third floor) Mercy Island: Cesspool - On the middle of a concrete devider wall between two pools of sludge. Chum - On a small island just south of Kalinda and Fort Darwin Snake Charmer - South of the Cesspool badge in a large crater-like hole where you go to do one of the first missions of the game. The Next Big Thing - Aproximently 105 yds. North of Arbiter Richard Widowed - In front of the door to Ghost Widow's tower, south of the Chum badge. Those are the first six exploration badges, and all of the badges for Mercy Island. Here are some of the Supergroup badges: Analyzer Base Defense - Take 20,000,000 points of damage between any one of the SG members Improved Igniter - Earn 100,000,000 Infamy Repulsor Base Defense - Pay off 1,000,000 debt between any one of the SG members SG Mission Computer - Lackey other for a total of ten hours between any one of the SG members Mega Monitor Plans - Collect 5 SG Badges Mercy Island Beacon - Collect all of the Mercy Island Exploration badges while in SG mode
I'm currently in the process of programming the basic engine for an Isometric Massively Multiplayer Online Game. Here's the basic idea behind the game: You build your own country including it industry and army. There is a massive amount of land available to build your original nation on (meaning you can expand your nation by colonizing, buying, or taking land) You can setup roads, cities, build rivers, canals, lakes, castles, forts, forests, farms, etc... Everything you build or buy will cost money Players can trade for money or give money to other players. Money is reffered to as gold You can make money from industries, laws, and taxes you setup, or you can attack someone else and steal money from them. Your original land cannot be taken unless you accept an offer for a Territorial War and only have your original land left (the game will warn you that doing so can result in a 'National Destruction' or in otherwords you loose the majority of all of your assets and are brought almost to the beggining of the game) In order to survive you must maintain a powerful army, industry, government, and city/state system. Everything is roughly midevil based... You download the game and install it You click the launch icon and the updater opens up, it displays news related to the game and if there is a patch to the game available it will download and apply. When the game finishes loading you will be able to login or create an account. You will then choose from one of the servers that are available (at launch there will only be two) After choosing your server you choose your nation (you may have up to 15 Nations per server) You then choose your nation's name and average skin color (this is what the majority of your population's skin color will be) You then are brought to an overview of the world, you get to see all of the land, and can click to get a list of all of the available starter plots, this will tell you the price, number of rivers, number of mountains, climate, continent, size (for the most part almost all starter plots are the same size), number of neighboring nations, Landlocked/# of Bordering Nations/Island, number of lakes, cost, etc... Everyone will start with 50 Million gold, and will spend almost all of this buying their original plot (I'd say they'll be left at best with 300K gold) They will then get to place their first city (it will be a bunch of tents with a wooden fence around it and a slightly larger tent with a guard in front of it as the main governmental building where the politicians live/work.